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MyLO Rubric Generator

View May 2021 Changes

Rubric Details

Rubric type:
Rubric state:
Calculate by:
Decimal points:

Import Content

Paste from Word

Copy a formatted rubric table from Word or Excel and paste it in this box, and we'll try and extract the criteria descriptions and points and pop them in the boxes below. Template (Word docx)


Import a Zip File

Import the data from a Zip file created by this page or through MyLO's Export Components tool.

Please note the import will adjust to the Calculate by Weight/Points setting below.

Criteria Description Auto populate Criteria
Weight %
Description Swap with Criteria Points
HD (80-100%)
DN (70-79%)
CR (60-69%)
PP (50-59%)
NN (0-49%)
Overall Weight %
< HD
< DN
< CR
< PP
< NN

Make sure that you've checked your score details are correct before saving.

After downloading the MyLO Component, you can then import it into a MyLO unit by selecting the cog in the top-right corner, and choosing Import/Export/Copy Components. Then select Import Components and from a unit package.

Import Export Copy ComponentsImport Components from a unit package

This tool was created and is maintained by the MyLO MATE team, Kevin Lyall and Connor Deckers, with valuable input from members of the Building Elearning Community of Practice. Feedback welcome, please Email