Key to Tasmanian Dicots

Argyrotegium collinum (Asteraceae) 2:319


Argyrotegium collinum (=Gnaphalium collinum; Euchiton collinus) is a widespread and common native species ranging from sea level to the alpine zone. It is ranges from a few cm tall in the alpine zone to 20-30 cm tall. It usually has erect stems, but in the alpine zone can have leaves clustered at the base (almost in a rosette). The flowering stems always have a few small leaves, and have groups of flower heads at the ends. The leaves are flat, usually quite thick, green above (occasionally with a few white hairs) and woolly below. The heads are in groups surrounded by a one or two (sometimes 3) small leaves. It is often confused with E. involucratus, which has larger and more floral leaves around the cluster of heads, and leaves which are thinner and often wrinkled along the edges.


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