Key to Tasmanian Dicots
Podocarpus lawrencii ( Podocarpaceae) 1:3    

Podocarpus lawrencii (Plum Pine) is a native shrub that grows in many relatively well watered parts of Tasmania (and also extends to south-eastern Australian. It is fire sensitive and only grows in relatively fire-free areas. It is slow growing and may live for many hundreds of years. It mostly grows in alpine and subalpine areas, but occasionally extends to low altitudes along rivers. It is most commonly seen sprawling across boulder fields.

The adult leaves are flattened, single veined and spirally arranged around the stem (although often twisted so that they all lie in one plane). The leaves are 6-12 mm long. The female cones comprise one seed sitting on an enlarged, bright red, fleshy base.

It cannot be confused with any other Tasmanian conifer, and the pine-smell of the crushed leaves will distinguish it from any flowering plant.


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