Key to Tasmanian Dicots
Gaultheria (includes Pernettya; Ericaceae) 2:416


G. hispida

G. hispida (fruit)

Tasmania has four native species of Gaultheria. These are all shrubby species, in which the calyx becomes succulent at the fruiting stage. Gaultheria hispida (Snowberry) is an upright shrub that is widespread in subalpine woodlands and on wet forest margins. Its leaves are 4-8 cm long. Gaultheria depressa is a prostrate alpine shrub with nearly circular leaves 0.5-1 cm long. Gaultheria  lanceolata and G. tasmanica are described as species of Pernettya in the Student's Flora. The latter species has narrow leaves less than 1cm long, and the former has leaves 1-2 cm long (and may be a hybrid between G. hispida and G. tasmanica).

G. tasmanica (fruit)

The species
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