Key to Tasmanian Dicots

Lophopyrum (= Elymus elongatus; Poaceae) 4b:295  
Lophopyrum ponticum (tall wheatgrass) is an uncommon introduced species. It is found in more-or-less disturbed, saline coastal areas (e.g. the saltmarshes at Lauderdale). It has clusters of sturdy, erect stems up to about 1m tall. The inflorescence is a spike of spikelets. The spikelets are quite large (~1-1.5cm long), and pressed against a zig-zag stem. The spikelets have hard, blunt pointed glumes. It is more robust than the related species Elymus and Elytrigia repens, both of which also have acute or awned florets. The inflorescence of Thinopyrum junceiforme breaks into fragments.

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