Key to Tasmanian Dicots
Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) 3:520

V. continua

V. continua

V. formosa

Veronica (the speedwells) is a large and widespread genus characterised by the almost symmetrical flowers with two stamens,  short corolla tubes and spreading corolla lobes. The corollas range from white to purple. Tasmania has six naturalised and ten native species. Veronica formosa, V. continua and V. elliptica are shrubs with spreading, opposite leaves. The other species are all herbs, some with opposite leaves and some with alternate leaves.

Veronica notabilis appears to be extinct from Tasmania. It is a robust herb with large leaves with spreading or backward pointing teeth.

n.b Derwentia was included in this genus in the Student's Flora, and is also known as Speedwell.

V. gracilis


Key to Species

© 2019 University of Tasmania

List of species