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Two HITLab proposals received TCEN Innovation Fund

Two HITLab proposals has been successful through the Tasmania Clinical Education Network Innovation Fundings.

The first project is 'Aged Care Dementia Virtual Reality' led by Professor Henry Duh and Adjunct Senior Lecturer Michael McCall. The project is designed to create a virtual and augmented experience of dementia for students on placement in aged care facilities and healthcare workers. The purpose of providing such an experience is to increase the levels of understanding and empathy for clients/patients with dementia.

The second project is 'An Innovative Tele-Assistance System to Support Education in Clinical Procedures' led by Dr. Tony Huang. Access to sound expertise and guidance to perform clinical procedures is often lacking, especially in more rural and isolated areas. In the absence of direct supervision, practitioners and students can feel underprepared and lack the skills and confidence to perform many procedures. The project aims to improve the situation by making remote expertise and guidance more accessible.

Published on: 01 Aug 2016 9:46am