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PebblePad for Students

  • Develop your professional identity and employability-related skills through creating and analysing authentic artifacts.
  • Create and capture timely on-the-job documentation and reflections.
  • Create, control and curate an organised electronic ‘evidence base’ of your work to produce a ‘showcase portfolio’.

Over the coming months, all students at UTAS will have access to PebblePad. You may be asked to complete tasks, write reflections or upload files into PebblePad as a part of your academic courses; plus you can also use this space to record your personal and professional achievements. UTAS provides this personal learning space to:

  • Support and inspire you to own, transform, and communicate your life-long learning journey as a developing professional and global citizen
  • Develop and promote your professional identity and awareness
  • Enhance the effectiveness of work integrated learning experiences through on-the-job reflections and evidence collection
  • Provide an ongoing ‘portfolio service’ to UTAS Alumni which you can utilise for historical referencing and continuing professional development.

In your learning

  • Complete checklists and logs
  • Write reflections and gather evidence to complete workbooks
  • Author a Blog by yourself or in collaboration
  • Create collections of evidence of learning outcomes, professional standards and graduate attributes

Co-curricular uses

  • Create About Me pages to establish your UTAS digital presence
  • Complete Activity logs for clubs or student group activities
  • Author a blog to share your personal experiences
  • Curate your academic or co-curricular evidence and reflections to create a portfolio to share with others

PebblePad in a Nutshell

Using PebblePad - The Important Stuff

Graduating or Leaving UTAS?

You can continue to have access to your PebblePad work (including portfolios, reflections, images, etc.) after they leave UTAS. To do this, you need to create an "Alumni" account - this is a new free account with PebblePad where you access a copy of your assets.

Please note that you need to create this Alumni account before your UTAS account is deactivated. Remember to create your new account when you are preparing to leave UTAS.