Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

Contemporary Intelligence Landscape Challenges the Traditional Boundaries of the Intelligence Profession

On 6th April, the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) and the Institute (TILES) presented a Seminar on What is Contemporary Intelligence Practice? AIPIO in Tasmania. The Seminar attracted an audience from local government organisations and academia, and provided a foundation for networking with various intelligence practitioners.

The Director of TILES, Assoc Prof Roberta Julian, recently appointed as the network member for the AIPIO Tasmanian region, officially opened the event at the Centenary Lecture Theatre, University of Tasmania. The current AIPIO President, Dr Phil Kowalick, delivered an introduction about AIPIO, its vision and goal, and AIPIO’s positioning in Australia and Tasmania.

In this Seminar, Mr Brett Peppler (AIPIO) presented a keynote presentation on The Contemporary Intelligence Landscape in Australia. His talk outlined the broadening of the fields of interest, concern, and growing responsibilities for intelligence practice. The presentation focused on drivers of continuity and change in intelligence practice that are challenging the traditional boundaries of the intelligence profession, and giving rise to a new rationale for intelligence organisations and practitioners.

Inspector John Arnold from the Tasmania Police was also invited to present, and he gave a talk on "The implications of managing both domestic and counter-terrorism intelligence - a Tasmanian Perspective". The challenges he discussed in his talk provided an interesting local perspective on the issues raised in Mr Peppler's presentation.

The Seminar was a perfect warm up for the up coming 26th AIPIO Intelligence Conference and Exhibition, Intelligence 2017, at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart on 22-24 August 2017. Further details and registrations available at http://www.aipionationalevents.asn.au/

Published on: 19 Apr 2017