Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

PhD Candidate Delivers Presentation at The Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society Meeting

PhD Candidate Mithun Rajshekar gave a presentation on 28th April at the meeting of the Tasmanian Branch Inc. of ANZFSS (Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society). At the meeting Mithun talked about his experience at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 68th Annual Scientific Meeting that was held in Las Vegas early this year. The meeting was well attended and Mithun gave a very interesting – and sometimes amusing talk about his experiences and research.

While attending the AAFS, Mithun was also presented with the Forensic Sciences Foundation (FSF) Henry C. Lee Scholarship for best paper, 'Assessing the Reliability of Measurements of Human Dental Casts Using an Intraoral 3D Scanner', which Mithun presented at the AFFS. Mithun also attended a Dental identification workshop conducted by the American Board of Forensic Odontologists. Mithun said, the workshop attracted a lot of interest but only accommodated 25 persons from around the world.

After completing his Masters in Forensic Sciences (Odontology) at the University of Western Australia in Perth, Mithun decided to further pursue his passion for forensics at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in 2013. His Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program (Doctor of Philosophy), concentrates on 'Documentation of Animal Bite Marks Through the Development of Animal Dentitions', and is being supervised by Associate Professor Roberta Julian (TILES), Associate Professor Leigh Blizzard (Menzies Institute for Medical Research), Dr Anne-Marie Williams (School of Medicine) and Professor Marc Tennant (Centre for Rural and Remote Oral Health, University of Western Australia). More about Mithun.

Published on: 10 May 2016