Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

TILES Members Receive Career Development Scholarship to Develop Teaching and Learning Pathways

A team of TILES members (Assoc Prof Angela Dwyer, Dr Isabelle Bartkowiak-Theron, Assoc Prof Roberta Julian, and Dr Romy Winter) has been granted $15,000 for a University of Tasmania Group Career Development Scholarship. The Career Development Scholarship is designed to support staff to participate in self-identified learning and development activities that align with their career development and performance, and the strategic direction of their Faculty, Institute or School.

In collaboration with the Tasmanian Institute for Law Enforcement Studies (TILES), the team's objective is to develop online units and courses around emergency management, law enforcement and public health, and policing vulnerability. This activity will develop through a number of stages and be finalized with the release of teaching units to be ready for delivery in semester two 2017. The team is also planning to invite national and international educational leaders to workshops, and engage a working group with stakeholders from the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Tasmania.

The scholarship is supported by the School of Social Sciences which recognises the strategic opportunity to consolidate and expand its capacity in Police Studies, new jurisdictions and across Emergency Management.

TILES and the School of Social Sciences are engaged in a successful collaboration between the University of Tasmania and the Department of Police and Emergency Management, in research, teaching and development of the Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies) degree and programs.

Published on: 04 May 2016