Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

Young people and the Law: International approaches to care, corrections and intervention conference

In September, Dr Isabelle Bartkowiak-Théron attended the Young people and the Law: International approaches to care, corrections and intervention conference in Prato (Italy), organised by Swinburne University of Technology (Centre for Forensic Behavioral Science) and the Monash University (Department of Social Work).

At the conference, invited practitioners, researchers, advocates and policy contributors debated and examined the vulnerabilities of young people in the 21st century and how to deliver more effective international approaches to care, correction and intervention.

At this event, Dr Bartkowiak-Théron presented twice on two TILES research projects: the 'The Tasmanian Early Intervention Pilot Program Diverting young people from binge drinking' and 'The Tasmanian Inter-agency Support Teams (IAST+)'.

Published on: 04 Nov 2015