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How to upload the storyboard and banner image

Uploading Storyboard and Banner

Once the Storyboard is finalised it can be uploaded either with or without a banner.

Upload a banner image

When uploading a banner, it will be the one banner image for the entire module. If you need more than one banner within the module, this will need to be managed within MyLO after the storyboard has been uploaded.

If your module does not require a banner image, you can skip this section.

  1. Navigate to the D2M tool
  2. Under Please select Banner Image click on Choose File
  3. Navigate to the banner saved onto your computer and select it
  4. Click Open

Upload the storyboard

  1. Navigate to the D2M tool
  2. Under Please select a storyboard document click on Choose File
  3. Navigate to the storyboard saved onto your computer and select it
  4. Click Open
  5. Click Convert

This will download a ZIP file to your computer.

Upload the ZIP file to the relevant subject

  1. Navigate to the relevant subject within MyLO
  2. Click on the cog icon in the top right hand corner of the screen (to the right of your profile icon)
  3. Select Import/Export/Copy Components
  4. Click the radio button to the left of Import Components
  5. Click the sub-radio button to the left of from a unit package
  6. Click Start
  7. Click Upload
  8. Navigate to the ZIP package on your computer and select it (by default it will appear in Downloads)
  9. Click on Open
  10. Click Import All Components (This may take a few minutes to process)
  11. Click View Content

Congratulations! Your content is now ready to QA in MyLO.