Key to Tasmanian Dicots
1. Oxylobium arborescens
2. Glycine clandestina
3. Kennedia prostrata
4. Bossiaea cinerea
5. *Trifolium leaf
6. *Trifolium inflorescence

* introduced species

FABACEAE subfamily FABOIDEAE (, sub family Papillionatae ) 1:122
The Faboideae is one of the major angiosperm families in Tasmania. Native species include many shrubs, and a few herbs and climbers. Many shrubs (e.g. gorse), herbs (e.g. clovers) and climbers (e.g. some Vicia species) are successful weeds. Species are found in almost all vegetation types except saltmarsh and rainforest. Characteristic features include the fruit (a legume = a pod opening by two sutures) and the asymmetrical flowers with five free petals - the largest at the top. The leaves are often entire, pinnate or trifoliate, and may be opposite, alternate or (in Oxylobium) whorled.
Key to Genera
© 2019 University of Tasmania

List of Genera