Key to Tasmanian Dicots
Leptoscyphus (Geocalycaceae)  
Leptoscyphus is a genus of leafy liverworts with 5 recorded species in Tasmania. These are mostly small creeping epiphytic to log dwelling liverworts.

In the field, the genus may be distinguished from the related Heteroscyphus and Chiloscyphus by a combination of characters. Firstly, the shoots have a flattened look. Where the leaves join to the stem there is a 'leaf gutter'. Also the underleaves are usually reduced to two small lobes (usually with an extra tooth at the side of each lobe). Leptoscyphus usually has brown pigmentation but greener forms also occur. Dried material however, sually appear brown to dark brown. In theory, the most reliable way to identify the genus is by the reproductive parts. The perianth is two-lipped, unlike Heteroscyphus or Chiloscyphus which have three-lipped perianths.

Most collections of Leptoscyphus in Tasmania have been attributed to Leptoscyphus expansus. The taxonomy of the genus is in need to revision.

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