Key to Tasmanian Dicots
Castanoclobos (Trichocoleaceae)
Castanoclobos is represented by Castanoclobos julaceus (= Leomitra julacea) in Tasmania. Previously thought to be a rare endemic of New Zealand, this species has actually been collected in Tasmania on several occasions but only recently has it been formally recognized as occurring here. Interestingly, C. julaceus appears to be more common in Tasmania than in New Zealand and has been collected from various areas in the southeast and southwest near waterfalls or sometimes as an epiphyte. It is distinguished from the much more common Trichocolea mollissima by being more robust and lacking the pinnate branching pattern of the latter species. The tips of the hairs of this species are also distinctly papillose. C. julaceus can also resemble Chaetophyllopsis whiteleggei but the latter species has evident lamina and single-celled hairs.

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