Key to Tasmanian Dicots

Leptodictyum (Amblystegiaceae)
In Tasmania, Leptodictyum is represented by a single species, L. riparium. This species is sometimes included under the genus Amblystegium, with which it shares many similarities.

L. riparium is an uncommon aquatic to semi-aquatic species. When not fruiting it can be very difficult to separate from other members of the Amblystegiaceae that grow in similar environments.

The olive green to browish or golden brownish and roughly pinnate shoots reach 6 cm or slightly longer. The lance-like leaves are wide-spreading and are channeled near the base but flat above. The nerve is faint and indistinct.

Sporophytes appear to be rare. The capsules are short and fat with a conical unbeaked operculum and are held horzontally on short stalks

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