Key to Tasmanian Dicots

Breutelia (Bartramiaceae)

Breutelia affinis

B. pendula

B. pendula stem tomentum
Breutelia is a genus of large and conspicuous ground mosses. In Tasmania, Breutelia is represented by four species.

Species of Breutelia have plicate (folds running lengthwise) leaves and the stems are covered with brownish rhizoids (usually referred to as 'tomentum').

B. affinis is probably the most common species and is able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions, being found in dry forests. The leaves of this species are plicate only at the base.

B. pendula is a larger species which is more characteristic of wetter and shadier environments.

B. pseudophilonotis is similar to B. affinis in having the leaves plicate at the base only but differs in having a much more narrowly lance-like leaf. Some authorities do not think that B. pseudophilonotis is a good species.

An additional species, B. elongata is believed to occur in Tasmania but many specimens of this species are likely to be attributable to B. pendula

B. affinis male shoots
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