Key to Tasmanian Dicots
1. Bryum argenteum
2. Bryum sp.
3. Gemmabryum pachythecum
4. Ochiobryum blanda
5. Rosulabryum billardieri

The Bryaceae is large family of mosses represented by 6 genera and 27 species in Tasmania. Members of the Bryaceae often grow as short turfs or cushions in a variety of habitats ranging from urban areas, dry forests to alpine regions. The capsules of the Bryaceae have a characteristic look - in most taxa the seta is straight and typically always bent at the top such that the capsule is pointing downwards. With the exception of a few species, sterile specimens are often very inconspicuous and are notoriously difficult to identify down to species, and even to genus.

The taxonomy of the family is extremely unstable and in a constant state of flux. Three families of mosses, the Orthodontiaceae, Mniaceae and the Leptostomataceae have been split from the Bryaceae in recent years and many genera in the Bryaceae are still under taxonomic investigation.


Key to the Genera

© 2019 University of Tasmania

List of Genera