Key to Tasmanian Dicots
1. Atrichum androgynum
2. Notoligotrichum crispulum
3. Polytrichum juniperinum
4. Polytrichadelphus magellanicus
5. Leaf section of
Polytrichum juniperinum
In Tasmania, the Polytrichaceae is represented by 7 genera and 10 species. As a group, the Polytrichaceae are often referred to as Hairy cap mosses, alluding to the hairy calyptrae observed in Polytrichum

Mosses of the Polytrichaceae are conspicuous species, typically having erect stems with long sharp pointed leaves.

The Polytrichaceae is also unique in having well developed internal conducting systems.

In the Tasmanian species, male and female sex organs are borne on separate plants.  

A key to the genera is in the works.


© 2019 University of Tasmania
  List of Genera