Key to Tasmanian Dicots
Juncaceae 4b:58
Tasmania has two genera of the rush family (Juncaceae), including 36 native and 16 introduced species. Species are very common components of riparian and marshy vegetation, but also occur in dry grassy areas and forests.

Species typically have long and narrow leaves and erect cylindrical flowering stems bearing panicles. The flowers are small, have a perianth of six parts (one whorl of three "petals" and one of three "sepals"). Unlike related families, Poaceae, Centrolepidaceae and Cyperaceae, but like Restionaceae, the flowers have petals and sepals (although these are small and dry). Juncaceae differ from Restionaceae in that the leaves are long and photosynthetic.

Some Cyperaceae can be confused with Juncaceae, notably Ficinia nodosa and some Schoenus and Isolepis species.


© 2019 University of Tasmania

Key to Genera