This guide covers how grades are synchronised from the ATLAS workspace into the linked Brightspace course's grades.


What is this?

PebblePad Grade

With a PebblePad assignment added to a Brightspace course, it's possible to synchronise the grades between the two platforms.

When an instructor/teacher adds a grade to a submission in the ATLAS workspace, this information is automatically passed back to Brightspace and added to the related grade column.

Students can access their grade either from Brightspace or their PebblePad Asset Store.


How To Set-up

Please complete: Add A PebblePad Assignment 

Instructor View

Open video full screen

Requires the user to be enrolled as an Instructor or Teacher to the Brightspace course.

1. Open ATLAS workspace

From the Brightspace course, select the assignment title to open ATLAS and be directed straight to the connected workspace. 

2. Open Submission

Select the submission title to open it in the ATLAS Submission Viewer for assessment.

3. Give a Grade

Use the I want to... button to select Add Grade.

Type the grade in the text field and select Save & Release.

Close the Submission Viewer and ATLAS workspace tab windows.

4. Check Course Grades

Back to the Brightspace course, select Grades to see the grades columns.

Grades recalled within the ATLAS workspace will not be recalled in the Brightspace course.