MyLO - My Learning Online

FeedbackFruits - New Tool Access

With the move to LTI 1.3, a number of new FeedbackFruit assessment options are available for use. Below is a list of the new tools with instructions on how to set these up via the FeedbackFruits website. For assistance in finding the right tool to use this guide will help:

To add any FeedbackFruits items to your unit:

  • Log into MyLO and go to your unit. Press on Content.
  • Create a new Module or go to an assessment Module.
  • From Existing Activities select the FeedbackFruits. The first time you add FeedbackFruits you will need to agree to accept the conditions.
  • Note: once the link is in content, you can edit the link's title by selecting to edit properties in place.

Select FeedbackFruits

  • Select the Tool you wish to use:
    Select Tool

Instructions on the set up of each of the specific tool are below: