MyLO - My Learning Online

FeedbackFruits Peer Review

Peer Review Assignments are an opportunity for students to receive and give feedback through the review of artefacts and events, including essays, posters, videos, presentations, performances and professional practices. Lecturers create the review structure, providing evaluation criteria with options of ratings and text responses, choosing the number of self and peer reviews to be completed, and timings. Reviews can be based on individual or group submissions. Students can also be assessed on several components of the activity, including participation, scores awarded by reviewers and number of comments. The relative weightings of these components are chosen by the lecturer.

To add this to your unit:

  • Log into MyLO and go to your unit. Press on Content.
  • Create a new Module or go to an assessment Module.
  • From Existing Activities select the FeedbackFruits. The first time you add FeedbackFruits you will need to agree to accept the conditions. Select Peer Review from the options available.
    Select FeedbackFruits
  • Note: once the link is in content you can edit the link's title by selecting to edit properties in place.

Add Peer Review

FeedbackFruits will open in a new window where you fill in all the details. Each area is in sections that you can add and remove as needed.

Peer Review set up

  1. Enter a name for the Peer Review
  2. It will be easier to edit if you press on to open in full-screen mode
  3. If you have previously used FeedbackFruits before you have the option to copy an existing activity. This will copy over all content including rubrics and instructions.
  4. Enter the instructions for the assignment here and complete the sections.

Further information  and instructions on the sections can be found here:

Note: that if you choose for students to work as a group or review within groups these will be synched from within the MyLO unit for you to choose from.

Further information on Peer Review can be found on the FeedbackFruits website:

If you are using grades within  FeedbackFruits these will synch with the gradebook in MyLO.

Below is a video on how to set up Peer Review within MyLO.

The below video is from the student's perspective on how to give feedback to another student: