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Getting Creative

The Get Creative menu - accessed by the Get Creative panel of the Home Page or via the Burger menu - gives you access to a number of options for building Assets that bring together other items from within your personal store and potentially from the Internet.

Get creative menu
Get Creative options

Each option is outlined below.


A Portfolio is a multiple page presentation made up of two or more Assets, typically Pages. Portfolios act a little like 'binders', allowing additional pages to be added, edited, or removed at any time. Other assets and templates can be added as pages in a portfolio, making it a very flexible way to collate information and evidence. You can create as many Pages and Portfolios as you want in Pebble+.


A Page is a single page, evidence-based presentation, used to showcase stories about your activities, learning, personal profile, or any other number of topics! A Page can contain a range of elements, including images and videos. It can also contain links to other assets within your Pebble+ store or to external items on the Web.


A Collection is a single-page list of Assets brought together manually or based on specific search criteria, for example, tags, asset type, or date range. Over time, as you add new Assets to your store which fit within the defined criteria they are automatically added to the Collection. This is an excellent way of aggregating Assets for presentation.

Activity Log

An Activity Log allows you to aggregate Assets relevant to a particular project or endeavour and is often used to demonstrate activity over a given time span. Any Asset can be added to an Activity Log. Where linked Assets have points or time recorded on them the Activity Log maintains a running total helping you to track progress towards a particular target, for example, placement hours or CPD points.


Blogs are designed to support the recording of any time-based or on-going activity such as a project or placement. Blogs are made up of Posts or other Assets which are typically displayed in chronological order.