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What is your PebblePad store?

What is in your Store - Assets, Resources, Deleted, and more

Play video: Getting to know your store in Pebble+

Within Pebble+ you have a single Store that contains at least three tabs - Assets, Resources, and Deleted. If you have your Pebble+ account linked to one or more External Services (like DropBox, GoogleDocs, OneDrive, etc) you will have an additional tab that has a drop-down list of these services.

Tabs in your store
Tabs in your Store

Clicking on the Assets tab will show all of your Pebble+ Assets - these are the things that you have uploaded or created within the system.

Clicking on the Resources tab will show you all of the Resources that you have available to you to Use and/or Edit. These include the default PebblePad Templates, Templates and Workbooks that others have made available to you, and templates and workbooks that you have built yourself using the Builders. You can Use any of these Resources to create Assets. You can Edit any of the Resources that you have created and those others have given you permission to Edit.

Clicking on the Deleted tab will show any Assets or Resources that you have deleted. If you delete an Asset or a Resource it goes into the Deleted folder (like the Recycle Bin on your computer). You can restore from this list or you can purge any item from the system. Once purged it cannot be retrieved.