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2002 Publications

Albert, EG, Hughes, CJ, ‘Development: the missing link in PHCRED’, Proceedings of 2002 General Practice and Primary Health Care Research C onference, Adelaide, 128 (2002) [F3]

Albert, EG*, Dalton, L, Spencer, J, Dunn, M, Walker, JH, ‘Tasmanian Inter-disciplinary Rural Placement Program (IRPP) for Undergraduate Health Science Students’, World Rural Health 2002, Melbourne, EJ (2002) [F2]

Albert, EG, ‘The Teepokana Paradigm: a future for general practice and primary health care?’, Medical Journal of Australia, 177 (15 July 2002) 119-120 (2002) [A4]

Dalton, L, Butwell, E, Cottrell, A, Carlson, N, Husband, S, Schmidt, K, Smith, M, Hillier, MW, ‘Opening Farm Gates: community as educator’, Rural and Remote Health (1) EJ (2002) [A1]

Green, L*, Whetton, SG, ‘Growing old discracefully: Lessons learnt from a study of the health needs of older people in rural Tasmania’, World Rural Health 2002, Melbourne, EJ (2002) [F2]

Harley, D*, Bossingham, D*, Purdie, D*, Pandeya, N*, Sleigh, AC, ‘Ross River virus disease in tropical Queensland: evoluton of rheumatic manifestations in an inception cohort followed for six months’, Medical Journal of Australia, (2002) [A1]

Jackson, S*, Sleigh, AC, Liu, X*, ‘Cost of malaria control in China: Henan's consolidation programme from community and government perspectives’, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 (8) EJ (2002) [A1]

Jackson, S*, Sleigh, AC, Liu, X*, Economics of malaria control in China: cost, performance and effectiveness of Henan's consolidation programme, World Health Organisation, 1 (2002) [I1]

Le, Q, Le, T, ‘Wheren Does the Superhighway Lead Us? A Learners' Perspective’, Computers in Education 2001: Australian Topics, Denmark, 61-66 (2002) [F1]

Le, T, Le, Q, ‘Beware of the Web’, Networking the Learner: Computers in Education, Copenhagen, 383-388 (2002) [F1]

Le, T, Le, Q, Language, Society and Culture EJ (2002) [A6]

Le, T, Le, Q, ‘The Nature of Learners' Email Communications’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, 468-471 (2002) [F2]

Robinson, A, Cubit, K, Francis, BL, Bull, R, Crack, J*, Webber, Y*, Making Connections in Aged Care - The Report of The Residential Aged Care Preceptor Research Project, The Park Group and Masonic Homes Northern Tasmania, 1862950644 (2002) [I2]

Sansom-Gower, T*, Sleigh, AC, Does government-funded Anglicare-brokered private accomodation succeed for the homeless in NW Tasmania, Anglicare, 1 (2002) [I2]

Stirling, CM, Walker, JH, Emergency Services in Australia and New Zealand: Problems and Prospects for Volunteer Ambulance Officers, Emergency Management Australia, 1 (2002) [I1]

Stirling, CM, Walker, JH, Sleigh, AC, ‘Training can be a recruitment and retention tool for emergency service volunteers’, The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 17 (3) 4-7 (2002) [A1]

Walker, JH, ‘A step towards vertical integration in medical education; opportunities for Australian junior doctors through the Rural and Remote Area Placement Program’, AMEE 2002: Approaches to Better Teaching Program and Abstracts, Lisbon, 4.98 (2002) [F3]

Walker, JH, Whetton, SG, ‘The diffussion of innovation: factors influencing the uptake of telehealth’, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 8 (3) 73-75 (2002) [A1]

Walker, JH, ‘The Future of Rural Health: Levers and Strategies for Change’, The New Rural Health, Oxford University Press, D Wilkinson, I Blue (ed), Melbourne, 299-318 (2002) [C1]

Walker, JH, ‘The RRAPP Way: a step towards vertical integration in health professional education’, Change: Imposed and Desired ANZAME Conference Papers and Abstracts, Sydney, 102 (2002) [F3]

Whetton, SG, Walker, JH, ‘The diffusion of innovation: barriers to uptake of health informatics’, HIC 2002 Proceeding CDROM, Melbourne, EJ (2002) [F1]