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2017 Publications

Research Publications

Journal Article (refereed)

  1. Barnett, T and Hoang, H and Stuart, J and Crocombe, L, “The relationship of primary care providers to dental practitioners in rural and remote Australia”, Bmc Health Services Research, 17 Article 515. doi:10.1186/s12913-017-2473-z ISSN 1472-6963 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  2. Barnett, T and Huang, W and Mather, C, “Pilot Test of a Collaborative 'Helping Hands' Tele-Assistance System for the Development of Clinical Skills”, Cin-Computers Informatics Nursing, 35 (10) pp. 491-495. doi:10.1097/CIN.0000000000000393 ISSN 1538-2931 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  3. Cross, M and Sculthorpe, J* and Barnett, T and Dennis, S, “Preparing students for placement in Aboriginal health services using online virtual orientation tours: A Participatory action approach”, Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 17 (2) pp. 1-7. ISSN 1445-7253 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  4. Loudon, A and Barnett, T and Williams, A, “Yoga, breast cancer-related lymphoedema and well-being: A descriptive report of women’s participation in a clinical trial”, Journal of clinical nursing pp. 1-11. doi:10.1111/jocn.13819 ISSN 0962-1067 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  5. Loudon, A and Barnett, T and Williams, AD and Visentin, D and Immink, MA* and Piller, N*, “Guidelines for teaching yoga to women with breast cancer-related lymphoedema: an evidence-based approach”, International journal of yoga therapy pp. 1-18. doi:10.17761/1531-2054-27.1.95 ISSN 1531-2054 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  6. Mather, C and Barnett, T and Broucek, V and Saunders, A and Grattidge, D and Huang, W, “Helping Hands: Using Augmented Reality to Provide Remote Guidance to Health Professionals”, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics241 pp. 57-62. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-794-8-57 ISSN 0926-9630 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  7. Stuart, J and Hoang, Ha and Crocombe, L and Barnett, T, “Relationships between dental personnel and non-dental primary health care providers in rural and remote Queensland, Australia: dental perspectives”, BMC oral health17 (1) Article 99. doi:10.1186/s12903-017-0389-y ISSN 1472-6831 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  8. West, S and Shannon, E and Crisp, E and Barnett, A, “A Recipe for Success: localism and bounded rationality in lobbying for radiation therapy services in North West Tasmania”, Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management pp. 11-15. doi:10.24083/apjhm.2017.002 ISSN 1833-3818 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  9. Chidarikire, S and Cross, M and Skinner, I* and Cleary, M, “Treatments for people living with schizophrenia in Sub-Saharan Africa: an adapted realist review”, International Nursing Review pp.1-15. doi:10.1111/inr.12391 ISSN 0020-8132 (2017) [Refereed Article] 
  10. Marsh, P and Gartell, G* and Egg, G* and Nolan, A* and Cross, M, “End-of-Life care in a community garden: Findings from a Participatory Action Research project in regional Australia”, Health and Place45pp. 110-116. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.03.006 ISSN 1353-8292 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  11. Saunders, A and Green, R and Cross, M, “Making the most of person-centred education by integrating flipped and simulated teaching: An exploratory study”, Nurse Education in Practice, 27 pp. 71-77. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2017.08.014 ISSN 1471-5953 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  12. Smith, T* and Sutton, K* and Pit, S* and Muyambi, K* and Terry, D* and Farthing, A* and Courtney, C* and Cross, M, “Health professional students’ rural placement satisfaction and rural practice intentions: A national cross-sectional survey”, Australian Journal of Rural Health pp. 1-7. doi:10.1111/ajr.12375 ISSN 1038-5282 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  13. Elmer, S and Bridgman, H and Williams, A and Bird, ML and Murray, S and Jones, RP and Cheney, M, “Evaluation of a Health Literacy Program for Chronic Conditions”, Health Literacy Research and Practice, 1(3) pp. e100-e108. doi:10.3928/24748307-20170523-01 ISSN 2474-8307 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  14. Igwe, EO* and Charlton, KE* and Roodenrys, S* and Kent, K and Fanning, K* and Netzel, ME*, “Anthocyanin-rich plum juice reduces ambulatory blood pressure but not acute cognitive function in younger and older adults: A pilot cross-over dose-timing study”, Nutrition Research47 pp. 28 43. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2017.08.006 ISSN 0271-5317 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  15. **Kent, K and Charlton, E* and Netzel, M* and Fanning, K*, “Food-based anthocyanin intake and cognitive outcomes in human intervention trials: a systematic review”, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30 (3) pp. 260-274. doi:10.1111/jhn.12431 ISSN 0952-3871 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  16. **Kent, K and Charlton, K* and Roodenrys, S* and Batterham, M* and Potter, J* and Traynor, V* and Gilbert, H* and Morgan, O* and Richards, R*, “Consumption of anthocyanin‑rich cherry juice for 12 weeks improves memory and cognition in older adults with mild‑to‑moderate dementia”, European journal of nutrition56 (1) pp. 333-341. doi:10.1007/s00394-015-1083-y ISSN 1436-6207 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  17. Kent, K and Charlton, KE*, “Development, validation and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire to measure flavonoid intake in older Australian adults”, Nutrition & dietetics pp. 1-11. doi:10.1111/1747-0080.12371 ISSN 1446-6368 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  18. Kent, K and Charlton, K*, “Relative Validity and Reproducibility of an Interviewer Administered 14-Item FFQ to Estimate Flavonoid Intake Among Older Adults with Mild-Moderate Dementia”, Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics pp. 1-14. doi:10.1080/21551197.2017.1321080 ISSN 2155-1197 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  19. Probst, YC* and Guan, VX* and Kent, K, “Dietary phytochemical intake from foods and health outcomes: a systematic review protocol and preliminary scoping”, BMJ Open7 (2) Article e013337. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013337 ISSN 2044-6055 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  20. Due, C* and Smith, IG* and Allen, P* and Button, E* and Cheek, C and Quarmby, L and Stephens, M and Paku, S* and Ferguson, S* and Fordyce, K*, “A pilot study of social inclusion and quality of life for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder”, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability pp. 1-10. doi:10.3109/13668250.2017.1310812 ISSN 1366-8250 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  21. Godwin, D and Blizzard, CL and Hoang, Ha and Crocombe, LA, “Evidence of the effect of rural background on rural practice in Australian dental practitioners: does gender play a role?”, Australian Dental Journal, 62(1) pp. 30-38. doi:10.1111/adj.12442 ISSN 0045-0421 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  22. Nagpal, N* and Bettiol, SS and Isham, A and Hoang, H and Crocombe, LA, “A review of mercury exposure and health of dental personnel”, Safety and Health at Work8 (1) pp. 1-10. doi:10.1016/ 2093-7911 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  23. Challinor, KL* and Mond, J and Stephen, ID* and Mitchison, D* and Stevenson, RJ* and Hay, P* and Brooks, KR*, “Body size and shape misperception and visual adaptation: An overview of an emerging research paradigm”, Journal of International Medical Research pp. 1-8. doi:10.1177/0300060517726440 ISSN 0300-0605 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  24. Cunningham, ML* and Griffiths, S* and Mitchison, D* and Mond, JM and Castle, D* and Murray, SB*, “Muscle Dysmorphia: An Overview of Clinical Features and Treatment Options”, Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly31 (4) pp. 255-271. doi:10.1891/0889-8391.31.4.255 ISSN 0889-8391 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  25. Griffiths, S* and Mitchison, D* and Murray, SB* and Mond, JM, “Pornography use in sexual minority males: Associations with body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms, thoughts about using anabolic steroids and quality of life”, The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry doi:10.1177/0004867417728807 ISSN 0004-8674 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  26. Griffiths, S* and Murray, SB* and Bentley, C* and Gratwick-Sarll, K* and Harrison, C* and Mond, JM, “Sex Differences in Quality of Life Impairment Associated With Body Dissatisfaction in Adolescents”, Journal of Adolescent Health61 (1) pp. 77 82. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.01.016 ISSN 1054-139X (2017) [Refereed Article]
  27. McAulay, C* and Mond, J and Touyz, S*, “Early intervention for bipolar disorder in adolescents: A psychosocial perspective”, Early intervention in psychiatry pp. 1-6. doi:10.1111/eip.12474 ISSN 1751-7885 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  28. **Mitchison, D* and Hay, P* and Griffiths, S* and Murray, SB* and Bentley, C* and Gratwick-Sarll, K* and Harrison, C* and Mond, JM, “Disentangling Body Image: The Relative Associations of Overvaluation, Dissatisfaction, and Preoccupation with Psychological Distress and Eating Disorder Behaviors in Male and Female Adolescents”, International Journal of Eating Disorders50 (2) pp. 118–126. doi:10.1002/eat.22592 ISSN 0276-3478 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  29. Murray, SB* and Nagata, JM* and Griffiths, S* and Calzo, JP* and Brown, TA* and Mitchison, D* and Blashill, AJ* and Mond, JM, “The enigma of male eating disorders: A critical review and synthesis”, Clinical Psychology Review57 pp. 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2017.08.001 ISSN 0272-7358 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  30. Murray, SB* and Griffiths, S* and Mitchison, D* and Mond, JM, “The Transition From Thinness-Oriented to Muscularity-Oriented Disordered Eating in Adolescent Males: A Clinical Observation”, Journal of Adolescent Health60 (3) pp. 353-355. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.10.014 ISSN 1054-139X (2017) [Refereed Article]
  31. Pila, E* and Mond, JM and Griffiths, S* and Mitchison, D* and Murray, SB*, “A thematic content analysis of #cheatmeal images on social media: Characterizing an emerging dietary trend”, The International journal of eating disorders50 (6) pp. 698-706. doi:10.1002/eat.22671 ISSN 0276-3478 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  32. Rand-Giovannetti, D* and Cicero, DC* and Mond, JM and Latner, JD*, “Psychometric Properties of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q): A Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Assessment of Measurement Invariance by Sex”, Assessment doi:10.1177/1073191117738046 ISSN 1073-1911 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  33. **Schneider, SC* and Turner, CM* and Mond, J and Hudson, JL*, “Prevalence and correlates of body dysmorphic disorder in a community sample of adolescents”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry51 (6) pp. 595-603. doi:10.1177/0004867416665483 ISSN 0004-8674 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  34. Schneider, SC* and Mond, JM and Turner, CM* and Hudson, JL*, “Subthreshold body dysmorphic disorder in adolescents: Prevalence and impact”, Psychiatry Research251 pp. 125-130. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.085 ISSN 0165-1781 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  35. Schneider, SC* and Mond, JM and Turner, CM* and Hudson, JL*, “Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology”, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology pp. 1-13. doi:10.1080/15374416.2017.1321001 ISSN 1537-4416 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  36. Slewa-Younan, S* and Yaser, A* and Guarjardo, MGU* and Mannan, H* and Smith, CA* and Mond, JM, “The mental health and help‑seeking behaviour of resettled Afghan refugees in Australia”, International journal of mental health systems11 pp. 1-8. doi:10.1186/s13033-017-0157-z ISSN 1752-4458 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  37. Sturman, D* and Stephen, ID* and Mond, JM and Stevenson, RJ* and Brooks, KR*, “Independent Aftereffects of Fat and Muscle: Implications for neural encoding, body space representation, and body image disturbance”, Scientific Reports7 Article 40392. doi:10.1038/srep40392 ISSN 2045-2322 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  38. Woodward, K* and McIlwain, D* and Mond, J, “Feelings about the self and body in eating disturbances: The role of internalized shame, self-esteem, externalized self-perceptions, and body shame”, Self and Identity pp. 1-24. doi:10.1080/15298868.2017.1403373 ISSN 1529-8868 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  39. Zournazis, HE and Marlow, A and Mather, C, “Whole of community facilitator support model: The rural preceptors’ experience”, Collegian pp. 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2017.10.001 ISSN 1322-7696 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  40. Crocombe, LA and Goldberg, LR and Bell, E and Seidel, B, “A comparative analysis of policies addressing rural oral health in eight English-speaking OECD countries”, Rural and Remote Health, 17 (3) pp. 1-12. ISSN 1445-6354 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  41. Crocombe, LA and Siddiqi, M* and Kamae, G*, “Oral health in Papua New Guinea”, Nature India (Special Issue February 2017) pp. S24-S25. ISSN 1755-3180 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  42. Goldberg, LR and Crocombe, LA, “Advances in medical education and practice: role of massive open online courses”, Advances in Medical Education and Practice8 pp. 603—609. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S115321ISSN 1179-7258 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  43. **Astill, S, “Ageing in remote and cyclone-prone communities: geography, policy, and disaster relief”, Geographical Research pp. 1-13. doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12228 ISSN 1745-5863 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  44. **Astill, S and Miller, E*, ““We expect seniors to be able to prepare and recover from a cyclone as well as younger members of this community”: Emergency Management’s Expectations of Older Adults Residing in Aging, Remote Hamlets on Australia’s Cyclone-Prone Coastline”, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness pp. 1-5. doi:10.1017/dmp.2017.33 ISSN 1935-7893 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  45. Oakley, C* and Allen, PL and Hooshmand, J* and Vote, B*, “Pain and antisepsis after ocular administration of povidone-iodine versus chlorhexidine”, Retina: The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases pp. 1-3. doi:10.1097/IAE.0000000000001800 ISSN 0275-004X (In Press) [Refereed Article]
  46. Ang, J* and Doyle, B* and Allen, PL and Cheek, CG, “Teaching bedside ultrasound to medical students”, The Clinical Teacher14 pp. 1-5. doi:10.1111/tct.12692 ISSN 1743-4971 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  47. Cheek, CG and Hays, RB and Allen, PL and Walker, G and Shires, L, “Building a local medical workforce in Tasmania: where are international fee-paying medical graduates likely to work?”, Rural and Remote Health17 Article 4292. doi:10.22605/RRH4292 ISSN 1445-6354 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  48. Turner, Laura and Spencer, L and Strugnell, Jack and Chang, J and Di Tommaso, IV and Tate, M and Allen, P and Cheek, C and Cooper, J*, “Young people have their say: What makes a youth-friendly general practice?”, Australian Family Physician46 (1-2) pp. 70-74. ISSN 0300-8495 (2017) [Refereed Article]
  49. Fleming, TM* and Bavin, L* and Stasiak, K* and Hermansson-Webb, E* and Merry, SN* and Cheek, C and Lucassen, M* and Lau, HM* and Pollmuller, B* and Hetrick, S*, “Serious games and gamification for mental health: current status and promising directions”, Frontiers in Psychiatry7 Article 215. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00215 ISSN 1664-0640 (2017) [Refereed Article]

Conference Publications

  1. Barnett, T and Marsh, P and Bridgman, H and Kent, K and Green, R and Ball, M, “Development of a Tasmanian Bereavement Care Network”, Building Compassionate Communities Tasmania Forum 2017, 13 October and 16 October, Hobart and Launceston Tasmania (2017) [Conference Extract]
  2. Cross, DMG and Barnett, T and Dennis, SL, “Expanding horizons: Using virtual orientation tours to promote rural, remote and Aboriginal health”, 35th Annual CRANAplus Conference, 18-20 October 2017, Broome, Australia (2017) [Conference Extract]
  3. Dunbar, S and Hoang, Ha and Barnett, T and Kirschbaum, M, “Rural pharmacies and oral health in Tasmania”, Allied Health Symposium, 10 November 2017, Hobart, Tasmania (2017) [Plenary Presentation]
  4. Kent, K and Marsh, P and Barnett, T and Ball, MJ*, “A review of bereavement care standards”, Rural Health and Collaborative Research Symposium, 7 June 2017, Launceston, Tasmania (2017) [Conference Extract]
  5. Khan, S and Barrington, G* and Bettiol, SS and Kent, K and Barnett, T and Crocombe, LA, “Is sugar consumption an associative factor for obesity and periodontitis in Australian adults?”, 2017 International Association for Dental Research conference, 25 - 27 September 2017, Adelaide (2017) [Conference Extract]
  6. Khan, S and Bettiol, S and Barnett, T and Crocombe, L, “Overweight/obesity is a risk factor for periodontitis in young adults and adolescents: a systematic review”, 15th World Congress of Public Health, 2-7 April 2017, Melbourne (2017) [Conference Extract]
  7. Khan, S and Barrington, G and Bettiol, SS and Barnett, T and Crocombe, LA, “Overweight/obesity is a risk factor for periodontitis in young adults and adolescents: a systematic review”, World Congress on Public Health, 3 April, 2017, Melbourne, Australia (2017) [Conference Extract]
  8. West, S and Shannon, E and Crisp, E and Barnett, T, “A recipe for success: Localism and bounded rationality in lobbying for radiation therapy services in North West Tasmania”, SHAPE Symposium 2017, 19-21 July 2017, Sydney (2017) [Conference Extract]
  9. Lee, SM and Groot, W*, “Epilepsy Connect: establishing a telephone-based peer support service for Tasmanians”, Proceedings of the 14th National Rural Health Conference ISSN 1445-3363 (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]
  10. Farthing, A* and Pit, S* and Smith, T* and Terry, D* and Waller, S* and Muyambi, K* and Cross, M and Barraclough, F* and Chambers, H*, “‘Ruralisation’ through University Department of Rural Health supported student placements: A cross-sectional survey”, 14th WONCA World Rural Health Conference, 1 May 2017, Cairns, Australia (2017) [Conference Extract]
  11. Charlton, KE* and Kent, K and Roodenrys, S* and Netzel, M* and Potter, J* and Betterham, MJ*, “The role of anthocyanin-rich fruit on cognitive and vascular functioning: acute and longer term effects”, Lifestyle Medicine 2017, 14 - 17 September 2017, Sydney (2017) [Conference Extract]
  12. Kent, K and Charlton, K* and Probst, Y* and Guan, V*, “A systematic literature review of biomarker methods used to measure total flavonoid intake and intake of selected flavonoid subclasses”, Dietitians Association of Australia for the 34th National Conference, 18-20 May 2017, Hobart, Tasmania (2017) [Conference Extract]
  13. Goode, J and Crocombe, LA and Hoang, Ha, “Homeless persons' access to dental services and strategies to improve their oral health: A systematic literature review”, 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the IADR ANZ Division, 25-27 September 2017, Adelaide (2017) [Plenary Presentation]
  14. Crocombe, L, “Keeping people out of hospital: Oral health”, Tasmanian Health Conference 2017, 29 July, 2017, Hobart, Tasmania (2017) [Conference Extract]
  15. Marsh, P, “DIGnity Supported Community Gardening”, Australian Therapeutic Landscapes Conference 2017, 13 October 2017, Adelaide (2017) [Plenary Presentation]
  16. Marsh, P, “Great and Good Gardening: Innovative Primary Health Care in Rural Community Gardens”, Rural Health and Collaborative Research Symposium, 7 June 2017, Launceston, Tasmania (2017) [Conference Extract]
  17. Marsh, P, “Speed Talk Presentation”, Australian Palliative Care Conference 2017, 6-8 September 2017, Adelaide (2017) [Plenary Presentation]
  18. Marsh, P, “Walking each other home: community gardens and end-of-life care”, Australian Palliative Care Conference 2017, 6-8 September 2017, Adelaide (2017) [Plenary Presentation]

Contract Report

  1. Barnett, T and Bridgman, H and Marsh, P and Kent, K and Ball, M, Tasmanian bereavement care network and initiatives project: final report, Centre for Rural Health, University of Tasmania, Australia (2017) [Contract Report]
  2. Bridgman, H and Barnett, T and Marsh, P and De Deuge, J, Review of headspace Clinical Pathways in Tasmania, Centre for Rural Health, Tasmania, Australia (2017) [Contract Report]
  3. Bridgman, H and Barnett, AP and Marsh, P and De Deuge, JReview of headspace Clinical Pathways in Tasmania: Delivered via The Link Youth Health Services and Cornerstone Youth Services Inc, Tasmania, Centre for Rural Health, University of Tasmania, Australia (2017) [Contract Report]
  4. Cheek, C and King, AC and Woodroffe, J and Allen, P and Stephens, M, Evaluating Engagement with ReThink Autism in Tasmania, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmanian Government, Tasmania, Australia (2017) [Contract Report]

Other Output

  1. Lee, SM and Cooper, M*, “Have you ever received a bowel cancer screening kit?”, The Advocate, Tasmania(2017) [Newspaper Article]
  2. Lee, SM, “National Bowel Cancer Screening Program - Tasmanian participation rates”, ABC Northern Tasmania, Launceston, Drive, Ross Marsden, 24 May 2017 (2017) [Media Interview]
  3. Chidarikire, S and Cross, M and Cleary, M and Skinner, I, “WHO Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) Shona Version: Translation Report”, The World Health Organisation, Geneva, pp. 1-4. (2017) [Report Other]
  4. Bridgman, H, “UTAS Centre for Rural Health study analyses mental health help for young people”, The Examiner, online, 8 March, 2017 (2017) [Newspaper Article]
  5. Bridgman, H and De Deuge, JK, “Youth Mental Health Engagement Study Media Interview”, ABC News, 5 March, 2017 (2017) [Media Interview]
  6. Kent, K, “Tall Poppy award for nutritionist”, University of Tasmania Staff News, Australian Institute of Policy and Science, 20 November 2017 (2017) [Media Interview]
  7. Cox, T and Goldberg, L and Hoang, H, “Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation: Community understandings of dementia and dementia care needs. Final report 2017”, Faculty of Health, Centre for Rural Health and Wicking Dementia Care - University of Tasmania, Australia, pp. 1-12. (2017) [Report of Restricted Access]
  8. Marsh, P and Mason, VB and Shemesh, J*, DIGnity Supported Community Gardening, Centre for Rural Health and LaMoodja Film, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 3:30mins (2017) [Minor Creative Work]
  9. Marsh, P, “Gardening program cultivating community connections”, Community Care Review, Australian Ageing Agenda, Australia, 31 August 2017 (2017) [Media Interview]