Teaching Matters

13 - Jane Skalicky

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Teaching Matters | Presentation Details |


A framework for developing and supporting student leadership


Jane Skalicky*, Student Learning, Retention and Success, Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Education)
Sally Fuglsang, Student Learning, Retention and Success, Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Education)
Kristin Warr, Student Learning, Retention and Success, Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Education)


Supervision as Pedagogy

Presentation Type

World Café


Academy Gallery




The Developing and Supporting Student Leadership (DaSSL) project provides a Framework to support peer learning program coordinators to better engage in evidence-based decision-making regarding student leadership development. The Framework is stabilised by the ‘5Ps’ which have been derived from international literature and represent the key domains of sound program design: Purpose, People, Positioning, Practice and Progress. This presentation offers a visual summary of the DaSSL Framework, outlining its core components (reflection tool, action plan, good practice guidelines, case studies, supporting resources) and highlighting its potential uses. As an innovative quality improvement tool, the Framework may be used to support the professional development of peer leaders and, in this way, it contributes to ensuring the excellence of peer learning programs.

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