Teaching Matters

24 - Margaret Kling

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Teaching Matters 2016 | Presentation Details | 7 DecemberDec 2016


WIL teaching and assessment barometer


Margaret Kling*, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (TSBE)


Work Integrated Learning

Presentation Type



Tutorial Room




This workshop will provide practical information about the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of Work Integrated Learning teaching and assessment methodologies. It will also introduce specific information for the development of a ‘WIL barometer’.  Participants will undertake activities that will inform the development of face-to-face WIL teaching methods, the development of e-WIL (online WIL) and WIL-a (WIL assessments), as well as the development of an adjustable WIL barometer tool that can be altered to a ‘fit for purpose’ practical application for specific disciplines.  Using several templates participants will have the opportunity to apply and evaluate the WIL barometer as part of the workshop.
WIL teaching and assessment methods are often devised to provide for a range of linkages to occupation-specific knowledge and skills, education and qualification outcomes, and explicit academic underpinnings. WIL evaluations and WIL barometers measure the contiguity of teaching and assessment methods to specific occupations and their associated industry requirements. To consider the full benefit of a WIL teaching and assessment methodology, WIL barometers should include a measurement of the development of personal, technical and vocational skills, as well as academic outcomes.
Embedding WIL into a curriculum often involves scaffolding a range of activities across a course of study, often culminating in workplace placement. Important to the measure of WIL therefore, is a process or tool that can provide a multidimensional examination of the complexities and features of the full range of WIL activities. The WIL workshop will provide information for the development, application, evaluation and measure of contextualised WIL teaching and assessment.

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