Dairy benchmarking program

Project details

Status: Current

Free-of-charge benchmarking program

Find out how your dairy farm compares with others in the State. TIA offers a free and anonymous benchmarking service that provides information about the efficiency and performance indicators of dairy farming businesses.

Full farm report

All businesses who enter the benchmarking receive a detailed farm report, comparing current and previous years' farm information (if available), including financial and physical information such as costs (per cow, per ha and per kg/MS), milk and feed production, labour efficiency, and pasture utilisation; both for your farm business and a state average for Tasmania.

The report is part of the national Dairy Farm Monitor Project (DFMP). Reports on all dairy regions of Australia are available on the Dairy Australia website.

Sign up

To sign up for benchmarking, contact Lesley Irvine.

Enter the Dairy Awards

You could be in to win if you participate in the benchmarking program. Participants of the program can choose to enter the Dairy Business of the Year Award or the Share Dairy Farmer Award.

The Awards are presented at the annual Tasmanian Dairy Conference, organised by DairyTas.

For more information contact:

Lesley Irvine