Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

Contributions and Reflections for IDAHOBIT Week 2019

Angela Dwyer presenting IDAHOBIT

Associate Professor Angela Dwyer was invited to contribute to a guest panel for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) Week 2019 at RMIT University in Melbourne on ‘Justice and Protection for All’ on 16 May. Assoc Prof Dwyer was one of four panellists (Joe Ball CEO of Switchboard; Brenda Appleton from Transgender Victoria; and Nur Warsame Australia’s first openly gay Imam) that outlined their research and policy priorities in Australia and internationally for LGBTIQ people.

On 17 May, Associate Professor Angela Dwyer (pictured) was the invited keynote speaker for the annual Working It Out IDAHOBIT Breakfast and Dorothy Awards in Hobart. Assoc Prof Dwyer gave a short personal reflection related to emergency services and the importance of considering LGBTIQ people in these services and announced the winner of the Dorothy Awards (Tasmania Police).

Angela Dwyer is an Associate Professor in Police Studies and Emergency Management in the School of Social Sciences, and a Senior Researcher with TILES. Dr Dwyer is a leading scholar on how sexuality, gender, and sex diversity influences policing and criminal justice experiences, and how young people from vulnerable groups experience policing and lead editor of Queering Criminology with Dr Matthew Ball and Dr Thomas Crofts published by Palgrave Macmillan. She is a board member for Equality Tasmania (formerly the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group) and was invited to be part of the LGBTI Strategic Working Group with the Department of Police, Fire, and Emergency Management in Tasmania.

Published on: 29 May 2019