Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

The Institute Welcomes Three New Postgraduate Students

welcomeThe Institute extends a warm welcome to three new postgraduate students commencing their research under the supervision of TILES researchers.

The new postgraduate students are joining an expanding community of current postgraduates supervised or co-supervised by TILES.

Justin Abrahams
Public and Community Sector Leadership: An evaluation of current practices and recommend models for optimal strategic and operational success.
(PhD Candidate) supervised by Assoc Prof Angela Dwyer and Prof Roberta Julian.

Natasa Adamovic
Disaster Victim Identification - how to shorten the time from disaster to closure.
(MRes Candidate) supervised by Prof Roberta Julian and Dr Loene Howes.

Scott McLaren
The Role of Forensic Science in Policing, Intelligence and Counterterrorism.
(PhD Candidate) supervised by Prof Roberta Julian and Dr Loene Howes.

The Institute provides opportunities for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) programs - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Research Masters (MRes), and full fee-paying postgraduate courses.

Published on: 26 Jun 2019