Tasmanian Institute of Learning & Teaching

Ensuring Quality of Non traditional (Non Award) Offerings

Quality Assurance of Non-award Non-traditional (NANT) offerings is the responsibility of the College, Institute or Centre who will be delivering the offering. QA is largely related to three main design elements, which are:

  • Aspects related to pedagogy, content and assessment (Learning Design QA);
  • Technical aspects such as usability and accessibility; and
  • Legal aspects such as licensing and copyright.

After approval, further support is made available from the Tasmanian Institute of Learning and Teaching (TILT) to meet these aspects in the form of advice, consultation and review of offerings in line with established quality indicators and rubrics.

The Learning Design and Technical Quality Assurance

The learning design and technical aspects of NANT offferings are evaluated against rubrics. After an offering is implemented, a reviewer assesses the online offering against a set of criteria. The reviewer evaluates the extent to which the offering meets these criteria, and provides constructive recommendations to the development team. The reviewed offering is often in the form of a pilot, limited to a group of invited participants.

The criteria are grouped into standards, each representing a different aspect of learning design when providing high-quality online courses. The criteria incorporate the University’s recommended approach to unit design, based on the constructive alignment framework.

The standards and criteria are available online.