Transforming the Mining Value Chain

Progress report

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
A copy of your submission will be emailed to this address
e.g. 2.2, T2c
Reporting Period * If this is a combined period report, select all that apply
Project Paperwork Stage * All projects, at a minimum, will require a work program. Those involving Partners will require a sub-project deed (incorporating a work program)
Sub-project Involvement *
Variations * Were there any variations to your project (e.g. research focus change, personnel change etc.)
Please provide details of variations to your project (e.g. PI Joe Bloggs no longer part of project due to exit from company)
Has this variation been reported previously to the Theme Leader/Director/Manager?
Issues * Were there any issues that have, or are anticipated to, affect your project?
Please provide details of issues affecting your project (e.g. 3 month delay in project due to field work season being canceled (flooding))
Has this issue been reported previously to the Theme Leader/Director/Manager?
Do you wish to report any highlights or achievements for the period? * e.g. new collaborations, new outcomes/advances, awards etc.
Please provide details of the highlights &/or achievements (make clear note if any are currently restricted by confidentiality)
This section should only be completed by the Sub-project Leader
Were there any additional contributions (cash or in-kind) to the project during the period? *
Please provide details of the additional contributions (these must be over and above those recorded against the head and sub-project agreements. If you are unsure, please confirm with the Hub Manager)
Please ensure your completed KPI document for the period selected is attached