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Work4Dementia Project


Work4Dementia is an evidence-based intervention that aims to build resilience for the dementia care workforce. The development and testing of Work4Dementia is funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council - Australian Research Council Dementia Research Development Fellowship awarded to Dr Kate-Ellen Elliott.


Dementia is a public health priority. The number of care workers in Australia must increase to meet growing complex dementia care needs. High job stress and turnover, as well as poor care exist. Strategies are required to attract and retain care staff, but we still do not know which programs best develop worker resilience. Our research will help to identify which strategies best reduce job stress, enhance work engagement, reduce turnover and improve quality care.


  • 2016-2020 National Health and Medical Research Council - Australian Research Council Dementia Research Development Fellowship.
  • 2015-2014 The Wicking Dementia Research & Education Centre Early Career Seed Funding Award.
  • 2014-2015 University of Tasmania’s Research Enhancement Grants Scheme.
  • 2009-2012 TIME for Dementia PhD Scholarship (Tasmanian and Victorian Dementia Study Centre), Wicking Dementia Research & Education Centre, School of Psychology, University of Tasmania.

The Team

Chief Investigator: Dr Kate-Ellen Elliott
Research Assistant: Laura Tierney
Collaborators: Prof Andrew Robinson, Prof James Vickers, Prof Jenn Scott, Prof Christine Stirling, Prof Kristy Sanderson, Prof Angela Martin.


Link to Wicking Website news and AAG eNewsletter //

Selected Publications

  1. Elliott K-EJ, Scott JL, Stirling C, Martin AJ, & Robinson A. (2012). Building capacity and resilience in the dementia care workforce: a systematic review of interventions targeting worker and organizational outcomes. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(6), 882-894. DOI: 10.1017/S1041610211002651
  2. Elliott K-EJ, Stirling CM, Martin AJ, Robinson AL, & Scott JL. (2013). Perspectives of the community-based dementia care workforce: 'occupational communion' a key finding from the Work 4 Dementia Project, International Psychogeriatrics, 25(5), 765-774. DOI: 10.1017/S1041610212002323.
  3. Elliott K-EJ, Stirling CM, Martin A, Robinson AL, & Scott JL. (2016).We are not all coping: a cross-sectional investigation of resilience in the dementia care workforce, Health Expectations, 19(6), 1251-1264. DOI: 10.1111/hex.12419.
  4. Elliott K-EJ, Stirling CM, Martin Angela, Robinson A, & Scott JL. (2017). Co-production for sustainability: Seeking the perspectives of informal dementia carers' on capacity building for community services. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(2) 267–282, DOI: 10.1002/jcop.21847.