BENEFITS: Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Net Emissions and Forestry ITemiSation of wool farms

Project details

Status: Current

At a glance

This project will address three key questions:

  • Does regenerative agriculture reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  • How can natural capital on farm be improved without detrimentally impacting on food production and agrifood systems?
  • How can we sustainably transition wool production systems towards lower GHG emissions with improved biodiversity?

Through people-centric engagement with Australian wool farmers, this project aims to:

  • Benchmark and compare the effects of grazing and soil management, planting trees and holistic farm management across farms.
  • Document existing biodiversity and natural capital on Australian wool farms.
  • Co-design regionally-appropriate adaptations that show how improvement in natural capital and biodiversity on wool farms impacts on long-term profitability, productivity and farm greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information contact:

Associate Professor Matthew Harrison


This project is funded by Australian Wool Innovation Limited.