Essential oil from Tasmanian kunzea

Project details

Status: Completed

For her PhD, Chanjoo Park is investigating growing techniques that might encourage kunzea to produce more of its special oils with even higher quality.

  • Do kunzea plants produce more oil if they’re left as a shrub or trimmed down like a lawn?
  • What is the optimal length of time to distil kunzea oil and should it be distilled under pressure?
  • How do seasonal changes affect the oil’s yield and chemical compounds?
  • What are its antifungal and antibacterial properties?
  • What’s the better fertiliser for kunzea – nitrogen or phosphorous – and how should it be applied?

The research is the first project to stem from a new partnership between TIA and Essential Oils of Tasmania (EOT).

“We’re all about innovation in the essential oils industry and celebrating the unique wonders of Tasmania’s native plants, so this new kunzea project is very exciting,” said Simon Wells, CEO of EOT.

“Not only will the research confirm the health benefits of kunzea and help us communicate those to the world, it will also contribute towards more efficient kunzea production and reduced processing costs."

For more information contact:

Dr Sandra Garland