Soil health research & extension priorities for potato industry

Project details

Status: Completed

This project aims to support the productivity and sustainability of Australia's potato industry through initiatives to improve soil health.

The project involves a critical review of relevant soil health literature and identification of critical knowledge gaps and direction for research priorities. It will deliver tangible benefits to potato industry levy payers around Australia through the development of information and extension materials that will be provided to stakeholders.

As part of the project, an Industry Forum was held in North-West Tasmania in November 2017.

Videos from the forum

TIA Associate Professor, Calum Wilson, presented about advancements in managing powder and common potato scab.

Dr Bob Larkin from the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service presented about soil-borne potato disease.

Potato growers provide their insights on managing soil health

Managing potato soil health within a potato farming system can be challenging.  Thinking long term is the key. The following interviews with growers from around Australia provide an insight into what they are doing to manage the most valuable resource on their farm - their soil.

For more information contact:

Dr Robert Tegg