Pastures in Schools Program

Project details

Status: Completed

Key outcomes

This initiative focused on helping teachers inspire the next generation of agricultural scientists.

Dr Rowan Smith alongside TIA pasture experts Ms Lesley Irvine and Mr Gary Martin, delivered two professional development training workshops for teachers from 15 high schools across Tasmania.

The sessions demonstrated practical hands-on exercises that teachers could run in their classrooms to teach pasture science to their students.

Highlighting the science in pasture

Grazing industries are significant in Tasmania because they account for more than half of our total farm gate value.

This program provided teachers with a guide on how to enlighten students on the importance of pastures.

Highlighting where science plays a key role in the decision-making processes of farmers and providing hands-on activities will inspire students into following a career in agricultural science.

The sessions started from the ground up looking at everything from soil texture and soil fertility, right through to nodule scoring on legumes, pasture measurement and feed budgeting.

Training materials

The training materials have been added to the ‘Engaging students in STEM using Agriculture – Teacher Resource Book’, developed by TIA.

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Pastures in Schools is a highly valued collaboration between the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) and the Department of Education 'Revitalising school farms initiative'.

TIA received funding for the initiative through the University of Tasmania's regional incentives grants scheme. Special thanks to the Hagley farm school and visitor centre.