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The Wicking Dementia Centre is at the forefront of translational research of relevance to people living with dementia and their caregivers. We undertake multidisciplinary research around key themes of care, cause and prevention of dementia. We have created a collaborative environment of researchers and global specialists working together to advance the understanding of dementia.

We are currently updating our research website so please take a look at the range of research being undertaken.

The prevalence of modifiable risk factors among refugees

Stress Targets for Alzheimer’s disease - summary coming soon

Linking brain injury and dementia - summary coming soon

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and dementia

La Caixa – Leptin - summary coming soon

Impact of Alzheimer’s Pathology - summary coming soon

Excitability in AD - summary coming soon

PINNS and PARVALBUMIN - summary coming soon

Microglia in dementia - summary coming soon

SARM1 - summary coming soon

Computer Vision to track movements in Mice - summary coming soon

HDAC - summary coming soon

MND and FTD - summary coming soon

Venture Out Living Lab

MENU project - summary coming soon


Reducing Aspiration pneumonia

Dementia Care Support Worker - summary coming soon

TACFP Project - summary coming soon

Dem Care steps - summary coming soon

Korongee Dementia Village - summary coming soon

REDUSE - summary coming soon

Restraint - summary coming soon