The Visual Attention Lab

Investigating the spatial and temporal dynamics of neural mechanisms underlying visual attention.

The goal of this research group is to further our understanding of the fundamental nature of human visual attention using interdisciplinary techniques drawn from experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and computer science.


  • Cognitive neuroscience
  • Visual attention
  • Inhibition of return
  • Electroencephalography
  • Eye tracking
  • Psychophysics
  • Computational modeling


Inhibition of return

Group Leader(s)


School of Psychological Sciences



Group members

Nicholas Wilson

We welcome applications from future students interested in joining this research group.

Many of these topics are investigated with national and international collaborators, including Rebecca Treiman (Washington University in St Louis), Clare Wood (Nottingham Trent University), Peter Bryant (Oxford University), Evan Kidd (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics/Australian National University), Lisi Beyersmann (Macquarie University)