
David Bowman

UTAS Home Prof David Bowman

David Bowman

School of Natural Sciences

Room 2.13, Level 2 , Old Medical Building

0428 894 500 (phone)

+61 3 6226 2698 (fax)

Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire Science, David Bowman is exploring the relationship between fire, landscapes and humans. He co-authored the textbook 'Fire on Earth – an introduction' and is leading the pack globally in this complex field.

Understanding fire on Earth

Fire is absolutely fundamental to life. There is no known human culture that doesn't use it. Our digestive systems, mouths and teeth are shaped by the fact that our ancestors cooked with fire, and every vegetation type on the planet is exposed to it at some point. But fire comes in many forms. While it is a source of life and regeneration, it can also be a source of devastation.

Fire is the biggest driver of change in the Australian landscape. It has been used as a tool to manage landscapes for 40,000 years, starting when the Indigenous Australians colonised the continent. But the relationship between fire, the landscape and humans is complex. There are trade offs between the needs of culture and society, and ecology and biodiversity. And, as the earth warms, our fire landscape is changing. How do we ensure that we are using fire in a sustainable way? And as wild fire becomes more common, how can we prepare for what is coming?

Professor Bowman is exploring the relationship between fire, landscapes and humans so that he can answer these fundamental questions.

'As a result of human impacts, there are unusual processes now occurring in the landscape. We need to understand the impacts that we are having and the consequences.'

Professor Bowman's research covers a number of fire related topics, including:

  • Fire ecology: plant biology and its relationship with fire
  • Pyrogeography: the impacts, consequences and benefits of human burning
  • Carbon dynamics: fire's relationship with carbon storage and global warming
  • Biomass burning and its impact on human health

'We need to bring all of these elements together in order to intelligently use and manage for fire into the future. It is a big question and we need to throw everything in the toolbox at it.'

The outcomes of Professor Bowman's research are used to inform wildland management, conservation of biodiversity, bushfire mitigation and to better understand the impact of smoke on human health.

'Fire comes in lots of varieties. Some fire in certain landscapes is beneficial for biodiversity, but the same fire in a different landscape could have a negative impact.

'Controlled burning for bushfire mitigation could prevent a devastating bushfire, but the smoke can have negative impacts on our health.

'Fire also releases carbon into the atmosphere, and frequent and widespread fires can compound the problem of climate change and make bushfires occur more often.

'We can't just look at fire from one perspective and we can't afford to put our heads in the sand. Wildfire is going to occur more often.'

Professor Bowman works with others across the globe drawing together teams of people to explore these complex relationships.

'We have to work on a global scale, because this is a globally significant problem. To make a difference we have to be incredibly networked and collaborate widely.'

Despite the global reach, Tasmania is the best place to carry out this research, according to Professor Bowman.

'Tasmania's landscape is so diverse. It has wet areas, dry areas, bogs, trees and everything in between. It is a great place for a fire ecologist to perch.'

Professor David Bowman holds a research chair in Environmental Change Biology. His field of inquiry spans ecology, evolution, biogeography and management of environmental change using Australia as a model system. He is particularly interested in researching the ecological impacts of landscape fire, and the interplay between human and biomass burning, a field of inquiry he describes as 'pyrogeography'. Hallmarks of Bowman's research are crossing disciplinary boundaries, building enduring research partnerships and translating research findings to broader policy and management debates.


Following a PhD in forest ecology and silviculture in 1984 at UTas, Professor Bowman took a post as a wildlife biologist with the Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife Commission where he undertook pioneering field research in this tropical savanna frontier. In 1994 he was awarded a Charles Bullard Fellowship at Harvard University where he wrote an influential book on the environmental controls of Australian rainforest distribution for Cambridge University PressIn 2002 he became Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management. In 2007 he took up a research chair at the University of Tasmania where he built critical mass in pyrogeographic and environmental change biology research. He is an adjunct Professor at the Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods at Charles Darwin University, and a visiting fellow at the Fenner School of the Environment at the Australian National University.

Career summary


DegreeTitle of ThesisUniversityCountryDate of Award
DScThe environmental control of Australian rainforestsUniversity of TasmaniaAustralia18/12/2001
PhDThe ecology and silviculture of Eucalyptus delegatensis on dolerite in TasmaniaUniversity of TasmaniaAustralia13/03/1985
(1st Class Hons)
Fire, vegetation and nutrient interactions in Southwest TasmaniaUniversity of TasmaniaAustralia29/03/1980


Professional practice

Ecological Society of Australia

Committee associations

  • ARC College of Experts
  • Kakadu National Park Research Advisory Committee
  • National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Biodiversity Steering Committee

Administrative expertise

Former Director of ARC Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management, Charles Darwin University and leader of numerous large research grants involving multiple stakeholders and research institutions.


Teaching expertise

Co-author of the Wiley-Blackwell text book Fire on Earth: An introduction published in 2014.

Research Appointments

  • 2015-2016 - Peter Wall Institute's International Visiting Research Scholar, University of British Columbia, Canada
  • 2011 - Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Distinguished International Visitor, Leeds University, UK
  • 2008 - Fellowship at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
  • 2007 - Agnese N. Haury Visiting Scholar and Trainee Fellowship Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
  • 2003-2006 - Director of the ARC Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management, Charles Darwin University
  • 2001 - Visiting Professor, Kyoto University
  • 1998-2003 - Principal Research Fellow, Charles Darwin University
  • 1994-1995 - Charles Bullard Fellow, Harvard University
  • 1993 - Lecturer, University of Wollongong
  • 1992 - Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
  • 1984-1998 - Principal Wildlife Research Officer, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory

Research Invitations

  • 2015 - Invited talk Royal Society London symposium The interaction of fire and mankind
  • 2015 - Invited John Smaillie Tennant Lecture, Department of Botany, University of Otago New Zealand
  • 2014 - Keynote 10th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference, Hobart
  • 2014 - Keynote Island Arks Symposium III, Hobart
  • 2013 - Keynote Society for Range Management Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
  • 2011 - Keynote speaker to the Ecological Society of Australia Conference, Hobart
  • 2010 - Invited talk to the 8th Annual Savanna Science Networking Meeting, Kruger National Park, South Africa
  • 2009 - Plenary speaker 4th International Congress on Fire Ecology and Management: Fire as a Global Process Savannah, Georgia USA

View more on Professor David Bowman in WARP


  • Fire ecology and management
  • Wildlife biology
  • Global change biology
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Traditional ecological knowledge

Research Themes

Professor Bowman's transdisciplinary research spans three of the University's research themes:

Environment: He is interested in understanding how landscapes have changed, and will change, particularly discerning the effects of Aboriginal fire usage over the last 40,000 years and the consequences of the disruption of this ancient tradition following European settlement. He is also exploring the plausible consequence of rapid climate change due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas pollution on tree growth, carbon storage and wildfire activity and fuels using macroecological analyses.

Resources and Sustainability: His work is strongly applied, attempting to provide a pathway to achieve sustainable human co-existence with flammable landscape through the use of planned burning while sustaining the conservation of biodiversity.

Better Health: He collaborates closely with epidemiologists to understand the impact of biomass smoke pollution on human population health and how best to manage this side-effect of planned burning to manage wildfire fuels.


Professor Bowman has numerous collaborators from a wide cross section of fields from around the world:

  • His molecular biogeography research hinges on a partnership with Professor Yuji Isagi from Kyoto University, Shota Sakaguchi from the University of Tokyo and Professor Mike Crisp at ANU.
  • Dr Brett Murphy from Charles Darwin University, Dr Owen Price from Wollongong University and Professor Mark Cochrane from South Dakota University USA are key members of his fire ecology team.
  • He works closely with Dr Fay Johnston at the Menzies Institute for Health Research at UTas and Dr Sarah Henderson from the University of British Columbia and the British Columbia Centre for Disease control of the health impacts of biomass smoke. The biomass smoke research involves stakeholders from the Health, Environmental protection and Fire Management agencies from NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.
  • Professor Bowman's research on palaeoecology and past fire regimes is based on an enduring research partnership with Professor Simon Haberle at ANU. Bowman works closely with land managers and has established a close working relationship with Dr Tom Vigilante from the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation and Dr Jim Radford of Bush Heritage Australia. Assistant Professor Chris Roos from Southern Methodist College, Texas and Dr Clay Trauernicht from the University of Hawaii work closely with Bowman on the ecological effect of traditional societies fire use.
  • Associate Professor George Perry from the University of Auckland and Professor Bowman are using spatial models to understand landscape level dynamics.


  • 2017 - Menzies Institute Community Engagement Award to AirRater Team
  • 2016 - Tasmanian State Emergency Service Resilience Award
  • 2016 - Australian Info. Industry Assoc. Tasmanian iAwards, Community Service
  • 2010 - Australian Academy of Science Graeme Caughley Travelling Fellowship
  • 2009 - University of Tasmania Vice-Chancellor's Research Excellent Award
  • 2009 - University of Tasmania Faculty Science, Engineering and Technology Dean's Award for Research Excellence
  • 2008 - Finalist (with Fay Johnston) for Sherman Eureka Prize for Environmental Research
  • 2006 - Finalist Australian of the Year (Northern Territory Division)
  • 2006 - Finalist (with Barry Brook) Botanic Gardens Trust Eureka Prize for Biodiversity Research
  • 2005 - Finalist Botanic Gardens Trust Eureka Prize for Biodiversity Research
  • 2000 - Australian Academy of Science Rudi Lemberg Travelling Fellowship

Current projects

  • AirRater – An air sensing network to protect Tasmanians' health (Sense-T)
  • Aboriginal patch burning and the quest for sustainable fire management (ARC Discovery)
  • Bushfires, smoke, and people: assessing the risks and benefits from planned burning on the urban–rural interface (ARC Linkage)
  • How has bushfire activity varied around the Southern hemisphere over the last 10,000 years? (ARC Discovery)
  • WildFIRE PIRE: Feedbacks and consequences of altered fire regimes in the face of climate and land-use change in Tasmania, New Zealand, and the western U.S. (NSF USA)
  • Landscapes and Policy NERP Hub (Australian Department of the Environment)
  • Continental forestry plots component of National Scientific Reference Site Network (Terrestrial Environmental Research Network)
  • Shifting fire regimes of the United States, Australia and Brazilian Amazonia: the roles of climate change, land use, and mitigation efforts (NASA Interdisciplinary Sciences)

Fields of Research

  • Landscape ecology (410206)
  • Terrestrial ecology (310308)
  • Global change biology (319902)
  • Biogeography and phylogeography (310402)
  • Forestry fire management (300706)
  • Conservation and biodiversity (410401)
  • Ecosystem function (410203)
  • Environmental management (410404)
  • Ecological impacts of climate change and ecological adaptation (410102)
  • Environmental epidemiology (420203)
  • Palaeoecology (310306)
  • Environmental management (410499)
  • Pollution and contamination (410599)
  • Fire ecology (410205)
  • Wildlife and habitat management (410407)
  • Ecology (310399)
  • Community ecology (excl. invasive species ecology) (310302)
  • Population ecology (310307)
  • Plant developmental and reproductive biology (310804)
  • Plant biology (310899)
  • Occupational and workplace health and safety (350505)
  • Biosecurity science and invasive species ecology (410202)
  • Ecological physiology (310303)
  • Epidemiology (420299)
  • Palaeoclimatology (370904)
  • Biological adaptation (310403)
  • Forestry management and environment (300707)
  • Natural resource management (410406)
  • Genetics (310599)
  • Climate change impacts and adaptation (410199)
  • Other environmental sciences (419999)
  • Forestry sciences (300799)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental knowledges (450304)
  • Social geography (440610)
  • Natural hazards (370903)
  • Health services and systems (420399)
  • Climate change processes (370201)
  • Human impacts of climate change and human adaptation (410103)
  • Physical geography and environmental geoscience (370999)
  • Respiratory diseases (320103)
  • Soil biology (410603)
  • Forestry biomass and bioproducts (300705)
  • Evolutionary biology (310499)
  • Public health (420699)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociology (450525)
  • Environment policy (440704)
  • Behavioural ecology (310301)
  • Zoology (310999)
  • Tree nutrition and physiology (300710)
  • Forest ecosystems (300703)
  • Plant physiology (310806)
  • Palaeontology (incl. palynology) (370506)
  • Data management and data science (460599)
  • Photogrammetry and remote sensing (401304)
  • Environmental assessment and monitoring (410402)
  • Carbon sequestration science (410101)
  • Invertebrate biology (310913)
  • Environmental education and extension (410403)
  • Plant and fungus systematics and taxonomy (310411)
  • Crop and pasture protection (incl. pests, diseases and weeds) (300409)
  • Other biological sciences (319999)
  • Environmental rehabilitation and restoration (410405)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural history (450103)
  • Speciation and extinction (310412)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archaeology (450101)
  • Landscape architecture (330109)
  • Environmental geography (440604)
  • Te whaomoomo taiao o te Maori (Maori environmental conservation) (450903)
  • Horticultural production (300899)
  • Tourism (350899)
  • Animal management (300302)
  • Molecular evolution (310510)
  • Atmospheric aerosols (370103)
  • Soil sciences (410699)
  • Machine learning (461199)
  • Human geography (440699)
  • Social psychology (520505)
  • Fluid-structure interaction and aeroacoustics (401206)
  • Historical, comparative and typological linguistics (470406)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community (450599)
  • Health and community services (420305)
  • Environmental engineering (401199)
  • Sedimentology (370509)
  • Cultural geography (440601)
  • Data communications (400602)
  • Stratigraphy (incl. biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis) (370510)
  • Communications engineering (400699)
  • Stochastic analysis and modelling (490510)
  • Veterinary epidemiology (300905)
  • Soil chemistry and soil carbon sequestration (excl. carbon sequestration science) (410604)
  • Surface water hydrology (370704)
  • Urban geography (440612)
  • Risk engineering (401005)
  • Disaster and emergency management (350703)
  • Archaeological science (430101)
  • Meteorology (370108)
  • Health equity (420602)
  • Biological oceanography (370801)

Research Objectives

  • Terrestrial biodiversity (180606)
  • Assessment and management of freshwater ecosystems (180301)
  • Social impacts of climate change and variability (190103)
  • Other environmental management (189999)
  • Natural hazards (190499)
  • Public health (excl. specific population health) (200499)
  • Climatological hazards (e.g. extreme temperatures, drought and wildfires) (190401)
  • Assessment and management of Antarctic and Southern Ocean ecosystems (180403)
  • Ecosystem adaptation to climate change (190102)
  • Evaluation, allocation, and impacts of land use (180603)
  • Assessment and management of terrestrial ecosystems (180601)
  • Effects of climate change on Australia (excl. social impacts) (190504)
  • Native forests (260204)
  • Control of pests, diseases and exotic species in terrestrial environments (180602)
  • Understanding climate change (190599)
  • Climate change adaptation measures (excl. ecosystem) (190101)
  • Rehabilitation or conservation of terrestrial environments (180604)
  • Expanding knowledge in the environmental sciences (280111)
  • Air quality, atmosphere and weather (180199)
  • Expanding knowledge in the biological sciences (280102)
  • Environmental policy, legislation and standards (190299)
  • Air quality (180101)
  • Climate variability (excl. social impacts) (190502)
  • Understanding Australia's past (130703)
  • Soils (180605)
  • Clinical health (200199)
  • Control of pests, diseases and exotic species in coastal and estuarine environments (180204)
  • Native and residual pastures (100503)
  • Institutional arrangements (190206)
  • Assessment and management of benthic marine ecosystems (180501)
  • Conserving natural heritage (130404)
  • Health protection and disaster response (200406)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander connection to land and environment (210402)
  • Integration of farm and forestry (260203)
  • Expanding knowledge in human society (280123)
  • Atmospheric composition (incl. greenhouse gas inventory) (180102)
  • Antarctic and Southern Ocean oceanic processes (180402)
  • Environmentally sustainable plant production (260199)
  • Carbon and emissions trading (159901)
  • Harvesting and transport of forest products (260202)
  • Expanding knowledge in history, heritage and archaeology (280113)
  • Land policy (190207)
  • Prevention of human diseases and conditions (200104)
  • Environmental ethics (130303)
  • Evaluation of health outcomes (200202)
  • Atmospheric processes and dynamics (180103)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health system performance (210303)
  • Fresh, ground and surface water biodiversity (180303)
  • Environmentally sustainable commercial services and tourism (110199)
  • Game livestock (e.g. kangaroos, wallabies, camels, buffaloes) (100404)
  • Climate change mitigation strategies (190301)
  • Information systems, technologies and services (220499)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge (210404)
  • Hardwood plantations (260201)
  • Expanding knowledge in engineering (280110)
  • Global effects of climate change (excl. Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica and the South Pacific) (excl. social impacts) (190507)
  • Terrestrial systems and management (180699)
  • Expanding knowledge in the earth sciences (280107)
  • Climate change models (190501)
  • Disease distribution and transmission (incl. surveillance and response) (200404)
  • Regional planning (120404)
  • Coastal and estuarine systems and management (180299)
  • Understanding the impact of natural hazards caused by climate change (190508)
  • Ground water quantification, allocation and impact of depletion (180305)
  • Artificial intelligence (220403)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education (210299)


Professor Bowman has 354 outputs with a Google h-factor of 62, and a Research ID (no. A-2930-2011) h-factor of 45, with an average of 24.9 citations per article.

Over the last decade Professor Bowman has produced more than 170 peer-reviewed papers, two books, 15 book chapters, and many other publications and government reports. Over 30% of his papers are in top-ranked international journals (impact factor of > 4) including Nature, Nature Communications, Science, PNAS, Trends in Plant Science, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Ecology Letters, and Proceeding of the Royal Society B. Bowman's Google h-factor is 51 and Research ID (no. A-2930-2011) h-factor is currently 38.

Total publications


Highlighted publications

(8 outputs)
2014BookScott AC, Bowman DMJS, Bond WJ, Pyne SJ, Alexander ME, 'Fire on Earth: an Introduction', John Wiley & Sons, United Kingdom, pp. 405. ISBN 978-1-119-95357-9 (2014) [Authored Research Book]

[eCite] [Details]

2013Journal ArticleBowman DMJS, Murphy BP, Boer MM, Bradstock RA, Cary GJ, et al., 'Forest fire management, climate change, and the risk of catastrophic carbon losses', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11, (2) pp. 66-68. ISSN 1540-9295 (2013) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1890/13.WB.005 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 98Web of Science - 98


2013Journal ArticleBowman DMJS, O'Brien JA, Goldammer JG, 'Pyrogeography and the global quest for sustainable fire management', Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 38 pp. 57-80. ISSN 1543-5938 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-082212-134049 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 85Web of Science - 79


2013Journal ArticleSakaguchi S, Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, Crisp MD, Linde CC, et al., 'Climate, not Aboriginal landscape burning, controlled the historical demography and distribution of fire-sensitive conifer populations across Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 280, (1773) Article 20132182. ISSN 0962-8452 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2182 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 29

Co-authors: Prior LD


2012Journal ArticleJohnston FH, Henderson SB, Chen Y, Randerson JT, Marlier M, et al., 'Estimated global mortality attributable to smoke from landscape fires', Environmental Health Perspectives, 120, (5) pp. 695-701. ISSN 0091-6765 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1104422 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 456Web of Science - 414

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Henderson SB


2011Journal ArticleBowman DMJS, Balch J, Artaxo P, Bond WJ, Cochrane MA, et al., 'The human dimension of fire regimes on Earth', Journal of Biogeography, 38, (12) pp. 2223-2236. ISSN 0305-0270 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02595.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 695Web of Science - 660

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2009Journal ArticleBowman DMJS, Balch JK, Artaxo P, Bond WJ, Carlson JM, et al., 'Fire in the Earth System', Science, 324, (5926) pp. 481-484. ISSN 0036-8075 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1126/science.1163886 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1979Web of Science - 1874

Co-authors: Johnston F


2000BookBowman DMJS, 'Australian rainforests: Islands of Green in a Land of Fire', Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 360. ISBN 978-0521465687 (2000) [Authored Research Book]

[eCite] [Details]

Journal Article

(411 outputs)
2023Bowman DMJS, Ondei S, Lucieer A, Foyster S, Prior LD, 'Forest‑sedgeland boundaries are historically stable and resilient to wildfre at Blakes Opening in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, Australia', Landscape Ecology, 38 pp. 205-222. ISSN 1572-9761 (2023) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-022-01558-x [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Ondei S; Lucieer A; Foyster S; Prior LD


2022Adeleye MA, Haberle SG, Ondei S, Bowman DMJS, 'Ecosystem transformation following the mid‑nineteenth century cessation of Aboriginal fire management in Cape Pillar, Tasmania', Regional Environmental Change, 22, (99) pp. 1-14. ISSN 1436-378X (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10113-022-01954-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1

Co-authors: Ondei S


2022Bowman DMJS, Fernon BA, Marte K, Williamson GJ, 'Analysis of seasonal and interannual river flows affecting whitewater rafting on the Franklin River in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area', Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 37 Article 100481. ISSN 2213-0780 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2021.100481 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2022Bowman DMJS, Furlaud JM, Porter M, Williamson GJ, 'The fuel moisture index based on understorey Hygrochron iButton humidity and temperature measurements reliably predicts fine fuel moisture content in Tasmanian Eucalyptus forests', Fire, 5, (5) Article 130. ISSN 2571-6255 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire5050130 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Furlaud JM; Porter M; Williamson GJ


2022Bowman DMJS, Kolden CA, Williamson GJ, 'Bushfires in Tasmania, Australia: An Introduction', Fire, 5, (2) Article 33. ISSN 2571-6255 (2022) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.3390/fire5020033 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2022Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, 'Save the world's forest giants from infernos', Nature, 609 pp. 895. ISSN 0028-0836 (2022) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1038/d41586-022-03009-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2022Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Johnston FH, Bowman CJW, Murphy BP, et al., 'Population collapse of a Gondwanan conifer follows the loss of Indigenous fire regimes in a northern Australian savanna', Scientific Reports, 12 Article 9081. ISSN 2045-2322 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-12946-3 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Johnston FH; Bowman CJW; Prior LD


2022Jones PJ, Furlaud JM, Williamson GJ, Johnston FH, Bowman DMJS, 'Smoke pollution must be part of the savanna fire management equation: a case study from Darwin, Australia', Ambio, 51 pp. 2214-2226. ISSN 0044-7447 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01745-9 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2

Co-authors: Jones PJ; Furlaud JM; Williamson GJ; Johnston FH


2022Jones PJ, Furlaud JM, Williamson GJ, Johnston FH, Bowman DMJS, 'Smoke pollution must be part of the savanna fire management equation: A case study from Darwin, Australia', Ambio, 51 pp. 2214-2226. ISSN 0044-7447 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01745-9 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2

Co-authors: Jones PJ; Furlaud JM; Williamson GJ; Johnston FH


2022Lucas CH, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Neighbourhood bushfire hazard, community risk perception and preparedness in peri-urban Hobart, Australia', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 31, (12) pp. 1129-1143. ISSN 1448-5516 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF22099 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Lucas CH; Williamson GJ


2022Ndalila MN, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Carbon dioxide and particulate emissions from the 2013 Tasmanian firestorm: implications for Australian carbon accounting', Carbon Balance and Management, 17, (7) pp. 1-18. ISSN 1750-0680 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1186/s13021-022-00207-9 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Ndalila MN; Williamson GJ


2022Prior LD, Foyster SM, Furlaud JM, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Using permanent forest plots to evaluate the resilience to fire of Tasmania's tall wet eucalypt forests', Forest Ecology and Management, 505, (01 February 2022) Article 119922. ISSN 0378-1127 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119922 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: Prior LD; Foyster SM; Furlaud JM; Williamson GJ


2022Prior LD, Nichols SC, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Post-fire restoration of Sphagnum bogs in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, Australia', Restoration Ecology, 31, (3) Article 13797. ISSN 1526-100X (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/rec.13797 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Prior LD; Nichols SC; Williamson GJ


2022Williamson GJ, Ellis TM, Bowman DMJS, 'Double-differenced dNBR: combining MODIS and Landsat imagery to map fine-grained fire MOSAICS in lowland Eucalyptus savanna in Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia', Fire, 5, (5) Article 160. ISSN 2571-6255 (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire5050160 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Ellis TM


2022Workman A, Johnston FH, Campbell SL, Williamson G, Lucani C, et al., 'Evaluating user preferences, comprehension, and trust in Apps for environmental health hazards: Qualitative case study', JMIR Formative Research, 6, (12) pp. 1-15. ISSN 2561-326X (2022) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2196/38471 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Workman A; Johnston FH; Campbell SL; Williamson G; Lucani C; Cooling N; Jones P


2021Adeleye MA, Haberle SG, Connor SE, Stevenson J, Bowman DMJS, 'Indigenous fire-managed landscapes in southeast Australia during the Holocene - new insights from the Furneaux Group islands, Bass Strait', Fire, 4, (2) Article 17. ISSN 2571-6255 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire4020017 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 4


2021Bergstrom DM, Wienecke BC, van den Hoff J, Hughes L, Lindenmayer DB, et al., 'Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic', Global Change Biology, 27, (9) pp. 1692-1703. ISSN 1354-1013 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15539 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 71Web of Science - 71

Co-authors: Brooks ST; Constable AJ; Johnson CR; Melbourne-Thomas J; Raymond B; Travers T; Trebilco R; Ward DFL


2021Bliss A, Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Lack of reliable post-fire recovery mechanisms makes the iconic Tasmanian conifer Athrotaxis cupressoides susceptible to population decline', Australian Journal of Botany, 69, (3) Article BT20117. ISSN 0067-1924 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT20117 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 4

Co-authors: Bliss A; Prior LD


2021Borchers-Arriagada N, Bowman DMJS, Price O, Palmer AJ, Samson S, et al., 'Smoke health costs and the calculus for wildfires fuel management: a modelling study', The Lancet Planetary Health, 5, (9) pp. e608-e619. ISSN 2542-5196 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00198-4 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Borchers-Arriagada N; Palmer AJ; Johnston FH


2021Bowman DMJS, 'Conflagrations and the wisdom of Aboriginal sacred knowledge', Fire, 4, (4) Article 88. ISSN 2571-6255 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire4040088 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1


2021Bowman DMJS, French BJ, Williamson GJ, Prior LD, 'Fire, herbivores and the management of temperate Eucalyptus savanna in Tasmania: introducing the Beaufront fire - mammalian herbivore field experiment', Ecological Management & Restoration, 22, (S2) pp. 140-151. ISSN 1839-3330 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/emr.12453 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: French BJ; Williamson GJ; Prior LD


2021Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, 'River flows are a reliable index of forest fire risk in the temperate Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, Australia', Fire, 4, (2) Article 22. ISSN 2571-6255 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire4020022 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 5Web of Science - 5

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2021Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Gibson RK, Bradstock RA, Keenan RJ, 'The severity and extent of the Australia 2019-20 Eucalyptus forest fires are not the legacy of forest management', Nature Ecology & Evolution pp. 1-11. ISSN 2397-334X (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/s41559-021-01464-6 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 39Web of Science - 34

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Bradstock RA


2021Cochrane MA, Bowman DMJS, 'Manage fire regimes, not fires', Nature Geoscience, 14, (7) pp. 455-457. ISSN 1752-0894 (2021) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1038/s41561-021-00791-4 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 18


2021Ellis TM, Bowman DMJS, Jain P, Flannigan MD, Williamson GJ, 'Global increase in wildfire risk due to climate-driven declines in fuel moisture', Global Change Biology Article 16006. ISSN 1354-1013 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16006 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 26Web of Science - 23

Co-authors: Ellis TM; Williamson GJ


2021Fletcher M-S, Bowman DMJS, Whitlock C, Mariani M, Beck KK, et al., 'The influence of climatic change, fire and species invasion on a Tasmanian temperate rainforest system over the past 18,000 years', Quaternary Science Reviews, 260 Article 106824. ISSN 0277-3791 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106824 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 1


2021Foulkes JA, Prior LD, Leonard SWJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Demographic effects of severe fire in montane shrubland on Tasmania's Central Plateau', Fire, 4, (3) Article 32. ISSN 2571-6255 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire4030032 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 5Web of Science - 5

Co-authors: Foulkes JA; Prior LD


2021Furlaud JM, Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Bioclimatic drivers of fire severity across the Australian geographical range of giant Eucalyptus forests', Journal of Ecology, 109, (6) pp. 2514-2536. ISSN 0022-0477 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13663 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Furlaud JM; Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2021Furlaud JM, Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire risk and severity decline with stand development in Tasmanian giant Eucalyptus forest', Forest Ecology and Management, 502 Article 119724. ISSN 0378-1127 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119724 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Furlaud JM; Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2021Harrison PA, Davidson NJ, Bailey TG, Jones Menna, Gilfedder L, et al., 'A decade of restoring a temperate woodland: Lessons learned and future directions', Ecological Management & Restoration, 22, (S2) pp. 164-174. ISSN 1839-3330 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/emr.12537 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: Harrison PA; Davidson NJ; Bailey TG; Jones Menna; Gilfedder L; Bridle K; Baker TP; Richardson BJ; Wallis L; Potts BM


2021Jones PJ, Koolhof IS, Wheeler AJ, Williamson GJ, Lucani C, et al., 'Characterising non-linear associations between airborne pollen counts and respiratory symptoms from the AirRater smartphone app in Tasmania, Australia: A case time series approach', Environmental Research Article 111484. ISSN 0013-9351 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111484 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 10Web of Science - 7

Co-authors: Jones PJ; Koolhof IS; Wheeler AJ; Williamson GJ; Lucani C; Campbell SL; Cooling N; Johnston FH


2021Nolan RH, Bowman DMJS, Clarke H, Haynes K, Ooi MKJ, et al., 'What do the Australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?', Fire, 4, (97) ISSN 2571-6255 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire4040097 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 22Web of Science - 19

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2021Ondei S, Prior LD, McGregor HW, Reid AM, Johnson CN, et al., 'Small mammal diversity is higher in infrequently compared with frequently burnt rainforest-savanna mosaics in the north Kimberley, Australia', Wildlife Research, 48, (3) pp. 218-229. ISSN 1035-3712 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR20010 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 5Web of Science - 6

Co-authors: Ondei S; Prior LD; McGregor HW; Johnson CN


2021Workman A, Jones PJ, Wheeler AJ, Campbell SL, Williamson GJ, et al., 'Environmental hazards and behavior change: User perspectives on the usability and effectiveness of the AirRater Smartphone App', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (7) Article 3591. ISSN 1660-4601 (2021) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073591 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 5

Co-authors: Workman A; Jones PJ; Wheeler AJ; Campbell SL; Williamson GJ; Lucani C; Cooling N; Johnston FH


2020Borchers Arriagada N, Palmer AJ, Bowman DMJS, Johnston FH, 'Exceedances of national air quality standards for particulate matter in Western Australia: sources and health-related impacts', Medical Journal of Australia, (March) pp. 1-2. ISSN 0025-729X (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50547 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: Borchers Arriagada N; Palmer AJ; Johnston FH


2020Borchers Arriagada N, Palmer AJ, Bowman DMJS, Morgan GG, Jalaludin BB, et al., 'Unprecedented smoke-related health burden associated with the 2019-20 bushfires in eastern Australia', Medical Journal of Australia pp. 1-2. ISSN 0025-729X (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50545 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 127Web of Science - 124

Co-authors: Borchers Arriagada N; Palmer AJ; Johnston FH


2020Borchers Arriagada N, Palmer AJ, Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Johnston FH, 'Health impacts of ambient biomass smoke in Tasmania, Australia', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, (9) Article 3264. ISSN 1661-7827 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17093264 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 18Web of Science - 19

Co-authors: Borchers Arriagada N; Palmer AJ; Williamson GJ; Johnston FH


2020Bowman D, Williamson G, Yebra M, Lizundia-Loiola J, Lucrecia Pettinari M, et al., 'Wildfires: Australia needs national monitoring agency', Nature, 584, (7820) pp. 188-191. ISSN 1476-4687 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/d41586-020-02306-4 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 52

Co-authors: Williamson G


2020Bowman DMJS, 'Using a natural experiment to foresee the fate of boreal carbon stores', Global Change Biology pp. 1-4. ISSN 1354-1013 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15214 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2


2020Bowman DMJS, Kolden CA, Abatzoglou JT, Johnston FH, van der Werf GR, et al., 'Vegetation fires in the Anthropocene', Nature Reviews Earth & Environment pp. 1-16. ISSN 2662-138X (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/s43017-020-0085-3 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 244Web of Science - 229

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2020Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Price OF, Ndalila MN, Bradstock RA, 'Australian forests, megafires and the risk of dwindling carbon stocks', Plant Cell and Environment, 44, (2) pp. 347-355. ISSN 0140-7791 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/pce.13916 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 32Web of Science - 33

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Ndalila MN


2020Campbell SL, Jones PJ, Williamson GJ, Wheeler AJ, Lucani C, et al., 'Using digital technology to protect health in prolonged poor air quality episodes: a case study of the AirRater App during the Australian 2019-20 fires', Fire, 3, (3) Article 40. ISSN 2571-6255 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire3030040 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 11

Co-authors: Campbell SL; Jones PJ; Williamson GJ; Wheeler AJ; Lucani C; Johnston FH


2020Cawson JG, Hemming V, Ackland A, Anderson W, Bowman D, et al., 'Exploring the key drivers of forest flammability in wet eucalypt forests using expert-derived conceptual models', Landscape Ecology, 35, (8) pp. 1775-1798. ISSN 0921-2973 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01055-z [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 20

Co-authors: Furlaud JM


2020Holz A, Wood SW, Ward C, Veblen TT, Bowman DMJS, 'Population collapse and retreat to fire refugia of the Tasmanian endemic conifer Athrotaxis selaginoides following the transition from Aboriginal to European fire management', Global Change Biology, 26, (5) pp. 3108-3121. ISSN 1354-1013 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15031 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 9

Co-authors: Wood SW; Ward C


2020Johnston FH, Borchers-Arriagada N, Morgan GG, Jalaludin B, Palmer AJ, et al., 'Unprecedented health costs of smoke-related PM2.5 from the 2019-20 Australian megafires', Nature Sustainability, (September) pp. 1-12. ISSN 2398-9629 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/s41893-020-00610-5 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 85Web of Science - 78

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Borchers-Arriagada N; Palmer AJ; Williamson GJ


2020Jones PJ, Koolhof IS, Wheeler AJ, Williamson GJ, Lucani C, et al., 'Can smartphone data identify the local environmental drivers of respiratory disease?', Environmental Research, 182 Article 109118. ISSN 0013-9351 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109118 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 16

Co-authors: Jones PJ; Koolhof IS; Wheeler AJ; Williamson GJ; Lucani C; Campbell SL; Johnston FH


2020Kattge J, Bonisch G, Diaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, et al., 'TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access', Global Change Biology, 26, (1) pp. 119-188. ISSN 1354-1013 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14904 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 642Web of Science - 604

Co-authors: Jordan GJ


2020Ndalila MN, Williamson GJ, Fox-Hughes P, Sharples J, Bowman DMJS, 'Evolution of a pyrocumulonimbus event associated with an extreme wildfire in Tasmania, Australia', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20 pp. 1497-1511. ISSN 1561-8633 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.5194/nhess-20-1497-2020 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 8Web of Science - 10

Co-authors: Ndalila MN; Williamson GJ


2020Porfirio LL, Antille DL, Watson I, Abbott BN, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'Productivity and biomass of Australia's rangelands: towards a national database', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 128 pp. 75-98. ISSN 0080-469X (2020) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2020Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Classification of post-fire responses of woody plants to include pyrophobic communities', Fire, 3, (2) Article 15. ISSN 2571-6255 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire3020015 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 12

Co-authors: Prior LD


2020Prior LD, French BJ, Storey K, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Soil moisture thresholds for combustion of organic soils in western Tasmania', International Journal of Wildland Fire pp. 1-11. ISSN 1049-8001 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF19196 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 9

Co-authors: Prior LD; French BJ; Williamson GJ


2020Prior LD, Whiteside TG, Williamson GJ, Bartolo RE, Bowman DMJS, 'Multi-decadal stability of woody cover in a mesic eucalypt savanna in the Australian monsoon tropics', Austral Ecology pp. 1-15. ISSN 1442-9985 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12877 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2020Reid AM, Murphy BP, Vigilante T, Barry LA, Bowman DMJS, 'Carbon isotope analysis shows introduced bovines have broader dietary range than the largest native herbivores in an Australian tropical savanna', Austral Ecology, 45, (1) pp. 109-121. ISSN 1442-9985 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12834 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 7

Co-authors: Reid AM


2020Reid AM, Murphy BP, Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, 'Distribution and abundance of large herbivores in a northern Australian tropical savanna: A multi-scale approach', Austral Ecology, 45, (5) pp. 529-547. ISSN 1442-9985 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12860 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 8Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Reid AM


2020Rodriguez-Cubillo D, Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Variation in Eucalyptus delegatensis post-fire recovery strategies: The Tasmanian subspecies is a resprouter whereas the mainland Australian subspecies is an obligate seeder', Forest Ecology and Management, 473 Article 118292. ISSN 0378-1127 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118292 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Rodriguez-Cubillo D; Prior LD


2020Sharples C, Walford H, Watson C, Ellison JC, Hua Q, et al., 'Ocean Beach, Tasmania: A swell-dominated shoreline reaches climate-induced recessional tipping point?', Marine Geology, 419 Article 106081. ISSN 0025-3227 (2020) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106081 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 6

Co-authors: Sharples C; Walford H; Watson C; Ellison JC; Bowden N


2019Allen KJ, Brookhouse M, French BJ, Nichols SC, Dahl B, et al., 'Two climate-sensitive tree-ring chronologies from Arnhem Land, monsoonal Australia', Austral Ecology, 44, (4) pp. 581-596. ISSN 1442-9993 (2019) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12699 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 7

Co-authors: Allen KJ; French BJ; Prior LD


2019Bowman DMJS, Bliss A, Bowman CJW, Prior LD, 'Fire caused demographic attrition of the Tasmanian palaeoendemic conifer Athrotaxis cupressoides', Austral Ecology, 44, (8) pp. 1322-1339. ISSN 1442-9985 (2019) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12789 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 14Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Bliss A; Bowman CJW; Prior LD


2019Bowman DMJS, Stoof C, 'Diversity helps to manage wildfires', Nature, 571, (7766) pp. 478-478. ISSN 0028-0836 (2019) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1038/d41586-019-02246-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 3


2019Crisp MD, Cook LG, Bowman DMJS, Cosgrove M, Isagi Y, et al., 'Turnover of southern cypresses in the post-Gondwanan world: extinction, transoceanic dispersal, adaptation and rediversification', New Phytologist, 221, (4) pp. 2308-2319. ISSN 0028-646X (2019) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/nph.15561 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 17


2019Jones PJ, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, Lefroy EC, 'Mapping Tasmania's cultural landscapes: using habitat suitability modelling of archaeological sites as a landscape history tool', Journal of Biogeography, 46, (11) pp. 2570-2582. ISSN 0305-0270 (2019) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13684 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 10Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Jones PJ; Williamson GJ; Lefroy EC


2019Romanin LM, Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'The legacy of pasture improvement causes recruitment failure in grassy eucalypt woodland conservation reserves in the Midlands of Tasmania', Australian Journal of Botany, 67, (7) pp. 558-570. ISSN 0067-1924 (2019) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT18222 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: Romanin LM; Prior LD


2019Roos CI, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Is anthropogenic pyrodiversity invisible in paleofire records?', Fire, 2, (3) Article 42. ISSN 2571-6255 (2019) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire2030042 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 18

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2019Tng DYP, Laurance SGW, Bowman DMJS, 'Australia's Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests need attention: : Research on this underappreciated Australian biome lags behind rainforest and savanna', Austral Ecology, 44, (3) pp. 552-554. ISSN 1442-9993 (2019) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12724 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2


2018Bowman D, 'Wildfire science is at a loss for comprehensive data', Nature, 560, (7716) pp. 7. ISSN 0028-0836 (2018) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1038/d41586-018-05840-4 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 14


2018Bowman D, Prior L, 'Fire-driven loss of obligate seeder forests in the Alps', Hot Topics in Ecology (2018) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12602 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1

Co-authors: Prior L


2018Bowman DMJS, Daniels LD, Johnston FH, Williamson GJ, Jolly WM, et al., 'Can air quality management drive sustainable fuels management at the temperate wildland-urban interface?', Fire, 1, (2) pp. 27. ISSN 2571-6255 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire1020027 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Williamson GJ


2018Bowman DMJS, Haverkamp C, Rann KD, Prior LD, 'Differential demographic filtering by surface fires: How fuel type and fuel load affect sapling mortality of an obligate seeder savanna tree', Journal of Ecology, 106, (3) pp. 1010-1022. ISSN 0022-0477 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12819 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 11

Co-authors: Haverkamp C; Rann KD; Prior LD


2018Bowman DMJS, Jones PJ, 'RE: Australian state forecasts deadly thunderstorm asthma', Science, 359, (6374) pp. 380 [online eLetters tab]. ISSN 0036-8075 (2018) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1126/science.359.6374.380 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 6

Co-authors: Jones PJ


2018Bowman DMJS, Moreira-Munoz A, Kolden CA, Chavez RO, Munoz AA, et al., 'Human-environmental drivers and impacts of the globally extreme 2017 Chilean fires', Ambio, 48, (4) pp. 350-362. ISSN 0044-7447 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s13280-018-1084-1 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 95Web of Science - 87

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Borchers Arriagada N; Johnston FH


2018Fletcher M-S, Benson A, Bowman DMJS, Gadd PS, Heijnis H, et al., 'Centennial-scale trends in the Southern Annular Mode revealed by hemisphere-wide fire and hydroclimatic trends over the past 2400 years', Geology, 46, (4) pp. 363-366. ISSN 0091-7613 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1130/G39661.1 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 11


2018Fletcher M-S, Bowman DMJS, Whitlock C, Mariani M, Stahle L, 'The changing role of fire in conifer-dominated temperate rainforest through the last 14,000 years', Quaternary Science Reviews, 182 pp. 37-47. ISSN 0277-3791 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.12.023 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 15


2018Hanigan IC, Morgan GG, Williamson GJ, Salimi F, Henderson SB, et al., 'Extensible database of validated biomass smoke events for health research', Fire, 1, (3) Article 50. ISSN 2571-6255 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire1030050 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Johnston FH


2018Harris RMB, Beaumont LJ, Vance TR, Tozer CR, Remenyi TA, et al., 'Biological responses to the press and pulse of climate trends and extreme events', Nature Climate Change, 8 pp. 579-587. ISSN 1758-678X (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0187-9 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 250Web of Science - 239

Co-authors: Harris RMB; Vance TR; Tozer CR; Remenyi TA; Williamson G


2018Johnson CN, Prior LD, Archibald S, Poulos HM, Barton AM, et al., 'Can trophic rewilding reduce the impact of fire in a more flammable world?', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 373, (1761) Article 20170443. ISSN 0962-8436 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0443 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 37Web of Science - 34

Co-authors: Johnson CN; Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2018Johnston FH, Wheeler AJ, Williamson GJ, Campbell SL, Jones PJ, et al., 'Using smartphone technology to reduce health impacts from atmospheric environmental hazards', Environmental Research Letters, 13, (4) pp. 1-11. ISSN 1748-9326 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aab1e6 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 35Web of Science - 30

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Wheeler AJ; Williamson GJ; Campbell SL; Jones PJ; Koolhof IS; Lucani C; Cooling NB


2018Mariani M, Holz A, Veblen TT, Williamson G, Fletcher M-S, et al., 'Climate change amplifications of climate-fire teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere', Geophysical Research Letters, 45, (10) pp. 5071-5081. ISSN 0094-8276 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1029/2018GL078294 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 43Web of Science - 43

Co-authors: Williamson G


2018Murphy BP, Prior LD, Cochrane MA, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Biomass consumption by surface fires across Earth's most fire prone continent', Global Change Biology, 25, (1) pp. 254-268. ISSN 1354-1013 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14460 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 36Web of Science - 35

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2018Ndalila MN, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Geographic patterns of fire severity following an extreme Eucalyptus forest fire in Southern Australia: 2013 Forcett-Dunalley fire', Fire, 1, (3) Article 40. ISSN 2571-6255 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire1030040 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 30Web of Science - 29

Co-authors: Ndalila MN; Williamson GJ


2018Poulos HM, Barton AM, Slingsby JA, Bowman DMJS, 'Do mixed fire regimes shape plant flammability and post-fire recovery strategies?', Fire, 1, (3) Article 39. ISSN 2571-6255 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire1030039 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 22Web of Science - 21


2018Price OF, Purdam PJ, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Comparing the height and area of wild and prescribed fire particle plumes in south-east Australia using weather radar', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 27, (8) pp. 525-537. ISSN 1049-8001 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF17166 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2018Prior LD, French BJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Effect of experimental fire on seedlings of Australian and Gondwanan trees species from a Tasmanian montane vegetation mosaic', Australian Journal of Botany, 66, (7) pp. 511-517. ISSN 0067-1924 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT18124 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Prior LD; French BJ


2018Prior LD, Hua Q, Bowman DMJS, 'Demographic vulnerability of an extreme xerophyte in arid Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 66, (1) pp. 26-38. ISSN 0067-1924 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT17150 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 4Web of Science - 4

Co-authors: Prior LD


2018Prior LD, Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'Conceptualizing ecological flammability: an experimental test of three frameworks using various types and loads of surface fuels', Fire, 1, (1) Article 14. ISSN 2571-6255 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/fire1010014 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 13

Co-authors: Prior LD


2018Smith AMS, Goldammer JG, Bowman DMJS, 'Introducing Fire: a transdisciplinary journal to advance understanding and management of landscape fires from local to global scales in the past, present, and future', Fire, 1, (1) Article 2. ISSN 2571-6255 (2018) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.3390/fire1010002 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2


2018Worth JRP, Sakaguchi S, Harrison PA, Bruniche-Olsen A, Janes JK, et al., 'Pleistocene divergence of two disjunct conifers in the eastern Australian temperate zone', Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 125, (3) pp. 459-474. ISSN 0024-4066 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/bly127 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 5Web of Science - 6

Co-authors: Harrison PA


2018Yao J, Raffuse SM, Brauer M, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'Predicting the minimum height of forest fire smoke within the atmosphere using machine learning and data from the CALIPSO satellite', Remote Sensing of Environment, 206 pp. 98-106. ISSN 0034-4257 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.12.027 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 36Web of Science - 33

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Johnston FH


2018de Roos S, Turner D, Lucieer A, Bowman DMJS, 'Using digital surface models from UAS imagery of fire damaged sphagnum peatlands for monitoring and hydrological restoration', Drones, 2, (4) Article 45. ISSN 2511-8439 (2018) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/drones2040045 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 8Web of Science - 6

Co-authors: Turner D; Lucieer A


2017Bowman DMJS, Garnett ST, Barlow S, Bekessy SA, Bellairs SM, et al., 'Renewal ecology: conservation for the Anthropocene', Restoration Ecology, 25, (5) pp. 674-680. ISSN 1061-2971 (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/rec.12560 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 38Web of Science - 36


2017Bowman DMJS, Perry GLW, 'Soil or fire: what causes treeless sedgelands in Tasmanian wet forests?', Plant and Soil, 420, (1-2) pp. 1-18. ISSN 0032-079X (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3386-7 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 12Web of Science - 12


2017Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Abatzoglou JT, Kolden CA, Cochrane MA, et al., 'Human exposure and sensitivity to globally extreme wildfire events', Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1 Article 0058. ISSN 2397-334X (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0058 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 293Web of Science - 274

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2017Furlaud JM, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Simulating the effectiveness of prescribed burning at altering wildfire behaviour in Tasmania, Australia', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 27, (1) pp. 15-28. ISSN 1049-8001 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF17061 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 28Web of Science - 26

Co-authors: Furlaud JM; Williamson GJ


2017Hyde JC, Yedinak KM, Talhelm AF, Smith AMS, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'Air quality policy and fire management responses addressing smoke from wildland fires in the United States and Australia', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 26, (5) pp. 347-363. ISSN 1049-8001 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF16154 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 12

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2017MacDermott HJ, Fensham RJ, Hua Q, Bowman DMJS, 'Vegetation, fire and soil feedbacks of dynamic boundaries between rainforest, savanna and grassland', Austral Ecology, 42, (2) pp. 154-164. ISSN 1442-9985 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12415 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: MacDermott HJ


2017McWethy DB, Haberle SG, Hopf F, Bowman DMJS, 'Aboriginal impacts on fire and vegetation on a Tasmanian island', Journal of Biogeography, 44, (6) pp. 1319-1330. ISSN 0305-0270 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12935 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 17Web of Science - 15


2017Nicholson AE, Prior LD, Perry GLW, Bowman DMJS, 'High post-fire mortality of resprouting woody plants in Tasmanian Mediterranean-type vegetation', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 26, (6) pp. 532-537. ISSN 1049-8001 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF16211 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 18Web of Science - 20

Co-authors: Nicholson AE; Prior LD


2017Ondei S, Prior LD, Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire and cattle disturbance affects vegetation structure and rain forest expansion into savanna in the Australian monsoon tropics', Journal of Biogeography, 44, (10) pp. 2331-2342. ISSN 0305-0270 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13039 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 14Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Ondei S; Prior LD


2017Ondei S, Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, 'Water, land, fire, and forest: Multi-scale determinants of rainforests in the Australian monsoon tropics', Ecology and Evolution, 7, (5) pp. 1592-1604. ISSN 2045-7758 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2734 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 17

Co-authors: Ondei S; Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2017Prior LD, Murphy BP, Williamson GJ, Cochrane MA, Jolly WM, et al., 'Does inherent flammability of grass and litter fuels contribute to continental patterns of landscape fire activity?', Journal of Biogeography, 44, (6) pp. 1225-1238. ISSN 0305-0270 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12889 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 34Web of Science - 31

Co-authors: Prior LD; Murphy BP; Williamson GJ


2017Vigilante T, Ondei S, Goonnack C, Williams D, Young P, et al., 'Collaborative research on the ecology and management of the 'Wulo' monsoon rainforest in Wunambal Gaambera Country, North Kimberley, Australia', Land, 6, (4) Article 68. ISSN 2073-445X (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3390/land6040068 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 15

Co-authors: Ondei S


2017Wood SW, Ward C, Bowman DMJS, 'Substrate controls growth rates of the woody pioneer Leptospermum lanigerum colonizing montane grasslands in northern Tasmania', Austral Ecology, 42, (1) pp. 9-19. ISSN 1442-9985 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12390 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 6

Co-authors: Wood SW; Ward C


2017Worth JRP, Jordan GJ, Marthick JR, Sakaguchi S, Colhoun EA, et al., 'Fire is a major driver of patterns of genetic diversity in two co-occurring Tasmanian palaeoendemic conifers', Journal of Biogeography, 44, (6) pp. 1254-1267. ISSN 0305-0270 (2017) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12919 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Jordan GJ; Marthick JR; Williamson GJ


2016Balch JK, Nagy RC, Archibald S, Bowman DMJS, Moritz MA, et al., 'Global combustion: the connection between fossil fuel and biomass burning emissions (1997-2010)', Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions. Biological Sciences, 371, (1696) Article 20150177. ISSN 0962-8436 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0177 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 11

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2016Barry KM, Janos DP, Bowman DMJS, 'Response: a commentary on 'Eucalyptus oblique seedling growth in organic vs. mineral soil horizons'', Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 Article 52. ISSN 1664-462X (2016) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00052 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1

Co-authors: Barry KM


2016Boer MM, Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, Cary GJ, Cochrane MA, et al., 'Future changes in climatic water balance determine potential for transformational shifts in Australian fire regimes', Environmental Research Letters, 11, (6) Article 065002. ISSN 1748-9326 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/6/065002 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 41Web of Science - 41


2016Bowman D, Prior LD, 'Fire-driven lass of obligate seeder forests in the Alps', Ecological Society of Australia pp. 1-3. (2016) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Prior LD

2016Bowman DMJS, Legge S, 'Pyrodiversity - why managing fire in food webs is relevant to restoration ecology', Restoration Ecology, 24, (6) pp. 848-853. ISSN 1061-2971 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/rec.12401 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 22


2016Bowman DMJS, Perry GLW, Higgins SI, Johnson CN, Fuhlendorf SD, et al., 'Pyrodiversity is the coupling of biodiversity and fire regimes in food webs', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371, (1696) Article 20150169. ISSN 0962-8436 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0169 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 111Web of Science - 103

Co-authors: Johnson CN


2016Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Prior LD, Murphy BP, 'The relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in the decline of obligate seeder forests', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, (10) pp. 1166-1172. ISSN 1466-822X (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/geb.12484 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 48Web of Science - 44

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Prior LD


2016Davis NE, Bennett A, Forsyth DM, Bowman DMJS, Lefroy EC, et al., 'A systematic review of the impacts and management of introduced deer (family Cervidae) in Australia', Wildlife Research, 43, (1) pp. 515-532. ISSN 1035-3712 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR16148 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 79Web of Science - 76

Co-authors: Lefroy EC; Wood SW; Johnson CN


2016Fischer AP, Spies TA, Steelman TA, Moseley C, Johnson BR, et al., 'Wildfire risk as a socioecological pathology', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14, (5) pp. 276-284. ISSN 1540-9295 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/fee.1283 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 135Web of Science - 129


2016French BJ, Hope GS, Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'The vulnerability of peatlands in the Australian Alps', Australasian Plant Conservation, 24, (4) pp. 16-18. ISSN 2202-5804 (2016) [Non Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: French BJ; Prior LD

2016French BJ, Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Cause and effects of a megafire in sedge-heathland in the Tasmanian temperate wilderness', Australian Journal of Botany, 64, (6) pp. 513-525. ISSN 0067-1924 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT16087 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 16

Co-authors: French BJ; Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2016Harris RMB, Remenyi TA, Williamson GJ, Bindoff NL, Bowman DMJS, 'Climate-vegetation-fire interactions and feedbacks: trivial detail or major barrier to projecting the future of the Earth system?', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 7, (6) pp. 910-931. ISSN 1757-7799 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/wcc.428 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 65Web of Science - 61

Co-authors: Harris RMB; Remenyi TA; Williamson GJ; Bindoff NL


2016Johnston FH, Melody S, Bowman DMJS, 'The pyrohealth transition: How combustion emissions have shaped health through human history', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371, (1696) Article 20150173. ISSN 0962-8436 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0173 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Melody S


2016Medek DE, Beggs PJ, Erbas B, Jaggard AK, Campbell BC, et al., 'Regional and seasonal variation in airborne grass pollen levels between cities of Australia and New Zealand', Aerobiologia, 32, (2) pp. 289-302. ISSN 0393-5965 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10453-015-9399-x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 31Web of Science - 30

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2016Murphy BP, Lawes MJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Pattern, prediction and parsimony in continental-scale synthesis of pyromes: a reply to Gosper et al.', Journal of Biogeography, 43 pp. 636-638. ISSN 0305-0270 (2016) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2016Ondei S, Prior LD, Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, 'Post-fire resprouting strategies of rainforest and savanna saplings along the rainforest-savanna boundary in the Australian monsoon tropics', Plant Ecology, 217, (6) pp. 711-724. ISSN 1385-0237 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s11258-015-0531-3 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 18Web of Science - 16

Co-authors: Ondei S; Prior LD


2016Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Impact of high-severity fire in a Tasmanian dry eucalypt forest', Australian Journal of Botany, 64, (3) pp. 193-205. ISSN 0067-1924 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT15259 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 33

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2016Romanin LM, Hopf F, Haberle SG, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire regime and vegetation change in the transition from Aboriginal to European land management in a Tasmanian eucalypt savanna', Australian Journal of Botany, 64, (5) pp. 427-440. ISSN 0067-1924 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT16032 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 22Web of Science - 19

Co-authors: Romanin LM


2016Smith AMS, Kolden CA, Paveglio TB, Cochrane MA, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'The science of firescapes: achieving fire-resilient communities', BioScience, 66, (2) pp. 130-146. ISSN 0006-3568 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biv182 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 132Web of Science - 132


2016Trauernicht C, Murphy BP, Prior LD, Lawes MJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Human-imposed, fine-grained patch burning explains the population stability of a fire-sensitive conifer in a frequently burnt northern Australia savanna', Ecosystems, 19, (5) pp. 896-909. ISSN 1432-9840 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-016-9973-2 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 18

Co-authors: Trauernicht C; Prior LD


2016Wagner FH, Herault B, Bonal D, Stahl C, Anderson LO, et al., 'Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests', Biogeosciences, 13, (8) pp. 2537-2562. ISSN 1726-4170 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.5194/bg-13-2537-2016 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 95Web of Science - 89


2016Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, Price OF, Henderson SB, Johnston FH, 'A transdisciplinary approach to understanding the health effects of wildfire and prescribed fire smoke regimes', Environmental Research Letters, 11 Article 125009. ISSN 1748-9326 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/12/125009 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 67Web of Science - 66

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Johnston FH


2016Williamson GJ, Prior LD, Jolly WM, Cochrane MA, Murphy BP, et al., 'Measurement of inter- and intra-annual variability of landscape fire activity at a continental scale: the Australian case', Environmental Research Letters, 11, (3) Article 035003. ISSN 1748-9326 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/035003 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 44Web of Science - 47

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Prior LD


2016Worth JRP, Larcombe MJ, Sakaguchi S, Marthick JR, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'Transient hybridization, not homoploid hybrid speciation, between ancient and deeply divergent conifers', American Journal of Botany, 103, (2) pp. 246-259. ISSN 0002-9122 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1500433 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 12Web of Science - 13

Co-authors: Larcombe MJ; Marthick JR; Jordan GJ


2016Worth JRP, Sakaguchi S, Rann KD, Bowman CJW, Ito M, et al., 'Gondwanan conifer clones imperilled by bushfire', Scientific Reports, 6 Article 33930. ISSN 2045-2322 (2016) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/srep33930 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 7

Co-authors: Rann KD; Bowman CJW; Jordan GJ


2015Barry KM, Janos DP, Nichols S, Bowman DMJS, 'Eucalyptus obliqua seedling growth in organic vs. mineral soil horizons', Frontiers in Plant Science, 6 Article 97. ISSN 1664-462X (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00097 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 9

Co-authors: Barry KM; Nichols S


2015Bassett OD, Prior LD, Slijkerman CM, Jamieson D, Bowman DMJS, 'Aerial sowing stopped the loss of alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) forests burnt by three short-interval fires in the Alpine National Park, Victoria, Australia', Forest Ecology and Management, 342 pp. 39-48. ISSN 0378-1127 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.01.008 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 47Web of Science - 48

Co-authors: Prior LD


2015Beggs PJ, Katelaris CH, Medek D, Johnston FH, Burton PK, et al., 'Differences in grass pollen allergen exposure across Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 39, (1) pp. 51-55. ISSN 1326-0200 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/1753-6405.12325 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 41Web of Science - 36

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2015Bowman DMJS, 'What is the relevance of pyrogeography to the Anthropocene?', The Anthropocene Review, 2, (1) pp. 73-76. ISSN 2053-0196 (2015) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1177/2053019614547742 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 14


2015Bowman DMJS, 'Archaeology, hominin fire use, and the role of pyrogeography', Current Anthropology, 56, (3) pp. 315-316. ISSN 0011-3204 (2015) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2015Bowman DMJS, Gibson J, Kondo T, 'Aboriginal myth meets DNA analysis', Nature, 520, (7545) pp. 33. ISSN 1476-4687 (2015) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2015Bowman DMJS, Perry GLW, Marston JB, 'Feedbacks and landscape-level vegetation dynamics', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30, (5) pp. 255-260. ISSN 0169-5347 (2015) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2015.03.005 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 66Web of Science - 63


2015Enright NJ, Fontaine JB, Bowman DMJS, Bradstock RA, Williams RJ, 'Interval squeeze: altered fire regimes and demographic responses interact to threaten woody species persistence as climate changes', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13, (5) pp. 265-272. ISSN 1540-9295 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1890/140231 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 301Web of Science - 301


2015Haverkamp C, Prior LD, Fogliani B, L'Huillier L, Anquez M, et al., 'Effect of landscape fires on the demography of the endangered New Caledonian conifer Callitris sulcata', Biological Conservation, 191 pp. 130-138. ISSN 0006-3207 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.06.012 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 7

Co-authors: Prior LD


2015Jolly WM, Cochrane MA, Freeborn PH, Holden ZA, Brown TJ, et al., 'Climate-induced variations in global wildfire danger from 1979 to 2013', Nature Communications, 6 Article 7537. ISSN 2041-1723 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8537 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 978Web of Science - 926

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2015Prior LD, Paul KI, Davidson NJ, Hovenden MJ, Nichols SC, et al., 'Evaluating carbon storage in restoration plantings in the Tasmanian Midlands, a highly modified agricultural landscape', The Rangeland Journal, 37, (5) pp. 477-488. ISSN 1036-9872 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/RJ15070 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 10Web of Science - 10

Co-authors: Prior LD; Hovenden MJ; Nichols SC


2015Romanin LM, Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Trajectory of change in land cover and carbon stocks following European settlement in Tasmania, Australia', Anthropocene, 9 pp. 33-40. ISSN 2213-3054 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2015.07.001 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9

Co-authors: Romanin LM; Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2015Sakaguchi S, Sugino T, Tsumura Y, Ito M, Crisp MD, et al., 'High-throughput linkage mapping of Australian white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla) and map transferability to related species', Tree Genetics and Genomes, 11, (6) Article 121. ISSN 1614-2942 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s11295-015-0944-0 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 54Web of Science - 56


2015Trauernicht C, Brook BW, Murphy BP, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Local and global pyrogeographic evidence that indigenous fire management creates pyrodiversity', Ecology and Evolution, 5, (9) pp. 1908-1918. ISSN 2045-7758 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1494 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 95Web of Science - 94

Co-authors: Trauernicht C; Williamson GJ


2015Wood SW, Prior LD, Stephens HC, Bowman DMJS, 'Macroecology of Australian tall eucalypt forests: baseline data from a continental-scale permanent plot network', PLoS ONE, 10, (9) Article e0137811. ISSN 1932-6203 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137811 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 26

Co-authors: Wood SW; Prior LD; Stephens HC


2015Yospin GI, Wood SW, Holz A, Bowman DMJS, Keane RE, et al., 'Modeling vegetation mosaics in sub-alpine Tasmania under various fire regimes', Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1, (3) Article 16. ISSN 2363-6203 (2015) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s40808-015-0019-0 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1

Co-authors: Wood SW


2014Bowman DMJS, French BJ, Prior LD, 'Have plants evolved to self-immolate?', Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 Article 590. ISSN 1664-462X (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00590 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 60Web of Science - 54

Co-authors: French BJ; Prior LD


2014Bowman DMJS, Johnston F, 'Bushfires, Human Health Economics, and Pyrogeography', Geographical Research, 52, (3) pp. 340-343. ISSN 1745-5863 (2014) [Non Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12065 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Johnston F


2014Bowman DMJS, MacDermott HJ, Nichols SC, Murphy BP, 'A grass-fire cycle eliminates an obligate-seeding tree in a tropical savanna', Ecology and Evolution, 4, (21) pp. 4185-4194. ISSN 2045-7758 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1285 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 44Web of Science - 46

Co-authors: MacDermott HJ; Nichols SC


2014Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, Neyland DLJ, Williamson GJ, Prior LD, 'Abrupt fire regime change may cause landscape-wide loss of mature obligate seeder forests', Global Change Biology, 20, (3) pp. 1008-1015. ISSN 1354-1013 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12433 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 151Web of Science - 144

Co-authors: Neyland DLJ; Williamson GJ; Prior LD


2014Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, Williamson GJ, Cochrane MA, 'Pyrogeographic models, feedbacks and the future of global fire regimes', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, (7) pp. 821-824. ISSN 1466-822X (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/geb.12180 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 46Web of Science - 46

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2014Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Keenan RJ, Prior LD, 'A warmer world will reduce tree growth in evergreen broadleaf forests: evidence from Australian temperate and subtropical eucalypt forests', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, (8) pp. 925-934. ISSN 1466-822X (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/geb.12171 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 57Web of Science - 59

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Prior LD


2014Butler DW, Fensham RJ, Murphy BP, Haberle SG, Bury SJ, et al., 'Aborigine-managed forest, savanna and grassland: biome switching in montane eastern Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 41, (8) pp. 1492-1505. ISSN 0305-0270 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12306 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 22


2014Clarke PJ, Prior LD, French BJ, Vincent B, Knox KJE, et al., 'Using a rainforest-flame forest mosaic to test the hypothesis that leaf and litter fuel flammability is under natural selection', Oecologia, 176, (4) pp. 1123-1133. ISSN 0029-8549 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00442-014-3071-y [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 27

Co-authors: Prior LD; French BJ


2014Fletcher MS, Wolfe BB, Whitlock C, Pompeani DP, Heijnis H, et al., 'The legacy of mid-Holocene fire on a Tasmanian montane landscape', Journal of Biogeography, 41, (3) pp. 476-488. ISSN 0305-0270 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12229 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 55Web of Science - 55


2014Haberle SG, Bowman DMJS, Newnham RM, Johnston FH, Beggs PJ, et al., 'The macroecology of airborne pollen in Australian and New Zealand urban areas', PLoS One, 9, (5) Article e97925. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097925 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 57Web of Science - 53

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Williamson GJ


2014Holz A, Wood SW, Veblen TT, Bowman DMJS, 'Effects of high-severity fire drove the population collapse of the subalpine Tasmanian endemic conifer Athrotaxis cupressoides', Global Change Biology, 21, (1) pp. 445-458. ISSN 1354-1013 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12674 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 55Web of Science - 57

Co-authors: Holz A; Wood SW


2014Johnston F, Bowman D, 'Bushfire smoke: an exemplar of coupled human and natural systems', Geographical Research, 52, (1) pp. 45-54. ISSN 1745-5871 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12028 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 16

Co-authors: Johnston F


2014Lehmann CER, Anderson TM, Sankaran M, Higgins SI, Archibald S, et al., 'Savanna vegetation-fire-climate relationships differ among continents', Science, 343, (6170) pp. 548-552. ISSN 0036-8075 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1126/science.1247355 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 414Web of Science - 405


2014Macphail M, Sharples C, Bowman D, Wood S, Haberle S, 'Coastal erosion reveals a potentially unqiue Oligocene and possible periglacial sequence at present-day sea level in Port Davey, remote South-West Tasmania', Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 148 pp. 43-59. ISSN 0080-4703 (2014) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Sharples C; Wood S


2014Potts JM, Beeton NJ, Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Lefroy EC, et al., 'Predicting the future range and abundance of fallow deer in Tasmania, Australia', Wildlife Research, 41, (8) pp. 633-640. ISSN 1035-3712 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR13206 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 13

Co-authors: Beeton NJ; Williamson GJ; Lefroy EC; Johnson CN


2014Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Across a macro-ecological gradient forest competition is strongest at the most productive sites', Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 Article 260. ISSN 1664-462X (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00260 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Prior LD


2014Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Big eucalypts grow more slowly in a warm climate: evidence of an interaction between tree size and temperature', Global Change Biology, 20, (9) pp. 2793-2799. ISSN 1354-1013 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12540 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 41Web of Science - 41

Co-authors: Prior LD


2014Roos C, Bowman DMJS, Balch JK, Artaxo P, Bond WJ, et al., 'Pyrogeography, historical ecology, and the human dimensions of fire regimes', Journal of Biogeography, 41, (4) pp. 833-836. ISSN 0305-0270 (2014) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12285 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 43Web of Science - 42

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2014Sakaguchi S, Tsumura Y, Crisp MD, Bowman DMJS, Isagi Y, 'Genetic evidence for paternal inheritance of the chloroplast in four Australian Callitris species (Cupressaceae)', Journal of Forest Research, 19, (1) pp. 244-248. ISSN 1341-6979 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10310-012-0384-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 14Web of Science - 13


2014Tng YP, Goosem S, Jordan GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Letting giants be - rethinking active fire management of old-growth eucalypt forest in the Australian tropics', Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, (3) pp. 555-559. ISSN 0021-8901 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12233 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 7

Co-authors: Tng YP; Jordan GJ


2014Tng YP, Janos DP, Jordan GJ, Weber E, Bowman DMJS, 'Phosphorus limits Eucalyptus grandis seedling growth in an unburnt rain forest soil', Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 Article 527. ISSN 1664-462X (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00527 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 22

Co-authors: Tng YP; Jordan GJ


2014Wiggins NL, Penny S, Bowman DMJS, Collier N, McMahon CR, 'Using spatio-temporal modelling as a decision support tool for management of a native pest herbivore', Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 12, (1) pp. 163-178. ISSN 1589-1623 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1201_163178 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1

Co-authors: Wiggins NL


2014Williamson GJ, Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'Cattle grazing does not reduce fire severity in eucalypt forests and woodlands of the Australian Alps', Austral Ecology, 39, (4) pp. 462-468. ISSN 1442-9985 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12104 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Murphy BP


2014Williamson GJ, Prior LD, Grose MR, Harris RMB, Bowman DMJS, 'Projecting canopy cover change in Tasmanian eucalypt forests using dynamically downscaled regional climate models', Regional Environmental Change, 14, (4) pp. 1373-1386. ISSN 1436-3798 (2014) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10113-013-0577-5 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 15

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Prior LD; Grose MR; Harris RMB


2013Bowman DMJS, Brienen RJW, Gloor E, Phillips OL, Prior LD, 'Detecting trends in tree growth: Not so simple', Trends in Plant Science, 18, (1) pp. 11-17. ISSN 1360-1385 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2012.08.005 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 189Web of Science - 188

Co-authors: Prior LD


2013Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, Boer MM, Bradstock RA, Cary GJ, et al., 'Forest fire management, climate change, and the risk of catastrophic carbon losses', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11, (2) pp. 66-68. ISSN 1540-9295 (2013) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1890/13.WB.005 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 98Web of Science - 98


2013Bowman DMJS, O'Brien JA, Goldammer JG, 'Pyrogeography and the global quest for sustainable fire management', Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 38 pp. 57-80. ISSN 1543-5938 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-082212-134049 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 85Web of Science - 79


2013Bowman DMJS, Wood SW, Neyland D, Sanders GJ, Prior LD, 'Contracting Tasmanian montane grasslands within a forest matrix is consistent with cessation of Aboriginal fire management', Austral Ecology, 38, (6) pp. 627-638. ISSN 1442-9985 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/aec.12008 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 34Web of Science - 31

Co-authors: Wood SW; Neyland D; Sanders GJ; Prior LD


2013Bradshaw CJA, Bowman DMJS, Bond NR, Murphy BP, Moore AD, et al., 'Brave new green world - Consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity', Biological Conservation, 161 pp. 71-90. ISSN 0006-3207 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.02.012 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 57Web of Science - 55

Co-authors: Murphy BP; Johnson CN; Lefroy EC


2013Brodribb TJ, Bowman DMJS, Grierson PF, Murphy BP, Nichols S, et al., 'Conservative water management in the widespread conifer genus Callitris', AOB Plants, 5 Article plt052. ISSN 2041-2851 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plt052 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Brodribb TJ; Murphy BP; Nichols S; Prior LD


2013Janos DP, Scot J, Aristizabal C, Bowman DMJS, 'Arbuscular-mycorrhizal networks inhibit Eucalyptus tetrodonta seedlings in rain forest soil microcosms', PLOS One, 8, (2) Article e57716. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057716 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 19


2013McMahon CR, Isagi Y, Kaneko S, Bowman DMJS, Brook BW, et al., 'Genetic structure of introduced swamp buffalo subpopulations in tropical Australia', Austral Ecology, 38, (1) pp. 46-56. ISSN 1442-9985 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2012.02373.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 1


2013McMahon CR, Wiggins NL, French V, McCallum HI, Bowman DMJS, 'A report of capture myopathy in the Tasmanian pademelon (Thylogale billardierii)', Animal Welfare, 22, (1) pp. 1-4. ISSN 0962-7286 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.7120/09627286.22.1.001 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 9

Co-authors: Wiggins NL; McCallum HI


2013McWethy DB, Higuera PE, Whitlock C, Veblen TT, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'A conceptual framework for predicting temperate ecosystem sensitivity to human impacts on fire regimes', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22, (8) pp. 900-912. ISSN 1466-822X (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/geb.12038 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 113Web of Science - 113

Co-authors: Holz A


2013Murphy BP, Bradstock RA, Boer MM, Carter J, Cary GJ, et al., 'Fire regimes of Australia: a pyrogeographic model system', Journal of Biogeography, 40, (6) pp. 1048-1058. ISSN 0305-0270 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12065 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 183Web of Science - 185

Co-authors: Murphy BP; Williamson GJ


2013Prior LD, Brodribb TJ, Tng DYP, Bowman DMJS, 'From desert to rainforest, sapwood width is similar in the widespread conifer Callitris columellaris', Trees: Structure and function, 27, (1) pp. 123-129. ISSN 0931-1890 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00468-012-0779-3 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 2

Co-authors: Prior LD; Brodribb TJ; Tng DYP


2013Prior LD, Sanders GJ, Bridle KL, Nichols SC, Harris R, et al., 'Land clearance not dieback continues to drive tree loss in a Tasmanian rural landscape', Regional Environmental Change, 13, (5) pp. 955-967. ISSN 1436-3798 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10113-012-0396-0 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 10

Co-authors: Prior LD; Sanders GJ; Bridle KL; Nichols SC; Harris R


2013Sakaguchi S, Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, Crisp MD, Linde CC, et al., 'Climate, not Aboriginal landscape burning, controlled the historical demography and distribution of fire-sensitive conifer populations across Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 280, (1773) Article 20132182. ISSN 0962-8452 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2182 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 29

Co-authors: Prior LD


2013Tng DYP, Jordan GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Plant traits demonstrate that temperate and tropical giant eucalypt forests are ecologically convergent with rainforest not savanna', PLOS One, 8, (12) Article e84378. ISSN 1932-6203 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084378 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 24Web of Science - 25

Co-authors: Tng DYP; Jordan GJ


2013Torello-Raventos M, Feldpausch TR, Veenendaal E, Schrodt F, Saiz G, et al., 'On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions', Plant Ecology and Diversity, 6, (1) pp. 101-137. ISSN 1755-0874 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2012.762812 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 89Web of Science - 87


2013Trauernicht C, Murphy BP, Tangalin N, Bowman DMJS, 'Cultural legacies, fire ecology, and environmental change in the Stone Country of Arnhem Land and Kakadu National Park, Australia', Ecology and Evolution, 3, (2) pp. 286-297. ISSN 2045-7758 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/ece3.460 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 24

Co-authors: Trauernicht C


2013Williamson GJ, Price OF, Henderson SB, Bowman DMJS, 'Satellite-based comparison of fire intensity and smoke plumes from prescribed fires and wildfires in south-eastern Australia', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 22, (2) pp. 121-129. ISSN 1049-8001 (2013) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF11165 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 30Web of Science - 28

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2012Bowman DMJS, 'Bring elephants to Australia?', Nature, 482, (7383) pp. 30-30. ISSN 0028-0836 (2012) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2012Johnston FH, Henderson SB, Chen Y, Randerson JT, Marlier M, et al., 'Estimated global mortality attributable to smoke from landscape fires', Environmental Health Perspectives, 120, (5) pp. 695-701. ISSN 0091-6765 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1104422 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 456Web of Science - 414

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Henderson SB


2012Kondo T, Crisp MD, Linde C, Bowman DMJS, Kawamura K, et al., 'Not an ancient relic: the endemic Livistona palms of arid central Australia could have been introduced by humans', Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Biological Sciences, 279 pp. 2652-2661. ISSN 0962-8452 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.0103 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 35Web of Science - 31


2012Lindenmayer DB, Likens GE, Andersen A, Bowman DMJS, Bull CM, et al., 'Value of long-term ecological studies', Austral Ecology, 37, (7) pp. 745-757. ISSN 1442-9985 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2011.02351.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 280Web of Science - 274


2012Little JK, Prior LD, Williamson GJ, Williams SE, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire weather risk differs across rain forest-savanna boundaries in the humid tropics of north-eastern Australia', Austral Ecology, 37, (8) pp. 915-925. ISSN 1442-9985 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2011.02350.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 42Web of Science - 42

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson GJ


2012Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'What controls the distribution of tropical forest and savanna?', Ecology Letters, 15, (7) pp. 748-758. ISSN 1461-023X (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01771.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 296Web of Science - 291

Co-authors: Murphy BP


2012Murphy BP, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Did central Australian megafaunal extinction coincide with abrupt ecosystem collapse or gradual climate change?', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21, (2) pp. 142-151. ISSN 1466-822X (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00668.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 18Web of Science - 20

Co-authors: Murphy BP; Williamson GJ


2012Price OF, Williamson GJ, Henderson SB, Johnston F, Bowman DMJS, 'The relationship between particulate pollution levels in Australian cities, meteorology, and landscape fire activity detected from MODIS hotspots', PL o S One, 7, (10) Article e47327. ISSN 1932-6203 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047327 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 35Web of Science - 30

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Johnston F


2012Prior LD, Grierson PF, McCaw WL, Tng DYP, Nichols SC, et al., 'Variation in stem radial growth of the Australian conifer, Callitris columellaris, across the world's driest and least fertile vegetated continent', Trees, 26, (4) pp. 1169-1179. ISSN 0931-1890 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00468-012-0693-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 10

Co-authors: Prior LD; Tng DYP; Nichols SC


2012Tng DYP, Murphy BP, Weber E, Sanders G, Williamson GJ, et al., 'Humid tropical rain forest has expanded into eucalypt forest and savanna over the last 50 years', Ecology and Evolution, 2, (1) pp. 34-45. ISSN 2045-7758 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/ece3.70 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 32Web of Science - 31

Co-authors: Tng DYP; Murphy BP; Sanders G; Williamson GJ


2012Tng DYP, Williamson GJ, Jordan GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Giant eucalypts - globally unique fire-adapted rain-forest trees?', New Phytologist, 196, (4) pp. 1001-1014. ISSN 0028-646X (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04359.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 84Web of Science - 81

Co-authors: Tng DYP; Williamson GJ; Jordan GJ


2012Trauernicht C, Murphy BP, Portner TE, Bowman DMJS, 'Tree cover-fire interactions promote the persistence of a fire-sensitive conifer in a highly flammable savanna', Journal of Ecology, 100, (4) pp. 958-968. ISSN 0022-0477 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2012.01970.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 66Web of Science - 67

Co-authors: Trauernicht C; Murphy BP; Portner TE


2012Williams RJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire futures for a megadiverse continent', New Phytologist, 196, (2) pp. 337-340. ISSN 0028-646X (2012) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04342.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2


2012Wood SW, Bowman DMJS, 'Alternative stable states and the role of fire-vegetation-soil feedbacks in the temperate wilderness of southwest Tasmania', Landscape Ecology, 27, (1) pp. 13-28. ISSN 0921-2973 (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-011-9677-0 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 82Web of Science - 78

Co-authors: Wood SW


2012de Little SC, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, Whelan PI, Brook BW, et al., 'Experimental comparison of aerial larvicides and habitat modification for controlling disease-carrying Aedes vigilax mosquitoes', Pest Management Science, 68, (5) pp. 709-717. ISSN 1526-498X (2012) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1002/ps.2317 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 3

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2011Bowman DMJS, Balch J, Artaxo P, Bond WJ, Cochrane MA, et al., 'The human dimension of fire regimes on Earth', Journal of Biogeography, 38, (12) pp. 2223-2236. ISSN 0305-0270 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02595.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 695Web of Science - 660

Co-authors: Johnston FH


2011Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, 'Australia - a model system for the development of pyrogeography', Fire Ecology, 7, (1) pp. 5-12. ISSN 1933-9747 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.4996/fireecology.0701005 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 12

Co-authors: Murphy BP


2011Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, Tng DYP, Hua Q, Brodribb TJ, 'Continental-scale climatic drivers of growth ring variability in an Australian conifer', Trees: Structure and Function, 25, (5) pp. 925-934. ISSN 0931-1890 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00468-011-0567-5 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 12Web of Science - 12

Co-authors: Prior LD; Tng DYP; Brodribb TJ


2011Crisp MD, Burrows GE, Cook LG, Thornhill AH, Bowman DMJS, 'Flammable biomes dominated by eucalypts originated at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary', Nature Communications, 2 Article 193. ISSN 2041-1723 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1191 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 180Web of Science - 179


2011Johnston F, Hanigan I, Henderson S, Morgan G, Bowman D, 'Extreme air pollution events from bushfires and dust storms and their association with mortality in Sydney, Australia 1994-2007', Environmental Research: A Journal of Environmental Medicine and The Environmental Sciences, 111, (6) pp. 811-816. ISSN 0013-9351 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2011.05.007 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 199Web of Science - 190

Co-authors: Johnston F; Hanigan I; Henderson S


2011Johnston FH, Hanigan IC, Henderson SB, Morgan GG, Portner T, et al., 'Creating an Integrated Historical Record of Extreme Particulate Air Pollution Events in Australian Cities from 1994 to 2007 ', Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 61, (4) pp. 390-398. ISSN 1096-2247 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3155/1047-3289.61.4.390 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 41Web of Science - 37

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Hanigan IC; Henderson SB; Portner T; Williamson GJ


2011McMahon CR, Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, Williamson GJ, Bradshaw CJA, 'Fertility partially drives the relative success of two introduced bovines (Bubalus bubalis and Bos javanicus) in the Australian tropics', Wildlife Research, 38, (5) pp. 386-395. ISSN 1035-3712 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR10174 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3Web of Science - 4

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2011McMahon CR, Buscot M, Wiggins NL, Collier N, Maindonald JH, et al., 'A Two-Phase Model for Smoothly Joining Disparate Growth Phases in the Macropodid Thylogale billardierii', PLoS One, 6, (10) Article e24934. ISSN 1932-6203 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024934 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 5Web of Science - 5

Co-authors: Wiggins NL


2011Nicholas AMM, Franklin DC, Bowman DMJS, 'Floristic uniformity across abrupt boundaries between Triodia hummock grassland and Acacia shrubland on an Australian desert sandplain', Journal of Arid Environments, 75, (11) pp. 1090-1096. ISSN 0140-1963 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2011.06.016 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 18


2011Pearson S, Hua Q, Allen K, Bowman DMJS, 'Validating putatively cross-dated Callitris tree-ring chronologies using bomb-pulse radiocarbon analysis', Australian Journal of Botany, 59, (1) pp. 7-17. ISSN 0067-1924 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT10164 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 25

Co-authors: Allen K


2011Prior LD, McCaw WL, Grierson PF, Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'Population structures of the widespread Australian conifer Callitris columellaris are a bio-indicator of continental environmental change', Forest Ecology and Management, 262, (2) pp. 252-262. ISSN 0378-1127 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.03.030 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 41Web of Science - 40

Co-authors: Prior LD; Murphy BP


2011Sakaguchi S, Uchiyama K, Ueno S, Ujino-Ihara T, Tsumura Y, et al., 'Isolation and characterization of 52 polymorphic EST-SSR markers for Callitris columellaris (Cupressaceae)', American Journal of Botany, 98, (12) pp. e363-e368. ISSN 0002-9122 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1100276 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Prior LD


2011Wiggins NL, Bowman DMJS, 'Macropod habitat use and response to management interventions in an agricultural-forest mosaic in north-eastern Tasmania as inferred by scat surveys', Wildlife Research, 38, (2) pp. 103-113. ISSN 1035-3712 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR10116 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 15

Co-authors: Wiggins NL


2011Williamson GJ, Boggs GS, Bowman DMJS, 'Late 20th century mangrove encroachment in the coastal Australian monsoon tropics parallels the regional increase in woody biomass ', Regional Environmental Change, 11, (1) pp. 19-27. ISSN 1436-3798 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10113-010-0109-5 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 22

Co-authors: Williamson GJ


2011Williamson GJ, Christidis L, Norman J, Brook BW, MacKey B, et al., 'The use of Australian bioregions as spatial units of analysis to explore relationships between climate and songbird diversity', Pacific Conservation Biology, 17, (4) pp. 354-360. ISSN 1038-2097 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/PC110354 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Williamson GJ; Brook BW


2011Wood SW, Hua Q, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire-patterned vegetation and the development of organic soils in the lowland vegetation mosaics of south-west Tasmania', Australian Journal of Botany, 59, (2) pp. 126-136. ISSN 0067-1924 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT10309 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 14Web of Science - 14

Co-authors: Wood SW


2011Wood SW, Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'Firescape ecology: how topography determines the contrasting distribution of fire and rain forest in the south-west of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area', Journal of Biogeography, 38, (9) pp. 1807-1820. ISSN 0305-0270 (2011) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02524.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 113Web of Science - 107

Co-authors: Wood SW; Murphy BP


2010Bowman DMJS, Brown GK, Braby MF, Brown JR, Cook LG, et al., 'Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics', Journal of Biogeography, 37, (2) pp. 201-216. ISSN 0305-0270 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02210.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 253Web of Science - 247


2010Bowman DMJS, Harberle SG, 'Paradise burnt: How colonizing humans transform landscapes with fire', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, (50) pp. 21234-21235. ISSN 0027-8424 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1016393108 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 17


2010Bowman DMJS, Murphy B, Banfai DS, 'Has global environmental change caused monsoon rainforests to expand in the Australian monsoon tropics?', Landscape Ecology, 25, (8) pp. 1247-1260. ISSN 0921-2973 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-010-9496-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 60Web of Science - 61

Co-authors: Murphy B


2010Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, McMahon CR, 'Using carbon isotope analysis of the diet of two introduced Australian megaherbivores to understand Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions', Journal of Biogeography, 37, (3) pp. 499-505. ISSN 0305-0270 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02206.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 20

Co-authors: Murphy BP


2010Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, De Little SC, 'Retreating Melaleuca swamp forests in Kakadu National Park: Evidence of synergistic effects of climate change and past feral buffalo impacts', Austral Ecology, 35, (8) pp. 898-905. ISSN 1442-9985 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2009.02096.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 20

Co-authors: Prior LD


2010Brodribb TJ, Bowman DMJS, Nichols S, Delzon S, Burlett R, 'Xylem function and growth rate interact to determine recovery rates after exposure to extreme water deficit', New Phytologist, 188, (2) pp. 533-542. ISSN 0028-646X (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03393.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 253Web of Science - 244

Co-authors: Brodribb TJ; Nichols S


2010Burrows GE, Hornby SK, Waters DA, Bellairs SM, Prior LD, et al., 'A wide diversity of epicormic structures is present in Myrtaceae species in the northern Australian savanna biome - implications for adaptation to fire', Australian Journal of Botany, 58, (6) pp. 493-507. ISSN 0067-1924 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT10107 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 46Web of Science - 46

Co-authors: Prior LD


2010Crisp MD, Isagi Y, Kato Y, Cook LG, Bowman DMJS, 'Livistona palms in Australia: Ancient relics or opportunistic immigrants?', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 54, (2) pp. 512-523. ISSN 1055-7903 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.09.020 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 58Web of Science - 57


2010Johnston FH, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'A review of approaches to monitoring smoke from vegetation fires for public health ', Air Quality and Climate Change, 44, (2) pp. 17-21. ISSN 1836-5876 (2010) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Williamson GJ


2010Murphy BP, Paron P, Prior LD, Boggs GS, Franklin DC, et al., 'Using generalized autoregressive error models to understand fire-vegetation-soil feedbacks in a mulga-spinifex landscape mosaic', Journal of Biogeography, 37, (11) pp. 2169-2182. ISSN 0305-0270 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2010.02359.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 42Web of Science - 40

Co-authors: Murphy BP; Prior LD


2010Prior LD, Lee ZE, Brock C, Williamson G, Bowman DMJS, 'What limits the distribution and abundance of the native conifer Callitris glaucophylla (Cupressaceae) in the West MacDonnell Ranges, central Australia?', Australian Journal of Botany, 58, (7) pp. 554-564. ISSN 0067-1924 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT10045 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 10Web of Science - 9

Co-authors: Prior LD; Lee ZE; Williamson G


2010Prior LD, Williams RJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Experimental evidence that fire causes a tree recruitment bottleneck in an Australian tropical savanna', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 26, (6) pp. 595-603. ISSN 0266-4674 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1017/S0266467410000362 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 59Web of Science - 60

Co-authors: Prior LD


2010Tng DYP, Hopf F, Harberle SG, Bowman DMJS, 'Seasonal pollen distribution in the atmosphere of Hobart, Tasmania: preliminary observations and congruence with flowering phenology', Australian Journal of Botany, 58, (6) pp. 440-452. ISSN 0067-1924 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT10095 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 8Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Tng DYP


2010Wiggins NL, Williamson GJ, McCallum HI, McMahon CR, Bowman DMJS, 'Shifts in macropod home ranges in response to wildlife management interventions', Wildlife Research, 37, (5) pp. 379-391. ISSN 1035-3712 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR09144 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 21Web of Science - 21

Co-authors: Wiggins NL; Williamson GJ; McCallum HI


2010Wood SW, Hua Q, Allen KJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Age and growth of a fire prone Tasmanian temperate old-growth forest stand dominated by Eucalyptus regnans, the world's tallest angiosperm', Forest Ecology and Management, 260, (4) pp. 438-447. ISSN 0378-1127 (2010) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.04.037 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 61Web of Science - 57

Co-authors: Wood SW; Allen KJ


2009Albrecht G, McMahon CR, Bowman DMJS, Bradshaw CJA, 'Convergence of culture, ecology, and ethics: Management of feral swamp buffalo in northern Australia', Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 22, (4) pp. 361-378. ISSN 1187-7863 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10806-009-9158-5 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 34


2009Bowman DMJS, Balch JK, Artaxo P, Bond WJ, Carlson JM, et al., 'Fire in the Earth System', Science, 324, (5926) pp. 481-484. ISSN 0036-8075 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1126/science.1163886 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1979Web of Science - 1874

Co-authors: Johnston F


2009Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, Williamson G, 'The roles of statistical inference and historical sources in understanding landscape change: the case of feral buffalo in the freshwater floodplains of Kakadu National Park', Journal of Biogeography, 37, (1) pp. 193-199. ISSN 0305-0270 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02244.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7Web of Science - 8

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson G


2009Elliot LP, Franklin DC, Bowman DMJS, 'Frequency and season of fires varies with distance from settlement and grass composition in Eucalyptus miniata savannas of the Darwin region of northern Australia', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18, (1) pp. 61-70. ISSN 1049-8001 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF06158 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 12


2009Harris S, Allen K, Baker P, Bird T, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'Guidelines for collecting and conserving dendrochronology samples from Tasmanian public reserves', Tasforests, 18, (November) pp. 145-158. ISSN 1033-8306 (2009) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 2

2009Johnston FH, Hanigan IC, Bowman DMJS, 'Pollen Loads and Allergic Rhinitis in Darwin, Australia: A Potential Health Outcome of the Grass-Fire Cycle', EcoHealth, 6, (1) pp. 99-108. ISSN 1612-9202 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10393-009-0225-1 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 32

Co-authors: Johnston FH; Hanigan IC


2009Lehmann CER, Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire controls population structure in four dominant tree species in a tropical savanna', Oecologia, 161, (3) pp. 505-515. ISSN 0029-8549 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00442-009-1395-9 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 49Web of Science - 48

Co-authors: Prior LD


2009Lehmann CER, Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, 'Decadal dynamics of tree cover in an Australian tropical savanna', Austral Ecology, 34, (6) pp. 601-612. ISSN 1442-9985 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2009.01964.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 36Web of Science - 37

Co-authors: Prior LD


2009Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'The carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of Australian grasses in relation to climate', Functional Ecology, 23, (6) pp. 1040-1049. ISSN 0269-8463 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01576.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 81Web of Science - 76

Co-authors: Murphy BP


2009Nicholas AMM, Franklin DC, Bowman DMJS, 'Coexistence of shrubs and grass in a semi-arid landscape: a case study of mulga (Acacia aneura, Mimosaceae) shrublands embedded in fire-prone spinifex (Triodia pungens, Poaceae) hummock grasslands', Australian Journal of Botany, 57, (5) pp. 396-405. ISSN 0067-1924 (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT07157 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 27


2009de Little SC, Bowman DMJS, Whelan PI, Brook BW, Bradshaw CJA, 'Quantifying the drivers of larval density patterns in two tropical mosquito species to maximize control efficiency', Environmental Entomology, 38, (4) pp. 1013-1021. ISSN 0046-225X (2009) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1603/022.038.0408 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 15


2008Bowman DMJS, Boggs GS, Prior LD, 'Fire maintains an Acacia aneura shrubland-Triodia grassland mosaic in central Australia', Journal of Arid Environments, 72, (1) pp. 34-47. ISSN 0140-1963 (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2007.04.001 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 46Web of Science - 46

Co-authors: Prior LD


2008Bowman DMJS, Riley JE, Boggs GS, Lehmann CER, Prior LD, 'Do feral buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) explain the increase of woody cover in savannas of Kakadu National Park, Australia?', Journal of Biogeography, 35, (11) pp. 1976-1988. ISSN 0305-0270 (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01934.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 26

Co-authors: Prior LD


2008Burrows GE, Hornby SK, Waters DA, Bellairs SM, Prior LD, et al., 'Leaf axil anatomy and bud reserves in 21 Myrtaceae species from Northern Australia', International Journal of Plant Sciences, 169, (9) pp. 1174-1186. ISSN 1058-5893 (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1086/591985 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 36Web of Science - 36

Co-authors: Prior LD


2008Franklin DC, Petty AM, Williamson G, Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'Monitoring contrasting land management in the savanna landscapes of northern Australia', Environmental Management, 41, (4) pp. 501-515. ISSN 0364-152X (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00267-007-9006-1 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 24

Co-authors: Williamson G


2008Janos DP, Scott J, Bowman DMJS, 'Temporal and spatial variation of fine roots in a northern Australian Eucalyptus tetrodonta savanna', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 24, (2) pp. 177-188. ISSN 0266-4674 (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1017/S0266467408004860 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 21Web of Science - 21


2008Lehmann CER, Prior LD, Williams RJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Spatio-temporal trends in tree cover of a tropical mesic savanna are driven by landscape disturbance', Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, (4) pp. 1304-1311. ISSN 0021-8901 (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01496.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 58Web of Science - 55

Co-authors: Prior LD


2008Telfer WR, Griffiths AD, Bowman DMJS, 'The habitat requirements of four sympatric rock-dwelling macropods of the Australian monsoon tropics', Austral Ecology, 33, (8) pp. 1033-1044. ISSN 1442-9985 (2008) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2008.01873.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 9


2007Banfai DS, Bowman DMJS, 'Drivers of rain-forest boundary dynamics in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia: a field assessment. ', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23, (1) pp. 73-86. ISSN 0266-4674 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1017/s0266467406003701 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 28Web of Science - 30


2007Banfai DS, Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'Multiscale modelling of the drivers of rainforest boundary dynamics in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia', Diversity and Distributions, 13, (6) pp. 680-691. ISSN 1366-9516 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2007.00371.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 10Web of Science - 11


2007Bowman DMJS, 'Fire ecology', Progress in Physical Geography, 31, (5) pp. 523-532. ISSN 0309-1333 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1177/0309133307083298 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 12Web of Science - 10


2007Bowman DMJS, 'Why national parks need science', National Parks Journal, 51, (1) pp. 1-2. ISSN 0047-9012 (2007) [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2007Bowman DMJS, Boggs GS, Prior LD, Krull ES, 'Dynamics of Acacia aneura - Triodia boundaries using carbon (14C and δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) signatures in soil organic matter in central Australia', The Holocene, 17, (3) pp. 311-318. ISSN 0959-6836 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1177/0959683607076442 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 24Web of Science - 25

Co-authors: Prior LD


2007Bowman DMJS, Dingle JK, Johnston FH, Parry D, Foley M, 'Seasonal patterns in biomass smoke pollution and the mid 20th-century transition from Aboriginal to European fire management in northern Australia', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16, (2) pp. 246-256. ISSN 1466-822X (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2006.00271.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 27


2007Bowman DMJS, Franklin DC, Price OF, Brook BW, 'Land management affects grass biomass in the Eucalyptus tetrodonta savannas of monsoonal Australia', Austral Ecology, 32, (4) pp. 446-452. ISSN 1442-9985 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2007.01713.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 29Web of Science - 31


2007Bradshaw CJA, Field IC, Bowman DMJS, Haynes C, Brook BW, 'Current and future threats from non-indigenous animal species in northern Australia: a spotlight on World Heritage Area Kakadu National Park', Wildlife Research, 34, (6) pp. 419-436. ISSN 1035-3712 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WR06056 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 63Web of Science - 60


2007Bradshaw CJA, Isagi Y, Kaneko S, Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, et al., 'Low genetic diversity in the bottlenecked population of endangered non-native banteng in northern Australia', Molecular Ecology, 16, (14) pp. 2998-3008. ISSN 0962-1083 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294x.2007.03365.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 22


2007Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, Burney DA, Flannery TF, Gagan MK, et al., 'Would the Australian megafauna have become extinct if humans had never colonised the continent? Comments on 'A review of the evidence for a human role in the extinction of Australian megafauna and an alternative explanation' by S. Wroe and J. Field ', Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, (3-4) pp. 560-564. ISSN 0277-3791 (2007) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.10.008 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 53Web of Science - 52


2007Franklin DC, Brocklehurst PS, Lynch D, Bowman DMJS, 'Niche differentiation and regeneration in the seasonally flooded Melaleuca forests of northern Australia', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23, (4) pp. 457-467. ISSN 0266-4674 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1017/s0266467407004130 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 16Web of Science - 18


2007Johnston F, Jacups SP, Vickery AJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Ecohealth and Aboriginal Testimony of the Nexus Between Human Health and Place', Ecohealth, 4, (4) pp. 489-499. ISSN 1612-9202 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10393-007-0142-0 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 48Web of Science - 47

Co-authors: Johnston F


2007Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'The interdependence of fire, grass, kangaroos and Australian Aborigines: a case study from central Arnhem Land, northern Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 34, (2) pp. 237-250. ISSN 0305-0270 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2006.01591.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 76Web of Science - 77


2007Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'Seasonal water availability predicts the relative abundance of C3 and C4 grasses in Australia', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16, (2) pp. 160-169. ISSN 1466-822X (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2006.00285.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 59Web of Science - 61


2007Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, Gagan MK, 'Sources of carbon isotope variation in kangaroo bone collagen and tooth enamel', Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, (15) pp. 3847-3858. ISSN 0016-7037 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.05.012 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 30Web of Science - 32


2007Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, Gagan MK, 'The interactive effect of temperature and humidity on the oxygen isotope composition of kangaroos', Functional Ecology, 21, (4) pp. 757-766. ISSN 0269-8463 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2007.01284.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 32Web of Science - 32


2007Ozeki M, Isagi Y, Tsubota H, Jacklyn P, Bowman DMJS, 'Phylogeography of an Australian termite, Amitermes laurensis (Isoptera, Termitidae), with special reference to the variety of mound shapes', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42, (1) pp. 236-247. ISSN 1055-7903 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2006.06.024 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 21


2007Petty AM, Bowman DMJS, 'A satellite analysis of contrasting fire patterns in Aboriginal- and Euro-Australian managed lands in tropical north Australia', Fire Ecology, 3, (1) pp. 32-47. ISSN 1933-9747 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.4996/fireecology.0301032 [eCite] [Details]


2007Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, Brook BW, 'Growth and survival of two north Australian relictual tree species, Allosyncarpia ternata (Myrtaceae) and Callitris intratropica (Cupressaceae)', Ecological Research, 22, (2) pp. 228-236. ISSN 0912-3814 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s11284-006-0011-2 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 35Web of Science - 36

Co-authors: Prior LD


2007Stevenson J, Haberle SG, Johnstone FH, Bowman DMJS, 'Seasonal distribution of pollen in the atmosphere of Darwin, tropical Australia: Preliminary results', Grana: International Journal of Palynology and Aerobiology, 46, (1) pp. 34-42. ISSN 0017-3134 (2007) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1080/00173130601178250 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 13


2006Banfai DS, Bowman DMJS, 'Forty years of lowland monsoon rainforest expansion in Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia', Biological Conservation, 131, (4) pp. 553-565. ISSN 0006-3207 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2006.03.002 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 54Web of Science - 55


2006Bowman DMJS, Dingle JK, 'Late 20th century landscape-wide expansion of Allosyncarpia ternata (Myrtaceae) forests in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 54, (8) pp. 707-715. ISSN 0067-1924 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT05202 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 15


2006Bowman DMJS, McIntyre DL, Brook BW, 'Is the carpentarian rock-rat Zyzomys palatalis critically endangered?', Pacific Conservation Biology, 12, (2) pp. 134-139. ISSN 1038-2097 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/pc060134 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 3


2006Bowman DMJS, Yeates D, 'A remarkable moment in Australian biogeography', New Phytologist, 170, (2) pp. 208-212. ISSN 0028-646X (2006) [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01699.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 11


2006Bradshaw CJA, Isagi Y, Kaneko S, Bowman DMJS, Brook BW, 'Conservation Value of Non-Native Banteng in Northern Australia', Conservation Biology, 20, (4) pp. 1306-1311. ISSN 0888-8892 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00428.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 32


2006Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'Postcards from the past: charting the landscape-scale conversion of tropical Australian savanna to closed forest during the 20th century', Landscape Ecology, 21, (8) pp. 1253-1266. ISSN 0921-2973 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-006-0018-7 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 62Web of Science - 59


2006Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, Bradshaw CJA, Campbell BM, Whitehead PJ, 'Managing an Endangered Asian Bovid in an Australian National Park: The Role and Limitations of Ecological-Economic Models in Decision-Making', Environmental Management, 38, (3) pp. 463-469. ISSN 0364-152X (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s00267-005-0157-7 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 14Web of Science - 14


2006Murphy BP, Bowman DMJS, 'Kangaroo metabolism does not cause the relationship between bone collagen δ15N and water availability', Functional Ecology, 20, (6) pp. 1062-1069. ISSN 0269-8463 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2006.01186.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 129Web of Science - 123


2006Prior LD, Brook BW, Williams RJ, Werner PA, Bradshaw CJA, et al., 'Environmental and allometric drivers of tree growth rates in a north Australian savanna', Forest Ecology and Management, 234, (1-3) pp. 164-180. ISSN 0378-1127 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2006.06.034 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 53Web of Science - 56

Co-authors: Prior LD


2006Telfer WR, Bowman DMJS, 'Diet of four rock-dwelling macropods in the Australian monsoon tropics', Austral Ecology, 31, (7) pp. 817-827. ISSN 1442-9985 (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2006.01644.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 17


2006Telfer WR, Griffiths AD, Bowman DMJS, 'Scats can reveal the presence and habitat use of cryptic rock-dwelling macropods', Australian Journal of Zoology, 54, (5) pp. 325-334. ISSN 0004-959X (2006) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/ZO05074 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 17


2005Banfai DS, Bowman DMJS, 'Dynamics of a savanna-forest mosaic in the Australian monsoon tropics inferred from stand structures and historical aerial photography', Australian Journal of Botany, 53, (3) pp. 185-194. ISSN 0067-1924 (2005) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT04141 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 31Web of Science - 30


2005Bowman DMJS, 'Grass, fire and ecological engineering', Australasian Science, 26, (5) pp. 20-22. ISSN 1442-679X (2005) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]


2005Bowman DMJS, Johnston FH, 'Wildfire Smoke, Fire Management, and Human Health', EcoHealth, 2, (1) pp. 76-80. ISSN 1612-9202 (2005) [Non Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10393-004-0149-8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 73


2005Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'One equation fits overkill: why allometry underpins both prehistoric and modern body size-biased extinctions', Population Ecology, 47, (2) pp. 137-141. ISSN 1438-3896 (2005) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/s10144-005-0213-4 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 43Web of Science - 39


2005Burgess CP, Johnston FH, Bowman DMJS, Whitehead PJ, 'Healthy country: healthy people? Exploring the health benefits of Indigenous natural resource management', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 29, (2) pp. 117-122. ISSN 1326-0200 (2005) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-842X.2005.tb00060.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 136Web of Science - 144


2005Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, Eamus D, 'Intra-specific variation in leaf attributes of four savanna tree species across a rainfall gradient in tropical Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 53, (4) pp. 323-335. ISSN 0067-1924 (2005) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT04080 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 24Web of Science - 23

Co-authors: Prior LD


2004Bowman DMJS, Cook GD, Zoppi U, 'Holocene boundary dynamics of a northern Australian monsoon rainforest patch inferred from isotopic analysis of carbon (14C and δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in soil organic matter', Austral Ecology, 29, (6) pp. 605-612. ISSN 1442-9985 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2004.01394.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 22


2004Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, 'Impact of Aboriginal landscape burning on woody vegetation in Eucalyptus tetrodonta savanna in Arnhem Land, northern Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (5) pp. 807-817. ISSN 0305-0270 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01077.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 38Web of Science - 38

Co-authors: Prior LD


2004Bowman DMJS, Sharp BR, Zoppi U, 'Isotopic (13C and 14C) evidence supporting the transformative effect of cattle on north Australian vegetation', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (8) pp. 1373-1375. ISSN 0305-0270 (2004) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01122.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1


2004Bowman DMJS, Walsh A, Prior LD, 'Landscape analysis of Aboriginal fire management in Central Arnhem Land, north Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (2) pp. 207-223. ISSN 0305-0270 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.0305-0270.2003.00997.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 92Web of Science - 91

Co-authors: Prior LD


2004Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'The uncertain blitzkrieg of Pleistocene megafauna', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (4) pp. 517-523. ISSN 0305-0270 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2003.01028.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 100Web of Science - 81


2004Franklin DC, Bowman DMJS, 'A multi-scale biogeographical analysis of Bambusa arnhemica, a bamboo from monsoonal northern Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (8) pp. 1335-1353. ISSN 0305-0270 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01129.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 15Web of Science - 17


2004Prior LD, Bowman DMJS, Eamus D, 'Seasonal differences in leaf attributes in Australian tropical tree species: family and habitat comparisons', Functional Ecology, 18, (5) pp. 707-718. ISSN 0269-8463 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.0269-8463.2004.00885.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 60Web of Science - 51

Co-authors: Prior LD


2004Prior LD, Eamus D, Bowman DMJS, 'Tree growth rates in north Australian savanna habitats: seasonal patterns and correlations with leaf attributes', Australian Journal of Botany, 52, (3) pp. 303-314. ISSN 0067-1924 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT03119 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 80Web of Science - 76

Co-authors: Prior LD


2004Sharp BR, Bowman DMJS, 'Patterns of long-term woody vegetation change in a sandstone-plateau savanna woodland, Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 20 pp. 259-270. ISSN 0266-4674 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1017/S0266467403001238 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 40Web of Science - 35


2004Sharp BR, Bowman DMJS, 'Net woody vegetation increase confined to seasonally inundated lowlands in an Australian tropical savanna, Victoria River District, Northern Territory', Austral Ecology, 29, (6) pp. 667-683. ISSN 1442-9985 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2004.01407.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 17Web of Science - 14


2004Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, 'Effects of fire history on the structure and floristic composition of woody vegetation around Kalumburu, North Kimberley, Australia: a landscape-scale natural experiment', Australian Journal of Botany, 52, (3) pp. 381-404. ISSN 0067-1924 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT03156 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 57Web of Science - 53


2004Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, 'Effects of individual fire events on the flower production of fruit-bearing tree species, with reference to Aboriginal people's management and use, at Kalumburu, North Kimberley, Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 52, (3) pp. 405-415. ISSN 0067-1924 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT03157 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 23Web of Science - 20


2004Vigilante T, Bowman DMJS, Fisher R, Russell-Smith J, Yates C, 'Contemporary landscape burning patterns in the far North Kimberley region of north-west Australia: human influences and environmental determinants', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (8) pp. 1317-1333. ISSN 0305-0270 (2004) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01104.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 61Web of Science - 62


2003Bowman DMJS, Zhang Y, Walsh A, Williams RJ, 'Experimental comparison of four remote sensing techniques to map tropical savanna fire-scars using Landsat-TM imagery', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 12, (4) pp. 341-348. ISSN 1049-8001 (2003) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF03030 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 57Web of Science - 55


2003Fensham RJ, Fairfax RJ, Butler DW, Bowman DMJS, 'Effects of fire and drought in a tropical eucalypt savanna colonized by rain forest', Journal of Biogeography, 30, (9) pp. 1405-1414. ISSN 0305-0270 (2003) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2003.00934.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 80Web of Science - 77


2003Franklin DC, Bowman DMJS, 'Bamboo, fire and flood: regeneration of Bambusa arnhemica (Bambuseae: Poaceae) after mass-flowering and die-off at contrasting sites in monsoonal northern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 51, (5) pp. 529-542. ISSN 0067-1924 (2003) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT03014 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 21


2003Prior LD, Eamus D, Bowman DMJS, 'Leaf attributes in the seasonally dry tropics: a comparison of four habitats in northern Australia', Functional Ecology, 17, (4) pp. 504-515. ISSN 0269-8463 (2003) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2435.2003.00761.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 114Web of Science - 101

Co-authors: Prior LD


2003Whitehead PJ, Bowman DMJS, Preece N, Fraser F, Cooke P, 'Customary use of fire by Indigenous peoples in northern Australia: its contemporary role in savanna management', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 12, (4) pp. 415-425. ISSN 1049-8001 (2003) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/WF03027 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 78Web of Science - 70


2002Bowman DMJS, 'Preface: Measuring and imagining: exploring centuries of Australian landscape change', Australian Journal of Botany, 50, (4) pp. i-iii. ISSN 0067-1927 (2002) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, 'A time traveller's toolbox: review of The Historical Ecology Handbook: a restorationist's guide to reference ecosystems ', Australian Zoologist, 32, (1) pp. 165-166. ISSN 0067-2238 (2002) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, 'Preface (Measuring and imagining: exploring centuries of Australian landscape change)', Australian Journal of Botany, 50, (4) pp. i-iii. ISSN 0067-1924 (2002) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, Cook GD, 'Can stable carbon isotopes (delta13C) in soil carbon be used to describe the dynamics of Eucalyptus savanna-rainforest boundaries in the Australian monsoon tropics?', Austral Ecology, 27, (1) pp. 94-102. ISSN 1442-9985 (2002) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1442-9993.2002.01158.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 30Web of Science - 30


2002Bowman DMJS, Farrer SL, 'Measuring and imagining: exploring centuries of Australian landscape change', 50, (4) pp. 375-544. ISSN 0067-1924 (2002) [Edited Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, Robinson CJ, 'The Getting of the Nganabbarru : observations and reflections on Aboriginal buffalo hunting in northern Australia', Australian Geographer, 33, (2) pp. 191-206. ISSN 0004-9182 (2002) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1080/00049180220151007 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 33Web of Science - 31


2002Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'Explaining the Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions: Models, chronologies, and assumptions', PNAS, 99, (23) pp. 14624-14627. ISSN 0027-8424 (2002) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.232126899 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 93Web of Science - 78


2002Johnston FH, Kavanagh A, Bowman DMJS, Scott R, 'Exposure to bushfire smoke and asthma: an ecological study', Medical Journal of Australia, 176, (11) pp. 535-539. ISSN 0025-729X (2002) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04551.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 85


2002Johnston FH, Kavanagh A, Bowman DMJS, Scott RK, 'In reply: Serial correlation and confounders in time-series air pollution studies', Medical Journal of Australia, 177, (7) pp. 397-398. ISSN 1326-5377 (2002) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Bowman DMJS, 'On the elusive definition of 'Australian rainforest': response to Lynch and Neldner', Australian Journal of Botany, 49, (6) pp. 785-787. ISSN 0067-1924 (2001) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT00092 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 11Web of Science - 9


2001Bowman DMJS, Price O, Whitehead PJ, Walsh A, 'The 'wilderness effect' and the decline of Callitris intratropica on the Arnhem Land Plateau, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 49, (5) pp. 665-672. ISSN 0067-1924 (2001) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/BT00087 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 54Web of Science - 47


2001Bowman DMJS, Vigilante T, 'Conflagrations: the culture, ecology and politics of landscape burning in the north Kimberely', Ngoonjook A Journal of Australian indigenous Issues, 20 pp. 38-45. (2001) [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Bowman DMJS, Walsh A, Milne DJ, 'Forest expansion and grassland contraction within a Eucalyptus savanna matrix between 1941 and 1994 at Litchfield National Park in the Australian monsoon tropics', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10, (5) pp. 535-548. ISSN 1466-822X (2001) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1466-822x.2001.00252.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 110Web of Science - 113


2001Yibarbuk D, Whitehead PJ, Russell-Smith J, Jackson D, Godjuwa C, et al., 'Fire ecology and Aboriginal land management in central Arnhem Land, northern Australia: a tradition of ecosystem management', Journal of Biogeography, 28, (3) pp. 325-343. ISSN 0305-0270 (2001) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2001.00555.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 257Web of Science - 240


2000Bowman DMJS, 'Review of Prehistory of Australia', Quarterly Review of Biology, 75, (2) pp. 223. ISSN 0033-5770 (2000) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2000Bowman DMJS, 'Review of Pure State of Nature: Sacred cows, destructive myths and the environment', Bogong, 21, (3) pp. 26. ISSN 0159-6586 (2000) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

2000Bowman DMJS, 'Rainforests and flame forests: the great Australian forest dichotomy', Australian Geographical Studies, 38, (3) pp. 327-331. ISSN 0004-9190 (2000) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/1467-8470.00120 [eCite] [Details]


1999Bowman DMJS, 'Australian's unsolved Pleistocene extinctions', Australian Archaeology, 49, (December) pp. 60. ISSN 0312-2417 (1999) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1999Bowman DMJS, Choquenot D, 'The operational details of marsupial megafaunal overkill', Australian Biologist, 12, (1) pp. 1-5. ISSN 1030-6234 (1999) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1999Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, Head J, 'Abandoned Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt) nests and coastal rainforest boundary dynamics during the late Holocene in monsoonal Australia', Quaternary International, 59, (1) pp. 27-38. ISSN 1040-6182 (1999) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/s1040-6182(98)00069-x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 14Web of Science - 16


1999Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Fensham RJ, 'Relative drought tolerance of evergreen-rainforest and evergreen-savanna species in a long unburnt Eucalyptus savanna, north Queensland', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 108 pp. 27-31. ISSN 0080-469X (1999) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1998Bowman DMJS, 'Review of A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There', Australian Biologist, 11 pp. 132-133. ISSN 1030-6234 (1998) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1998Bowman DMJS, 'Death of biodiversity - the urgent need for global ecology', Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 7, (4) pp. 237-240. ISSN 0960-7447 (1998) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1998Bowman DMJS, 'Tansley review No.101 - The impact of Aboriginal landscape burning on the Australian biota', New Phytologist, 140, (3) pp. 385-410. ISSN 0028-646X (1998) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1998.00289.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 291


1998Choquenot David, Bowman DMJS, 'Marsupial megafauna, Aborigines and the overkill hypothesis: Application of predator-prey models to the question of pleistocene extinction in Australia', Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 7, (3) pp. 167-180. ISSN 0960-7447 (1998) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2997372 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 27


1997Bowman DMJS, 'Observations on the demography of the Australian Boab (Adansonia gibbosa) in the north-west of the Northern Territory, Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 45, (5) pp. 893-904. ISSN 0067-1924 (1997) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt96092 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 22Web of Science - 19


1996Bowman DMJS, 'Review of Biodiversity and savanna ecosystem processes: a global perspective', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 12, (6) pp. 804. ISSN 0266-4674 (1996) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1996Bowman DMJS, 'Diversity patterns of woody species on a latitudinal transect from the monsoon tropics to desert in the Northern Territory, Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 44, (5) pp. 571-580. ISSN 0067-1924 (1996) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9960571 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 34Web of Science - 30


1996Bowman DMJS, Connors GT, 'Does low temperature cause the dominance of Acacia on the central Australian mountains? Evidence from a latitudinal gradient from 11° to 26° South in the Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 23, (2) pp. 245-256. ISSN 0305-0270 (1996) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.1996.00981.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 17


1996Bowman DMJS, Rainey I, 'Tropical tree stand structures on a seasonally flooded elevation gradient in northern Australia', Australian Geographer, 27, (1) pp. 31-37. ISSN 0004-9182 (1996) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1080/00049189608703155 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 5Web of Science - 5


1996Pole MS, Bowman DMJS, 'Tertiary plant fossils from Australia's 'Top End'', Australian Systematic Botany, 9, (2) pp. 113-126. ISSN 1030-1887 (1996) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/sb9960113 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 30Web of Science - 30


1996Williams RJ, Duff GA, Bowman DMJS, Cook GD, 'Variation in the composition and structure of tropical savannas as a function of rainfall and soil texture along a large-scale climatic gradient in the Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 23, (6) pp. 747-756. ISSN 0305-0270 (1996) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.1996.tb00036.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 187Web of Science - 187


1995Bowman DMJS, 'Two examples of the role of ecological biogeography in Australian prehistory: The fire ecology of Callitris intratropica, and the spatial pattern of stone tools in the Northern Territory', Australian Archaeology, 41, (Dec 1995) pp. 8-11. ISSN 0312-2417 (1995) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1995Bowman DMJS, Fensham RJ, 'Growth of Eucalyptus tetrodonta seedlings on savanna and monsoon rainforest soils in the Australian monsoon tropics', Australian Forestry, 58, (2) pp. 46-47. ISSN 0004-9158 (1995) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1995Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, 'Munmarlary revisited: Response of a north Australian Eucalyptus tetrodonta savanna protected from fire for 20 years', Australian Journal of Ecology, 20, (4) pp. 526-531. ISSN 0307-692X (1995) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1995.tb00571.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 45Web of Science - 46


1995Fensham RJ, Bowman DMJS, 'A comparison of foliar nutrient concentration in trees from monsoon rainforest and savanna in northern Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 20, (2) pp. 335-339. ISSN 0307-692X (1995) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1995.tb00545.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 13Web of Science - 13


1994Bowman DMJS, 'Discussion of Pimm et al., 1994 (Bird Extinctions in the Central Pacific [and Discussion])', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. Biological Sciences, 344, (1307) pp. 33. ISSN 1471-2970 (1994) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1994Bowman DMJS, 'Preliminary observations on the mortality of Allosyncarpia ternata stems on the Arnhem Land Plateau, northern Australia', Australian Forestry, 57, (2) pp. 62-64. ISSN 0004-9158 (1994) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1994Bowman DMJS, Latz PK, Panton WJ, 'Pattern and change in an Acacia aneura shrubland and Triodia hummock grassland mosaic on rolling hills in central Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 43, (1) pp. 25-37. ISSN 0067-1924 (1994) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9950025 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 16


1994Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, 'Fire and cyclone damage to woody vegetation on the north coast of the Northern Territory, Australia', Australian Geographer, 25, (1) pp. 32 - 35. ISSN 0004-9182 (1994) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1080/00049189408703096 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 21Web of Science - 21


1994Bowman DMJS, Woinarski JCZ, 'Biogeography of Australian monsoon rainforest mammals: implications for the conservation of rainforest mammals', Pacific Conservation Biology, 1, (2) pp. 98-106. ISSN 1038-2097 (1994) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1994Bowman DMJS, Woinarski JCZ, Russell-Smith J, 'Environmental relationships of orange-footed scrubfowl Megapodius reinwardt nests in the Northern Territory', Emu, 94 pp. 181-185. ISSN 0158-4197 (1994) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/mu9940181 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 18


1994Price O, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire-stick forestry: A matrix model in support of skilful fire management of Callitris intratropica R. T. Baker by north Australian Aborigines', Journal of Biogeography, 21, (6) pp. 573-580. ISSN 0305-0270 (1994) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2846032 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 65Web of Science - 69


1994Wilson BA, Bowman DMJS, 'Factors influencing tree growth in tropical savanna: Studies of an abrupt Eucalyptus boundary at Yapilika, Melville Island, northern Australia', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 10 pp. 103-120. ISSN 0266-4674 (1994) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1017/S0266467400007756 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 18


1993Bowman DMJS, 'Biodiversity: much more than biological inventory', Biodiversity Letters, 1, (6) pp. 163. ISSN 0967-9952 (1993) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1993Bowman DMJS, 'Review of Nature Conservation 2: The role of Corridors', Australian Journal of Ecology, 18, (3) pp. 374-375. ISSN 0307-692X (1993) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1993.tb00464.x [eCite] [Details]


1993Bowman DMJS, 'Effect of large herbivore exclusion on understorey biomass in three plant communities on Cobourg Peninsula', Northern Territory Naturalist, 14 pp. 1-6. ISSN 0155-4093 (1993) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1993Bowman DMJS, 'Establishment of two dry monsoon forest tree species on a fire-protected monsoon forest-savanna boundary, Cobourg Peninsula, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 18, (2) pp. 235-237. ISSN 0307-692X (1993) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1993.tb00448.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 9Web of Science - 9


1993Bowman DMJS, Latz PK, 'Ecology of Callitris glaucophylla (Cupressaceae) on the MacDonnell Ranges, central Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 41, (2) pp. 217-225. ISSN 0067-1924 (1993) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9930217 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 31Web of Science - 28


1993Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, 'Decline of Callitris intratropica R. T. Baker & H. G. Smith in the Northern Territory: Implications for pre- and post-European colonization fire regimes', Journal of Biogeography, 20, (4) pp. 373-381. ISSN 0305-0270 (1993) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2845586 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 141Web of Science - 138


1993Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, 'Differences in the stand structure of Eucalyptus tetrodonta forests between Elcho Island and Gunn Point, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 41, (2) pp. 211-215. ISSN 0067-1924 (1993) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9930211 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 18Web of Science - 19


1993Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, 'Factors that control monsoon-rainforest seedling establishment and growth in north Australian Eucalyptus savanna', Journal of Ecology, 81, (2) pp. 297-304. ISSN 0022-0477 (1993) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2261499 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 61Web of Science - 58


1993Bowman DMJS, Woinarski JCZ, Menkhorst KA, 'Environmental correlates of tree species diversity in Stage III of Kakadu National Park, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 41, (6) pp. 649-660. ISSN 0067-1924 (1993) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9930649 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 22Web of Science - 20


1993Russell-Smith J, Lucas DE, Brock J, Bowman DMJS, 'Allosyncarpia-dominated rain forest in monsoonal northern Australia', Journal of Vegetation Science, 4, (1) pp. 67-82. ISSN 1100-9233 (1993) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/3235734 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 55Web of Science - 55


1992Bowman DMJS, 'A burnt out case? Reply to Lonsdale and Braithwaite (1991)', Australian Journal of Ecology, 17, (1) pp. 103-106. ISSN 1442-9985 (1992) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1992.tb00786.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 8Web of Science - 8


1992Bowman DMJS, 'Monsoon forests in north-western Australia. II. Forest-savanna transitions', Australian Journal of Botany, 40, (1) pp. 89-102. ISSN 0067-1924 (1992) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9920089 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 54Web of Science - 54


1992Bowman DMJS, 'Evidence for gradual retreat of dry monsoon forests under a regime of Aboriginal burning, Karslake Peninsula, Melville Island, northern Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 102 pp. 25-30. ISSN 0035-9211 (1992) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]


1992Fensham RJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Stand structure and the influence of overwood on regeneration in tropical eucalypt forest on Melville Island', Australian Journal of Botany, 40, (3) pp. 335-352. ISSN 0067-1924 (1992) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9920335 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 64Web of Science - 63


1992Russell-Smith J, Bowman DMJS, 'Conservation of monsoon rainforest isolates in the Northern Territory, Australia', Biological Conservation, 59, (1) pp. 51-63. ISSN 0006-3207 (1992) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/0006-3207(92)90713-w [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 124Web of Science - 132


1992Whitehead PJ, Bowman DMJS, Tideman SC, 'Biogeographic patterns, environmental correlates and conservation of avifauna in the Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 19, (2) pp. 151-161. ISSN 0305-0270 (1992) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2845501 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 32Web of Science - 32


1992Woinarski JCZ, Whitehead PJ, Bowman DMJS, Russell-Smith J, 'Conservation of mobile species in a variable environment: The problem of reserve design in the Northern Territory, Australia', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2, (1) pp. 1-10. ISSN 1466-822X (1992) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2997325 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 56


1991Bowman DMJS, 'Can we untangle fire-megafauna-climate-human Pleistocene impacts on the Australian biota?', Archaeology in Oceania, 26, (2) pp. 78. ISSN 0003-8121 (1991) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1991Bowman DMJS, 'How short do you cut the string? Biogeography, development and conservation in northern Australia', Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 1 pp. 2-4. ISSN 1466-822X (1991) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1991Bowman DMJS, 'Why forests inspire: review of Australian tropical rainforests: science-values-meaning', Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 1, (4) pp. 128. ISSN 0960-7447 (1991) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1991Bowman DMJS, 'Recovery of some northern Australian monsoon forest tree species following fire', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 101 pp. 21-25. ISSN 0080-469X (1991) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1991Bowman DMJS, 'Environmental determinants of Allosyncarpia ternata forests that are endemic to western Arnhem Land, Northern Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 39, (6) pp. 575-589. ISSN 0067-1924 (1991) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9910575 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 28Web of Science - 24


1991Bowman DMJS, Fensham RJ, 'Response of a monsoon forest-savanna boundary to fire protection, Weipa, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 16, (1) pp. 111-118. ISSN 0307-692X (1991) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1991.tb01486.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 56


1991Bowman DMJS, McDonough L, 'Tree species distribution across a seasonally flooded elevation gradient in the Australian monsoon tropics', Journal of Biogeography, 18, (2) pp. 203-212. ISSN 0305-0270 (1991) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2845293 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 29Web of Science - 31


1991Bowman DMJS, McDonough L, 'Feral pig (Sus scrofa) rooting in a monsoon forest-wetland transition, Northern Australia', Wildlife Research, 18, (6) pp. 761-765. ISSN 0007-9103 (1991) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/wr9910761 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 23


1991Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, 'Sign and habitat impact of banteng (Bos javanicus) and pig (Sus scrofa), Cobourg Penninsula, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 16, (1) pp. 15-17. ISSN 0307-692X (1991) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1991.tb01477.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 24


1991Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, McDonough L, 'Monsoon forests in Northwestern Australia I. Vegetation classification and the environmental control of tree species', Journal of Biogeography, 18, (6) pp. 679-686. ISSN 0305-0270 (1991) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2845549 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 27Web of Science - 28


1991Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Woinarski JCZ, 'Floristic and phenological variation in a northern Australian rocky Eucalyptus savanna', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 101 pp. 79-90. ISSN 0080-469X (1991) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1990Bowman DMJS, 'Cape York: Is it the biogeographic key to northern Australia?', Northern Territory Naturalist, 12 pp. 1-3. ISSN 0155-4093 (1990) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1990Bowman DMJS, McDonough L, 'Wet season occupation of Workshop Jungle by small mammals', Northern Territory Naturalist, 12 pp. 20-23. ISSN 0155-4093 (1990) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1990Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, McDonough L, 'Dynamics of forest clumps on chenier plains, Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory', Australian Journal of Botany, 38, (6) pp. 593-601. ISSN 0067-1924 (1990) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9900593 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 24Web of Science - 23


1990Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Fensham RJ, 'Sandstone vegetation pattern in the Jim Jim Falls region, Northern Territory, Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 15, (2) pp. 163-174. ISSN 0307-692X (1990) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1990.tb01525.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 27


1990Bowman DMJS, Woinarski JCZ, Sands DPA, Wells A, McShane VJ, 'Slash-and-burn agriculture in the wet coastal lowlands of Papua New Guinea: Response of birds, butterflies and reptiles', Journal of Biogeography, 17, (3) pp. 227-239. ISSN 0305-0270 (1990) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2845121 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 96Web of Science - 90


1990Whitehead PJ, Wilson BA, Bowman DMJS, 'Conservation of coastal wetlands of the Northern Territory of Australia: the Mary River floodplain ', Biological Conservation, 52, (2) pp. 85-111. ISSN 0006-3207 (1990) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1016/0006-3207(90)90119-a [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 48Web of Science - 45


1989Bowman DMJS, Whitehead PJ, 'Australian wetlands: review of The Conservation of Australian Wetlands', Conservation Biology, 3, (2) pp. 209-210. ISSN 0888-8892 (1989) [Letter or Note in Journal]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.1989.tb00075.x [eCite] [Details]


1988Bowman DMJS, 'Stability amid turmoil?: Towards an ecology of north Australian eucalypt forests', Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia, 15 pp. 149-158. ISSN 0070-8348 (1988) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1988Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, 'Fuel characteristics of coastal monsoon forests, Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 15, (5/6) pp. 807-817. ISSN 0305-0270 (1988) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2845341 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 59


1988Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Davis GM, 'Response of Callitris intratropica R.T. Baker and H.G. Smith to fire protection, Murgenella, northern Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 13, (2) pp. 147-159. ISSN 0307-692X (1988) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1988.tb00964.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 31Web of Science - 33


1988Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Dunlop CR, 'Preliminary biogeographic analysis of the Northern Territory vascular flora', Australian Journal of Botany, 36, (5) pp. 503-517. ISSN 0067-1924 (1988) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9880503 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 35Web of Science - 40


1988Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Hooper RJ, 'Response of Eucalyptus forest and woodland to four fire regimes at Munmarlary, Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Ecology, 76, (1) pp. 215-232. ISSN 0022-0477 (1988) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2260465 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 102Web of Science - 106


1988Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Wilson PL, 'Floristic reconnaissance of the northern portion of the Gregory National Park, Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 70, (3) pp. 57-67. ISSN 0035-922X (1988) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1988Kirkpatrick JB, Fensham RJ, Nunez M, Bowman DMJS, 'Vegetation-radiation relationships in the wet-dry tropics: Granite hills in northern Australia', Vegetatio, 76, (3) pp. 103-112. ISSN 0042-3106 (1988) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/BF00045472 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 26Web of Science - 21

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB; Nunez M


1987Bowman DMJS, Minchin PR, 'Environmental relationships of woody vegetation patterns in the Australian monsoon tropics', Australian Journal of Botany, 35, (2) pp. 151-169. ISSN 0067-1924 (1987) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9870151 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 70Web of Science - 74


1987Kirkpatrick JB, Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, Dickinson KJM, 'A transect study of the Eucalyptus forests and woodlands of a dissected sandstone and laterite plateau near Darwin, Northern Territory', Australian Journal of Ecology, 12, (4) pp. 339-359. ISSN 0307-692X (1987) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1987.tb00955.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 19Web of Science - 21

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB


1987Wilson BA, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire, storm, flood and drought: The vegetation ecology of Howards Peninsula, Northern Territory, Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 12, (2) pp. 165-174. ISSN 0307-692X (1987) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 32

1986Bowman DMJS, 'Stand characteristics, understorey associates and environmental correlates of Eucalyptus tetrodonta F. Muell. forests on Gunn Point, northern Australia', Vegetatio, 65, (2) pp. 105-113. ISSN 0042-3106 (1986) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/BF00044881 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 31Web of Science - 30


1986Bowman DMJS, 'Review of silvicultural systems for harvesting Eucalyptus delegatensis forests on dolerite plateaux in Tasmania', Australian Forestry, 49, (1) pp. 63-68. ISSN 0004-9158 (1986) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1986Bowman DMJS, Brown MJ, 'Bushfires in Tasmania: A botanical approach to anthropological questions', Archaeology in Oceania, 21, (3) pp. 166-171. ISSN 0003-8121 (1986) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1986Bowman DMJS, Dunlop CR, 'Vegetation pattern and environmental correlates in coastal forests of the Australian monsoon tropics', Vegetatio, 65, (2) pp. 99-104. ISSN 0042-3106 (1986) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1007/BF00044880 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 20Web of Science - 23


1986Bowman DMJS, Kirkpatrick JB, 'Establishment, suppression and growth of Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Baker in multiaged forests. I. The effects of fire on mortality and seedling establishment', Australian Journal of Botany, 34, (1) pp. 63-72. ISSN 0067-1924 (1986) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9860063 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 40Web of Science - 36

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB


1986Bowman DMJS, Kirkpatrick JB, 'Establishment, suppression and growth of Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Baker in multiaged forests .II. Sapling growth and its environmental correlates', Australian Journal of Botany, 34, (1) pp. 73-80. ISSN 0067-1924 (1986) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9860073 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 24Web of Science - 21

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB


1986Bowman DMJS, Kirkpatrick JB, 'Establishment, suppression and growth of Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Baker in multiaged forests .III. Intraspecific allelopathy, competition between adult and juvenile for moisture and nutrients, and frost damage to seedlings', Australian Journal of Botany, 34, (1) pp. 81-94. ISSN 0067-1924 (1986) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1071/bt9860081 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 40Web of Science - 35

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB


1986Bowman DMJS, Maclean AR, Crowden RK, 'Vegetation-soil relations in the lowlands of south-west Tasmania', Australian Journal of Ecology, 11, (2) pp. 141-153. ISSN 0307-692X (1986) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.1986.tb01385.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 37Web of Science - 41

Co-authors: Crowden RK


1986Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, 'Wetland vegetation pattern on the Adelaide River flood plain, Northern Territory, Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 97 pp. 69-77. ISSN 0080-469X (1986) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1986Nunez M, Bowman DMJS, 'Nocturnal cooling in a high altitude stand of Eucalyptus delegatensis as related to stand density', Australian Forest Research, 16, (2) pp. 185-197. ISSN 0004-914X (1986) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 24

1985Bowman DMJS, Wightman GM, 'Small scale vegetation pattern associated with a deeply incised gully, Gunn Point, northern Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 96 pp. 63-73. ISSN 0080-469X (1985) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1984Bowman DMJS, Kirkpatrick JB, 'Geographic variation in the demographic structure of stands of Eucalyptus delegatensis R. T. Baker on dolerite in Tasmania', Journal of Biogeography, 11, (5) pp. 427-437. ISSN 0305-0270 (1984) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.2307/2844806 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 25Web of Science - 24

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB


1982Jackson W, Bowman DMJS, 'Reply: Ecological drift or fire cycles in south-west Tasmania', Search, 13, (7-8) pp. 175-176. ISSN 0004-9549 (1982) [Letter or Note in Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Jackson W

1982Kirkpatrick JB, Bowman DMJS, 'Clearfelling versus selective logging in uneven-aged Eucalypt forest', Search, 13, (5-6) pp. 136-141. ISSN 0004-9549 (1982) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 12Web of Science - 9

Co-authors: Kirkpatrick JB

1981Bowman DMJS, 'Current research in high altitude Tasmanian E. delegatensis', The Forestry Log, 14 pp. 29-30. (1981) [Contribution to Refereed Journal]

[eCite] [Details]

1981Bowman DMJS, Jackson W, 'Vegetation succession in Southwest Tasmania', Search, 12, (10) pp. 358-362. ISSN 0004-9549 (1981) [Refereed Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 47

Co-authors: Jackson W

1981Bowman DMJS, Jackson WD, 'Slash-burning in the regeneration of dry eucalypt forests', Australian Forestry, 44, (2) pp. 118-124. ISSN 0004-9158 (1981) [Refereed Article]

DOI: 10.1080/00049158.1981.10674302 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 7

Co-authors: Jackson WD



(3 outputs)
2014Scott AC, Bowman DMJS, Bond WJ, Pyne SJ, Alexander ME, 'Fire on Earth: an Introduction', John Wiley & Sons, United Kingdom, pp. 405. ISBN 978-1-119-95357-9 (2014) [Authored Research Book]

[eCite] [Details]


2000Bowman DMJS, 'Australian rainforests: Islands of Green in a Land of Fire', Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 360. ISBN 978-0521465687 (2000) [Authored Research Book]

[eCite] [Details]

1986Dunlop CR, Bowman DMJS, 'Atlas of the Vascular Plant Genera of the Northern Territory', Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, pp. vi, 116. ISBN 0644048700 (1986) [Authored Research Book]

[eCite] [Details]

Chapter in Book

(22 outputs)
2021Bowman DMJS, Rodriguez-Cubillo D, Prior LD, 'The 2016 Tasmanian Wilderness Fires: Fire Regime Shifts and Climate Change in a Gondwanan Biogeographic Refugium', Ecosystem Collapse and Climate Change, Springer Nature, JG Canadell & RB Jackson (ed), Cham, Switzerland, pp. 133-153. ISBN 978-3-030-71329-4 (2021) [Research Book Chapter]

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71330-0_6 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Rodriguez-Cubillo D; Prior LD


2020Borchers N, Bowman DMJS, Palmer AJ, Johnston FH, 'Climate Change, Wildfires, Heatwaves and Health Impacts in Australia', Extreme Weather Events and Human Health, Springer, R Akhtar (ed), Cham, Switzerland, pp. 99-116. ISBN 978-3-030-23772-1 (2020) [Research Book Chapter]

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23773-8_8 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 21

Co-authors: Borchers N; Palmer AJ; Johnston FH


2020Bowman D, Lehman G, 'Recognising the Ancient Skill of Cultural Burning', Continent Aflame: Responses to an Australian Catastrophe, Palaver, P Anderson, S Gardner, P James and P Komesaroff (ed), Australia, pp. 28-31. ISBN 978-0648855101 (2020) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Lehman G

2014Wood S, Bowman D, Prior L, Lindenmayer D, Wardlaw T, et al., 'Tall eucalypt forests', Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction, CSIRO Publishing, D Lindenmayer, E Burns, N Thurgate, A Lowe (ed), Victoria, Australia, pp. 519-570. ISBN 9780643108561 (2014) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Wood S; Prior L


2012Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, Burrows GE, Crisp MD, 'Fire regimes and the evolution of the Australian biota', Flammable Australia. Fire Regimes, Biodiversity and Ecosystems in a Changing World, CSIRO Publishing, Ross A Bradstock, A Malcolm Gill & Richard J Williams (ed), 150 Oxford St, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 27-47. ISBN 9780643104822 (2012) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Murphy BP


2010Bowman DMJS, Murphy BP, 'Fire and biodiversity ', Conservation Biology for All, Oxford University Press, Navjot S Sodhi & Paul R. Ehrlich (ed), Oxford, pp. 163-180. ISBN 978-0-19-955423-2 (2010) [Other Book Chapter]

DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199554232.001.0001 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Murphy BP


2009Bowman DMJS, 'Australia and Global Change', The Oxford Companion to Global Change , Oxford University Press, David Cuff and Andrew Goudie (ed), New York, pp. 48-52. ISBN 978-0-19-532488-4 (2009) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2009Bowman DMJS, Wood SW, 'Fire driven land cover change in Australia and W.D. Jackson's theory of the fire ecology of Southwest Tasmania', Tropical Fire Ecology: Climate Change, Land Use and Ecosystem Dynamics, Springer, Mark A. Cochrane (ed), UK, pp. 87-111. ISBN 978-3-540-77380-1 (2009) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Wood SW

2009Vigilante T, Murphy B, Bowman DMJS, 'Aboriginal fire use in Australian tropical savannas: ecological effects and management lessons', Tropical Fire Ecology: Climate Change, Land Use and Ecosystem Dynamics, Springer, Mark A. Cochrane (ed), UK, pp. 143-167. ISBN 978-3-540-77380-1 (2009) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Murphy B

2008Banfai DS, Bowman DMJS, 'Landscape-Scale Factors Influencing Forest Dynamics in Northern Australia', Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes: Multiple Use and Sustainable Management, Springer, R Lafortezza, J Chen, G Sanesi, TR Crow (ed), New York, pp. 107-124. ISBN 978-1402085031 (2008) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2007Bowman DMJS, 'Using landscape ecology to make sense of Australia's last frontier', Key Topics in Landscape Ecology, Cambridge University Press, J. Wu & R.J. Hobbs (ed), UK, pp. 214-224. ISBN 9780521850940 (2007) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2007Johnston F, Burgess CP, Bowman DMJS, 'A case for Indigenous natural resource management and health', Investing in Indigenous Natural Resource Management, Charles Darwin University, M.K. Luckert; B.M. Campbell, J.T. Gorman & S.T. Garnett (ed), Darwin, pp. 91-95. ISBN 9780980384642 (2007) [Other Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Johnston F

2006Bowman DMJS, Davies J, 'Indigenous Land Use', Ecology: An Australian Perspective, Oxford University Press, Attiwill PM & Wilson B (ed), Oxford, pp. 406-420. ISBN 9780195550429 (2006) [Revised Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2003Bowman DMJS, 'Australian landscape burning: a continental and evolutionary perspective', Fire in Ecosystems of South West Western Australian Ecosystems: Impacts and Management, Backhuys Publishers, Burrows N & Abbot I (ed), Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 107-118. ISBN 978-9057821318 (2003) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2003Bowman DMJS, 'Bushfires: A Darwinian perspective', Australia burning: Fire Ecology, Policy and Management Issues, CSIRO, Cary G, Lindenmayer B, Mackey B & Dovers S (ed), Melbourne, pp. 3-14. ISBN 0-643-06926-7 (2003) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2003Bowman DMJS, Davies J, 'Indigenous Land Use', Ecology: An Australian Perspective, Oxford University Press, Attiwill PM & Wilson B (ed), Oxford, pp. 406-420. ISBN 9780195511628 (2003) [Other Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, 'People and Rangeland Biodiversity', Global Rangelands: Progress and Prospects, CABI Publishing, Grice AC & Hodgkinson KC (ed), United States, pp. 117-129. ISBN 0-85199-523-3 (2002) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Bowman DMJS, 'The 'frontier': Callitris intratropica and landscape change', Perfumed Pineries: Environmental history of Australia's Callitris forest, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Dargavel J, Hart D & Libbis B (ed), Canberra, pp. 111-116. ISBN 0867405244 (2001) [Other Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Bowman DMJS, 'Foreword ', Australian Geographic Book of The Top End, Australian Geographic, David Hancock (ed), Terrey Hills, NSW, Australia ISBN 9781862760363 (2001) [Other Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Bowman DMJS, Garde M, Saulwick A, 'Kunj-ken makka man-wurrk Fire is for kangaroos: interpreting Aboriginal accounts of landscape burning in Central Arnhem Land', Histories of Old Ages. Essays in Honour of Rhys Jones, Pandanus Books, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Anderson A, Lilley & O'Connor S (ed), Canberra, pp. 61-78. ISBN 1000-1000 (2001) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

1995Bowman DMJS, Harris S, 'Conifers of Australia's dry forests and open woodlands', Ecology of Southern Conifers, Smithsonian Institution Press, Neal J Enright & Robert S Hill (ed), Washington, DC, pp. 252-270. ISBN 9781560986171 (1995) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]

1991Bowman DMJS, 'Aims and achievements in Northern Territory forest wildlife biology', Conservation of Australia's forest fauna, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Daniel Lunney (ed), Mosman, pp. 205-219. ISBN 0959995153 (1991) [Research Book Chapter]

[eCite] [Details]


(20 outputs)
2015Bowman D, Johnston F, 'Gender and Wildfire: Landscapes of Uncertainty', Geographical Research, 53, (2) pp. 227-228. (2015) [Review Single Work]

DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12079 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Johnston F


2011Murphy B, Williamson GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire regimes: moving from a fuzzy concept to geographic entity', New Phytologist, 192 pp. 316-318. (2011) [Other Review]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Murphy B; Williamson GJ

2006Bowman DMJS, Boggs GS, 'Fire ecology', Progress in Physical Geography, 30, (2) pp. 245-257. (2006) [Substantial Review]

DOI: 10.1191/0309133306pp482pr [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 8Web of Science - 8


2005Bowman DMJS, 'Weather, climate, culture [Authors: S Strauss, BS Orlove]', American Meteorological Society Bulletin, July, (1) pp. 993-995. (2005) [Review Single Work]

[eCite] [Details]

2005Bowman DMJS, 'Review: Plant phylogeny and the origin of major biomes [Authors: RT Pennington, QCB Cronk, JA Richardson]', Austral Ecology, 30, (7) pp. 813-814. (2005) [Review Single Work]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2005.01501.x [eCite] [Details]


2005Bowman DMJS, 'Understanding a flammable planet - climate, fire and global vegetation patterns', New Phytologist, 165, (2) pp. 341-345. (2005) [Review Several Works]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2004.01301.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 29Web of Science - 27


2005Bowman DMJS, Franklin DC, 'Fire ecology', Progress in Physical Geography, 29, (1) pp. 248-255. (2005) [Substantial Review]

DOI: 10.1191/0309133305pp446pr [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 6Web of Science - 2


2005Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, 'Why do evergreen trees dominate the Australian seasonal tropics?', Australian Journal of Botany, 53, (5) pp. 379-399. (2005) [Substantial Review]

DOI: 10.1071/bt05022 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 79

Co-authors: Prior LD


2004Bowman DMJS, 'Suppression of wildfires and ideas: review of Forgotten fires: Native Americans and the transient wilderness by Omer C. Stewart', Journal of Biogeography, 31, (5) pp. 859-860. (2004) [Review Single Work]

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2003.01058.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 1


2002Bowman DMJS, 'The Australian Summer Monsoon: a Biogeographic Perspective', Australian Geographical Studies, 40, (3) pp. 261-277. (2002) [Substantial Review]

DOI: 10.1111/1467-8470.00179 [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 43


2002Bowman DMJS, Bradstock R, Williams J, Gill A, 'Australian biogeography on fire: review of Flammable Australia: the fire regimes and biodiversity of a continent', Journal of Biogeography, 29, (8) pp. 1105-1106. (2002) [Review Single Work]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2002.00692.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Web of Science - 3


2002Bowman DMJS, Egan D, Howell EA, 'A time traveller's toolbox: review of A Restorationist's Guide to Reference Ecosystems', Australian Zoologist, 32 pp. 165-166. (2002) [Review Single Work]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Bowman DMJS, 'Future eating and country keeping: what role has environmental history in the management of biodiversity?', Journal of Biogeography, 28, (5) pp. 549-564. (2001) [Substantial Review]

DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2001.00586.x [eCite] [Details]

Citations: Scopus - 56Web of Science - 47


2001Bowman DMJS, Laurance W, 'Memoirs of a green centurion: review of Stinging trees and wait-a-whiles: confessions of a rainforest biologist', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10, (1) pp. 577-578. (2001) [Review Single Work]

[eCite] [Details]

2000Bowman DMJS, 'Tropical rain forests ', Progress in Physical Geography, 24, (1) pp. 103-109. (2000) [Review Several Works]

[eCite] [Details]

1998Bowman DMJS, 'Tropical rain forests', Progress in Physical Geography, 22, (4) pp. 545-550. (1998) [Review Several Works]

[eCite] [Details]

1997Bowman DMJS, 'Tropical rain forests', Progress in Physical Geography, 21, (3) pp. 440-445. (1997) [Review Several Works]

[eCite] [Details]

1996Bowman DMJS, 'Tropical rain forests', Progress in Physical Geography, 20, (2) pp. 224-230. (1996) [Review Several Works]

[eCite] [Details]

1994Bowman DMJS, 'Tropical rain forests', Progress in Physical Geography, 18, (4) pp. 575-581. (1994) [Review Several Works]

[eCite] [Details]

1993Bowman DMJS, 'Tropical rain forests', Progress in Physical Geography, 17, (4) pp. 484-492. (1993) [Review Several Works]

[eCite] [Details]

Conference Publication

(22 outputs)
2022Lucas C, Davison A, Bowman D, 'Communicating with and within fire-adapting communities', Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, 5-8 July 2022, Armidale, NSW, pp. 1-8. (2022) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Lucas C; Davison A

2013Medek D, Vicendese D, Jaggard A, Campbell B, Johnston F, et al., 'Regional and seasonal variation in airborne grass pollen levels between cities of Australia and New Zealand', Special Issue: Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) 24th Annual Scientific Meeting , 11-13 September 2013, Perth, Australia, pp. 7-7. ISSN 1444-0903 (2013) [Conference Extract]

DOI: 10.1111/imj.12252 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Johnston F


2012Barry KM, Nichols SC, Janos D, Bowman DMJS, 'Can Eucalyptus obliqua seedlings grow well in forest soils not subjected to fire?', Proceedings of the Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Society of Soil Science Conference, 2-7 December 2012, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 339. (2012) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Barry KM; Nichols SC

2011Barry KM, Nichols SC, Janos D, Bowman DMJS, 'Are we waking up on the wrong side of the (ash) bed? Seedling growth of Eucalyptus obliqua in organic and mineral soils with relevance to native forest management', Presentation to the Ecological Society of Australia - 2011 Annual Conference, 21-25th Novermber 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. Poster 5, page 262. (2011) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Barry KM; Nichols SC

2010Bowman DMJS, 'Climate change and biodiversity conservation: some implications for Kakadu National Park', Kakadu National Park Landscape Symposia Series 2007-2009 Symposium 4: Climate change, 6-7 August 2008, Gagudju Crocodile Holiday Inn, Kakadu Nat'l Park, pp. 37-41. (2010) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

2009Bowman DMJS, 'Time's up for Australia's last frontier', Prepare for impact! When people and environment collide in the tropics - Proceedings from the Charles Darwin Symposium, 11-12 May 2006, Charles Darwin University, pp. 109-114. ISBN 9780980665017 (2009) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

2008Bowman DMJS, Prior LD, 'Rainforests', Kakadu National Park Landscape Symposia Series 2007-2009. Symposium 1: Landscape Change Overview, 17-18 April 2007, South Alligator Inn, Kakadu National Park, pp. 50-57. (2008) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

2008Hanigan IC, Johnston F, Morgan GG, Dingle JK, Bowman DMJS, 'Assessing the relationship between exposure to vegetation smoke and hospital admissions when empirical air quality measurements are limited', Epidemiology [Supplement], 12-16 October 2008, Pasadena, California, pp. S266-S267. (2008) [Conference Extract]

DOI: 10.1097/01.ede.0000340279.77286.58 [eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Johnston F


2005Bowman DMJS, 'Using the present to think about the past: extinct and extant megafauna, Aboriginal hunting and landscape burning', New Ways, Old Ways: Wildlife Management in Northern Australia. , 1-3 December 1999, Darwin, pp. 57-65. (2005) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

2005Brook BW, Bowman DMJS, 'Mapping the future: spatial predictions of decadal-scale landscape changes in northern Australia', Proceedings of MODSIM05, 12-15 December, Melbourne, pp. 57-65. ISBN 0-9758400-2-9 (2005) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

2005Johnston FH, Bowman DMJS, 'Fire, landscape and health', Proceedings of 8th National Rural Health Conference, 10-13 March, Alice Springs (2005) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

2003Bowman DMJS, 'Wild, tame and feral fire: the fundamental linkage between Indigenous fire usage and the conservation of Australian biodiversity', Conference proceedings : 3rd International Wildland Fire Conference and Exhibition, 3-6 October, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, pp. 57-65. ISBN 1877040150 (2003) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

1999Bowman DMJS, 'Preface to 'People and rangeland biodiversity'', People and rangelands : building the future : proceedings of the VI International Rangeland Congress, 19-23 July 1999, Townsville, pp. 614. ISBN 9780957739406 (1999) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

1997Bowman DMJS, Panton WJ, Head J, 'Abandoned Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt) nests and coastal rainforest boundary dynamics during the late Holocene in monsoonal Australia', Bushfire '97 Conference Proceedings, 1997, Plaza Hotel, Darwin, pp. 18-23. (1997) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

1996Bowman DMJS, Woinarski JCZ, 'Australian monsoon rainforest mammals and possible implications for the conservation of tropical rainforest biodiversity', Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues Proceedings of the conference held in Bandar Seri Begawan, April 1993, April, 1993, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, pp. 67-69. ISBN 978-0-7923-4038-6 (1996) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

1995Bowman DMJS, 'Why the skillful use of fire is critical for the management of biodiversity in northern Australia', Proceedings of the 1994 symposium on biodiversity and fire in North Australia, 1994, Darwin , pp. 103-109. ISBN 0731521331 (1995) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

1994Bowman DMJS, 'On why geography is the antidote to the great north myth', Ancient lands, new perspectives : regional seminar, 26-29 August 1993, Darwin, pp. 11-13. (1994) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

1992Bowman DMJS, 'Lessons from the fire ecology of the Arnhem Land Plateau', Fire, the burning issue, August 1989, Darwin, pp. 4. ISBN 064603443X (1992) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

1992Bowman DMJS, 'Towards a definition of Australian rainforest types: the Northern Territory experience', Victoria's rainforests : perspectives on definition, classification and management : proceedings of the Victorian Rainforest symposium, 17th November 1991, McCoy Hall, State Museum of Victoria, pp. 163-165. ISBN 0909685479 (1992) [Conference Extract]

[eCite] [Details]

1985Bowman DMJS, 'Radiation and temperature in a high altitude stand of Eucalyptus delegatensis as related to levels of stand density', Current research in Tasmanian high altitude eucalypt forests : proceedings of a seminar held at the University of Tasmania, 19 March 1984, University of Tasmania ISBN 0859012867 (1985) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

1985Bowman DMJS, 'The ecology and silviculture of Eucalyptus delegatensis on dolerite in Tasmania', Current research in Tasmanian high altitude eucalypt forests : proceedings of a seminar held at the University of Tasmania, 19 March 1984, University of Tasmania ISBN 0859012867 (1985) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

1981Bowman DMJS, 'A critical appraisal of biomass reduction in Western Australia', Fire and forest management in Tasmania, 2 May 1981, Hobart, pp. 45-51. ISBN 0859011712 (1981) [Refereed Conference Paper]

[eCite] [Details]

Contract Report, Consultant's Report

(4 outputs)
2021Foulkes J, Prior L, Leonard S, Bowman D, 'Demographic effects of severe fire in montane shrublands on Tasmania's Central Plateau', Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne (2021) [Contract Report]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Foulkes J; Prior L

2014Prior L, Bowman DMJS, 'Shifting fire regimes of Australia, USA and the Brazilian Amazon', National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2014) [Contract Report]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Prior L

2011Prior LD, Williamson G, Bowman D, 'Using permanent forestry plots to understand the possible effects of climate change on Australia's production forest estate', University of Tasmania, ISBN: 978-186295-748 (2011) [Contract Report]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Prior LD; Williamson G

2010Wiggins NL, Bowman DMJS, McMahon CR, McCallum HI, 'Alternatives of 1080 Program - Home Range Shifts in Response to Lethal Control', Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Final (2010) [Contract Report]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Wiggins NL; McCallum HI

Other Creative Work

(1 outputs)
2009Williams RJ, Bradstock RA, Cary GJ, Enright NJ, Gill AM, et al., 'Interactions between climate change, fire regimes and biodiversity in australia - a preliminary assessment ', CSIRO, Canberra, pp. 196 (2009) [Minor Creative Work]

[eCite] [Details]


(1 outputs)
2001Bowman DMJS, 'The environmental control of Australian rainforest' (2001) [Higher Doctorate]

[eCite] [Details]


(2 outputs)
2002Bowman DMJS, 'Australia: Introduction', Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens, Aiken R & Looker M (ed), Oxford, pp. 36-37 (2002) [Entry]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, 'Australia: the European impact on the flora and fauna', Encyclopedia of Global Change, Andrew Goudie & David J Cuff (ed), Oxford, 1, pp. 80-84 (2002) [Entry]

[eCite] [Details]

Other Public Output

(39 outputs)
2020Alexandra J, Bowman D, 'There's no evidence 'greenies' block bushfire hazard reduction but here's a controlled burn idea worth trying', The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Australia, 7 January 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article]

[eCite] [Details]


2020Bowman D, 'As bushfire and holiday seasons converge, it may be time to say goodbye to the typical Australian summer holiday', The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Australia, 5 January 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article]

[eCite] [Details]


2020Bowman D, Lehman G, 'Australia, you have unfinished business. It's time to let our 'fire people' care for this land', The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Australia, 28 May 2020 (2020) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Lehman G


2020Furlaud J, Bowman DMJS, 'Understanding post-fire fuel dynamics using burnt permanent forest plots', Understanding post-fire fuel dynamics using burnt permanent forest plots, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne, Australia, Report no. 569, pp. 1-17. (2020) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Furlaud J

2020Lucas CH, Eriksen C, Bowman D, 'A crisis of underinsurance threatens to scar rural Australia permanently', The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Australia, 7 January 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Lucas CH


2019Lucas CH, Williamson GJ, Bowman D, 'Bushfire Preparedness and Risk Reduction in Hobart Pilot Study 2019 Final Report', Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1-40. (2019) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Lucas CH; Williamson GJ

2018Harris R, Bowman D, Beaumont L, 'Ecosystems across Australia are collapsing under climate change', The Conversation, Melbourne (2018) [Report Other]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Harris R


2011Tng YPD, Williamson GJ, Jordan GJ, Bowman DMJS, 'Giant Eucalypt forests - A globally unique fire-adapted rain forest', IVG Forest Conservation Report 5B: Giant Eucalypt Forests, Australian Government, Australia, pp. 1-41. (2011) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

Co-authors: Tng YPD; Williamson GJ; Jordan GJ

2009Bowman DMJS, 'The world on fire', New Scientist, New Scientist, London, 204, 2729, pp. 28-29. (2009) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2009Bowman DMJS, 'New policy on extinction', PSNews, PSNews, PSNews (2009) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2009Bowman DMJS, 'Extinction threat questions', The Australian, The Australian, Australia, 7 Oct 2009 (2009) [Newspaper Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2009Williams RJ, Bradstock RA, Cary GJ, Enright NJ, Gill AM, et al., 'Interactions between climate change, fire regimes and biodiversity in Australia - a preliminary assessment', Interactions between Climate Change, Fire Regimes and Biodiversity in Australia: A Preliminary Assessment, Department of Climate Change and Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra (2009) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

2008Bowman DMJS, Kanowski P, Keenan R, 'End the Forest Wars', The Australian, News Limited, Australia, November 18 (2008) [Newspaper Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2007Bowman DMJS, 'Is global environmental change the end game for prehistoric vegetation legacies? The parallel cases of fire-maintained vegetation mosaics in southwest Tasmania and central Australia', Australasian Plant Conservation, Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc., GPO Box 1777 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia , 16, 3, pp. 6-8. (2007) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2005Bowman DMJS, 'Fertilising the greenhouse', Nature Australia, Australian Museum, 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia, 28, 7, p. 80. (2005) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2005Jacklyn P, Bowman DMJS, Isagi Y, 'Terracotta herbivores', Nature Australia, Australian Museum, 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia, 28, 5, pp. 50-55. (2005) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2004Bowman DMJS, 'Big game in Africa: theory and practice', Savanna Links Newsletter, Tropical Savannas CRC, Darwin, Jan-Mar, 1 (2004) [Internal Newsletter]

[eCite] [Details]

2004Bowman DMJS, 'Painful Choices', Nature Australia, Australian Museum, 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia, 28, 1, p. 84. (2004) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2003Bowman DMJS, 'Running with Buffaloes', Nature Australia, Australian Museum, 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia, 27, 8, p. 62. (2003) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, 'Living with fire', Nature Australia, Australian Museum, 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia , 27, 7, p. 84. (2002) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2002Bowman DMJS, 'Biotechnology: evolutionary fire', Nature Australia, Australian Museum, 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia, 27, 4, p. 84. (2002) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

2001Griffiths T, Bowman DMJS, Cowie I, Fensham R, '[Technical Report]', Vegetation of the Maningrida Region, North-Central Arnhem Land, Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management, Darwin, Technical Report No. 1 (2001) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

2000Bowman DMJS, 'Savanna carbon: going down the sink', Savanna Links Newsletter, Tropical Savannas CRC, Charles Darwin University, 14, April-June 2000, p. 6. (2000) [Internal Newsletter]

[eCite] [Details]

2000Bowman DMJS, 'Looking south to see north: the environmental future of northern Australia', Arena Magazine, Arena Printing and Publications Pty. Ltd. , Carlton North VIC 3054 Australia, 46, Apr-May 2000, pp. 45-46. (2000) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1999Bowman DMJS, 'Introduced grasses: triumph or Trojan horse?', Savanna Links Newsletter, Tropical Savannas CRC, Charles Darwin University, 10, July-Aug 1999, pp. 6-7. (1999) [Internal Newsletter]

[eCite] [Details]

1997Bowman DMJS, 'Arguments about bushfires: a dry season ritual', Greening News, 1997, May/June/July, p. 7. (1997) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1997Bowman DMJS, 'How to manage half a continent', Savanna Links Newsletter, Tropical Savannas CRC , Charles Darwin University, 4, June 1997, pp. 4-5. (1997) [Internal Newsletter]

[eCite] [Details]

1997Bowman DMJS, 'Impact of Aboriginal burning', Savanna Links Newsletter, Tropical Savannas CRC, Charles Darwin University, 4, June 1997, pp. 10-11. (1997) [Internal Newsletter]

[eCite] [Details]

1995Bowman DMJS, 'Down in the forest something stirred...', New Scientist, Reed Business Information Ltd., United Kingdom, 148, 2007, p. 54. (1995) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1994Bowman DMJS, 'Cry shame on all humanity', New Scientist, Reed Business Information Ltd., United Kingdom, 144, 1952, p. 59. (1994) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1993Bowman DMJS, 'Banteng', Australian Natural History, Australian Museum, Australia, 24, p. 16. (1993) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1993Bowman DMJS, 'Tough Game ', Australian Natural History, Australian Museum, Australia, 24, p. 5. (1993) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1993Bowman DMJS, Whitehead PJ, 'Is conservation biology the dismal science?', Australian Natural History, Australian Museum, Australia, 24, p. 72. (1993) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1991Bowman DMJS, 'Fire management paradox', Australian Natural History, Australian Museum, Australia, 23, 7, pp. 508-509. (1991) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

1988Bowman DMJS, '[Technical Report]', Fire ecology and management for coastal forests of the Northern Territory, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Palmerston, NT, Technical Report No.41 (1988) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

1988Bowman DMJS, 'Exploration of monsoon forest hyperspace and the putative World Heritage Status of Kakadu Stage 3', Kakadu stage 3 : a preliminary assessment with particular reference to the operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, Conservation Commission Northern Territory , Palmerston, NT, Technical Report No. 45, pp. 87-93. (1988) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

1987Bowman DMJS, Wilson BA, 'Is Kakadu National Park (Stage 2) a World Heritage Area?: Floristic evidence', Kakadu stage 2 : a preliminary assessment with particular reference to the operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Winnellie, NT, Technical Report No. 37, pp. 73-86. (1987) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

1985Wilson BA, Bowman DMJS, '[Wildlife Research Report]', A map and description of the vegetation of Howards Peninsula, Northern Territory, Australia, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Winnellie, NT (1985) [Government or Industry Research]

[eCite] [Details]

1981Bowman DMJS, 'The use of Tasmanian forests', Wilderness, 17, pp. 8-11. (1981) [Magazine Article]

[eCite] [Details]

Grants & Funding

Professor Bowman has secured more than 50 major competitive research grants, both national (ARC, CERF, NERP, DAFF, AIATSIS, AINSE, Land and Water Australia, Hermon Slade, Holsworth) and international (NASA, JSPS, NERC, NSF). These have totalled more than $50 million over the past decade. Professor Bowman was the lead CI on more than two-thirds of successful applications. His projects include six ARC Discoveries (five as lead CI) and eight ARC Linkages (five as lead CI).

Funding Summary

Number of grants


Total funding



Effectiveness of fuel-reduced areas on fire spread (2024 - 2025)$136,364
This project will undertake a desk-top study using Victorian Government data to evaluate the effectiveness of roads, rivers and past fires on stopping bushfires. Owen Price will supervise, David Bowman and Grant Williamson will provide advice. We will hire a post-doctoral fellow to do the analysis and a casual technical editor to improve the report.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($136,364)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Price OF; Williamson G; Bowman DMJS
2024 - 2025
Deliver and manage a world-leading, cross-disciplinary bushfire and natural hazards management research centre that drives innovation and exchange of knowledge, technology and skills between research partners and state government. Driven by end-user needs, the research centre will addresses key knowledge and technology gaps, extracts information and delivering data products, tools, and training and commercialisation opportunities to support forecasting, planning, forecasting and informed decision-making for management and policy development.
NSW Department of Planning and Environment ($8,000,000)
Australian National University ($583,335); University of Melbourne ($933,000); University of New South Wales ($2,600,000); University of Wollongong ($1,410,000); Western Sydney University ($3,450,000)
Expression of Interest
Administered By
Western Sydney University
Research Team
Boer M; Williamson G; Bowman DMJS; Johnston F
2023 - 2027
Project T2-A5: Bushfire risk at the rural-urban interface - EOI (2023 - 2025)$723,748
The project will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the perceived and effective bushfire risk at the rural-urban interface (RUI). It will integrate three complementary streams, i) community centred/led risk reduction, ii) bushfire behaviour in interface fuels, and iii) innovative fuel management and mitigation strategies, to deliver substantial improvements in community bushfire preparedness through more effective communication strategies and new generalizable approaches for the assessment and mapping of fire hazards on the RUI based around geospatial analyses and empirical measurements. We will leverage on substantial existing investment on the subject made by the ARC (David Bowmans Laureate Fellowship; $3.4m) and Hobart City Council through the Sparking Conversations Igniting Action initiative ($1.7m) as well as an investment made by UTAS in a world-class fire lab facility (pyrotron) to deliver globally relevant and locally applicable transformational change in the way bushfire mitigation is perceived and approached.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($723,748)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G; Ondei S
2023 - 2025
Understanding the use of fire by Aboriginal people in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) a literature review (2023)$74,572
The project will develop a comprehensive literature review on the use of fire by Aboriginal people in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA). The literature review will increase our understanding of the Aboriginal cultural landscapes of the TWWHA through a focus on identifying, reviewing, and analysing key resources relating to Aboriginal use of fire for management. The review will identify key knowledge gaps and opportunities which will inform current and future AHT TWWHA project planning and targeted work.
Department of Premier and Cabinet ($74,572)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Lester EA; Taylor RTI; Rimmer ZL; Lehman GP; Bowman DMJS
Tasmanian Bushfire Preparedness Survey (2023 - 2024)$153,661
This project will co-design, with stakeholder agencies, a Tasmanian Public Bushfire Preparedness Survey, to be carried out in early 2023. The survey will include bushfire questions used in the Tasmanian Population Health Survey 2016, as well as additional questions on bushfire risk perception, planning and preparedness agreed by stakeholders. This will provide valuable data which will enable us to assess longitudinal trends in bushfire preparedness, and will act as baseline data against which to evaluate the success of community engagement programs aiming to improve bushfire preparedness.
Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management [TAS] ($153,661)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Johnston F; Williamson G
2023 - 2024
Sparking Conversations, Igniting Action: Greater Hobart Resilience Program (2022 - 2024)$60,000
This awareness and capacity project is anticipated to improve the resilience of the community and increase the community's ability to recover from bushfires in the social and built environment by engaging neighbourhoods in Greater Hobart's highest bushfire risk areas to improve community bushfire awareness, risk mitigation and preparedness, strengthening social connections to enhance resilience. Project activities comprise of improving awareness of local bushfire risks and responsibilities, establishing relationships to support community-led risk mitigation, developing peer-to-peer networks to improve neighbourhood planning and preparation, engaging local businesses and organisations to actively participate in readiness, and identifying training opportunities to enhance community resilience. The effectiveness of methods used to engage communities in bushfire preparedness will be evaluated through a research component of the project. The project location is the priority bushfire risk LGA Hobart TAS.
City of Hobart ($60,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Lucas CH; Ondei S; Bowman DMJS
2022 - 2024
Fire risk forecasting in space-time using physics-aware machine learning (2022 - 2024)$485,000
The fire seasons of 2019/20 saw millions of hectares burned in southeast Australia. The events were unprecedented in scale and shared extreme drought and heat as dominant preconditioning factors for unconstrained fire spread. With the likelihood of megafire events projected to increase under climate change, there is growing concern that existing fire management policies, strategies and decision-making structures will no longer be fit for purpose. This project aims to utilize globally available satellite and climate data, including on fire detections, vegetation, topography and climate to develop a physics-aware machine learning model to predict medium-term fire risk for the temperate eucalyptus ecosystems of southeast Australia. Model performance will be validated against the 2019/2020 fires in order to understand whether these fires fit within the bounds of historically-observed fire behaviour. The project will be divided into three work packages; WP1 develops a regionalisation of fire regime with differing parameters for model development, and develops the machine learning model; WP2 automates the machine learning model into an iterative forecast system; and WP3 uses the model to diagnose the drivers and historical context of the 2019/20 fire season.
Australian Research Council ($485,000)
Grant-Discovery Projects
Administered By
Western Sydney University
Research Team
Boer M; Williamson G; Bowman DMJS; Nolan R; Hurley P; Bradstock R
2022 - 2024
Grant Reference
Developing a pathway for reducing the peri-urban backyard bushfire hazard in Hobart (2022 - 2023)$187,721
This project will help the City of Hobart refine its fuel hazard assessment methods for use in gardens and native bushland, and help develop engagement pathways to encourage fuel hazard reduction on private property in Hobart
Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management [TAS] ($187,721)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Ondei S; Lucas CH; Williamson G; Wallace LO
2022 - 2023
Are bushfires causing historically unprecedented loss of organic soil in the peatlands of King island, Tasmania? (2022)$0
1. Assess age of organic sedimentary sequences in a severely burned wetland (Pedestal Swamp) on King Island2. Determine the rate of organic soil accumulation on small unburned 'islands' within the wetland, and thereby determinemagnitude of organic soil loss following the 2007 bushfire across most of Pedestal Swamp.3. Reconstruct fire history of the swamp using microscopic charcoal analysis and palynological analyses to test a conceptualmodel that posits that burnt peatlands are converted to temporary freshwater lakes.4. Understand the effects of climate change and land use change on peatland development.
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation ($0)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Practical and sustainable pathways to community coexistence with bushfires (2022 - 2027)$3,360,986
The project addresses an urgent national and global challenge to policy and practice: the escalating risk ofbushfire disasters. It aims to develop adaptation pathways so Australian communities can co-exist safely andsustainably with intrinsically flammable landscapes, through an innovative integration of historical, social, economic, and biophysical lines of research. In collaboration with local councils, fire-management agencies, Aboriginal communities contributing traditional knowledge, and world-leading fire scientists, it is expected to deliver benefit through insights into the drivers of fire disaster, concrete outcomes such as optimal preventive and mitigation strategies, and greatly improved community understanding and involvement.
Australian Research Council ($3,360,986)
Fellowship-Laureate Fellowships
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
2022 - 2027
Grant Reference
The role of Soil Nutrient Capital in post-fire recovery: a case study of Blakes Opening, SW Tasmania (2022)$5,000
To understand the role that soil nutrient play in post-fire recovery in the sedgeland-forest mosaics of South-western Tasmania.
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($5,000)
Scholarship-Postgraduate Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Foyster S
Reconstructing the fire history of Blakes Opening, an anomalous sedgeland tract with an expanse of tall eucalypt forests in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (2022)$0
We will build a robust landscape fire history of the forests and sedgelands at Blakes Opening in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area radiocarbon dating macroscopic charcoal from soil pits. The macro charcoal fire history to anchor the interpretation of microscopic charcoal in sediment cores collected with the forest and sedgeland dated to 2000 years. The late-Holocene fire history based the macro and micro charcoal records will advance understanding of whether fire regimes under Aboriginal manager were critical in maintaining open vegetation within tall wet eucalypt forests.
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation ($0)
Grant-Access to Major Research Facilities Program
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Haberle S; Adeleye M; Hua Q
Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility between Universidade de Vigo (E VIGO01) and University of Tasmania (Australia) (2022)$12,100
Research exchange between UTAS and Universidade de Vigo to conduct international research on the difference between fire regimes of native Eucalyptus forests in Tasmania and naturalised Eucalyptus forests in Spain
ERASMUS + ($12,100)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Furlaud J; Bowman DMJS
Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL) network (2022 - 2027)$10,000,000
This grant will establish a collaborative, multidisciplinary network that builds national research capacity and capability in human health and environmental change.
National Health & Medical Research Council ($10,000,000)
Grant-Special Initiative Human Health & Env Change
Administered By
Australian National University
Research Team
Vardoulakis S; Johnston F; Jones PJ; Flies E; Bowman DMJS; McDonald J
2022 - 2027
Grant Reference
The Social and Biophysical Effects of Alternative Strategies to Reduce Bushfire Danger in Hobart (2021 - 2022)$199,039
This project aims to evaluate the social and biophysical effects of innovative bushfire risk reduction strategies undertaken by the City of Hobart. It further aims to recommend ways to maximise the effectiveness of future interventions.
Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management [TAS] ($199,039)
Grant-Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G; Furlaud J; Lucas CH
2021 - 2022
Mapping fire severity in Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens within Lake Mackenzie bushfire area, Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. (2021)$2,500
Funds are requested to allow collection of ground-based validation data for RPA ('drone') imagery of fire impacts in Sphagnum Bogs in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. These data will allow development of a robust and efficient fire severity mapping method, tailored to Sphagnum Bogs, which will in turn allow prioritisation of post-fire rehabilitation interventions.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($2,500)
Grant-Quick Response Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Turner DJ; Harwin SJ
Remeasurement of Burnt TERN Ausplots in New South Wales (2021)$2,500
We will collect data from Long Term Ecological Research Plots (LTER) in tall wet forests that burned in the 2020 fires. Data will be used to continue to build a pre-fire and post-fire database of fuels, fire danger, and fire severity.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($2,500)
Grant-Quick Response Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Furlaud J; Bowman DMJS
Does fire control vegetation in the Tasmanian World Heritage Area? (2020 - 2022)$321,000
The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area protects iconic landscapes which are of profound importance toAustralia's cultural identity. It conserves globally unique biological systems and supports a thriving tourist industry.Over recent decades this region has become threatened by lightning-ignited wildfires that have proved extremelydifficult and costly to control. The causes of and appropriate responses to fire have been publicly debated andinvestigated, including by Senate and Tasmanian Government inquiries. This research will contribute to firemanagement in this region by providing new evidence to inform an enduring debate about whether skillfulAboriginal burning or soil properties caused the vegetation mosaics present in the area today. Settling this debatewill deliver economic, commercial, environmental and cultural benefits by allowing us to develop new approachesto managing flammable landscapes under a rapidly changing climate, both within and beyond western Tasmania.
Australian Research Council ($321,000)
Grant-Discovery Projects
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
2020 - 2022
Grant Reference
Assessment or Post-fire recovery or Sub alpine shrublands after the 2019 World Heritage Area Fires (2020)$2,500
This project will assess the impact of the 2019 fires on subalplne shrublands and associated soils. This assessment is essential to understand the vulnerability of subalpine shrublands to high intensity fires and evaluate the likelihood that vegetation and soils (and hence natural values) will be degraded in the longer term.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($2,500)
Grant-Quick Response Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Leonard S; Foulkes JA
Enabling cultures of bushfire readiness in Australian communities (2020 - 2023)$289,479
This project aims to improve bushfire preparation by examining how cultural connections to landscape, place and community affect the ways in which people respond to information about bushfire hazards. Australia's Black Summer showed that many households are inadequately prepared for the 'new normal' of faster, fiercer fires. This is particularly concerning on the urban fringe, where rapid development is changing landscapes, and households face complex socio-economic challenges. The study aims to contribute to the safety of Australians by enabling emergency services to more effectively engage diverse communities in dialogue that promotes bushfire readiness, by connecting with place-based values, aspirations and behaviours.
Australian Research Council ($289,479)
Grant-Special Research Initiatives
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Davison AG; Bowman DMJS; Bosomworth K; Lucas CH
2020 - 2023
Grant Reference
Peat - Thresholds of Combustion in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (2019)$30,000
We will determine experimentally the moisture threshold of peat combustion from a range of sites sampled in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania ($30,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
The legal, technical and administrative framework for public release of Firewatch (2019)$22,355
'Fireboss' is a mobile phone application developed under the Tasmanian Bushfire Mitigation Grants Program 2016 to provide information about bushfire preparation and prevention, and real-time and future risk of bushfires. The app was tested by over 150 users drawn from TFS staff and volunteer brigades, DPFEM, Parks and Wildlife Service and selected community stakeholders across Tasmania. The response from testers was overwhelmingly positive with > 80% of respondents to a post-testing evaluation survey agreeing the app was useful, made it easy to find fire information, and improved awareness of fire danger. The current project will complete the necessary steps to prepare the app for public release. There are four key objectives of this project: (1) Develop operating guidelines, (2) Determine running and support costs and resources, (3) Upgrade and prepare the app for public release, and (4) Establish a framework for ongoing community and stakeholder engagement.
Tasmanian Community Fund ($22,355)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G; Lucani CJ
Patch burning for hazard reduction and biodiversity: linking fire, herbivores and vegetation (2019 - 2021)$108,000
A central aim in fire ecology is to understand which patterns of burning are best ecologically, and for risk mitigation, particularly for those sensitive plants and soils which are threatened by inappropriate burning regimes. For palatable tree species, this is further complicated by fire-herbivore interactions. The Pyric-Herbivory hypothesis, developed inNorth America, posits that fire and herbivores are inextricably linked, because herbivores target nutritious post-burn shoots, reducing fuel and repeat fire, until attracted to more freshly burnt areas. These processes may be instrumental in maintaining fine-scale diversity in Australian vegetation (given the abundance of fire and herbivores, and the historic prevalence of Aboriginal burning, ostensibly to create hunting opportunities) with important implications for plant species that are disadvantaged by intense herbivory.I will use real-world experiments to explore the effects of fire and herbivory on sensitive plants and organic soils and help optimise prescribed burning practices for ecological, hazard reduction and social outcomes.
Westpac Banking Corporation ($108,000)
Scholarship-Future Leaders
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; French BJ
2019 - 2021
Using pre and post LIDAR to assess the severity of the 2019 Tasmanian Bushfires (2019)$88,105
This project aims to use pre and post fire high resolution three-dimensional remote sensing data (LiDAR) to understand the geographic variation of the environmental impacts of bushfire in unlogged and logged forested landscapes in southern Tasmania and develop new tools for post fire fuel hazard score assessment.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($88,105)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Leonard S; Baker SC; Harris R; Jordan GJ; Lucieer A; Wardlaw TJ; Turner DJ; Williamson G; Turner PAM; Styger JK
Ecological Effects of 2019 Tasmanian Fires - Remeasurement of Burnt Permanent Plots (2019)$6,375
This Project remeasures 12 permanent plots that burned in the 2019 fires. These plots were originally measured in 2016 and remeasurement will provide validation for previous published theoretical models and will quantify the reduction in fire resulting from wildfires.
Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment ($6,375)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior LD; Furlaud J
Ecological Effects of 2019 Tasmanian Fires -Remeasurement of Burnt Permanent Plots (2019)$2,500
This Project remeasures 12 permanent plots that burned In the 2019 fires. These plots were originally measured in 2016 and remeasurement will provide validation for previous published theoretical models and will quantify the reduction in fire resulting from wildfires.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($2,500)
Grant-Quick Response Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior LD; Furlaud J
Governing Bushfire in Australia (2019)$6,275
This project will map Australias legal, policy and institutional frameworks for bushfire governance and analyse whether existing scholarship supports the emergence of a new sub-discipline that could be described as bushfire law. This analysis is important because, if bushfire law can be identified as a separate body of law, then urgent work is needed to clarify the relevant institutional frameworks, the scope of decision-making authority and responsibilities, and appropriate principles to guide legal and policy implementation.
University of Tasmania ($6,275)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
McCormack P; McDonald J; Bowman DMJS; Harris R
AirRater Darwin app (2018)$22,790
To roll-out the AirRater App to the Northern Territory.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NT) ($22,790)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Johnston F; Bowman DMJS; Wheeler A; Williamson G; Jones PJ
Update Victoria's Air Pollution Inventory (2018)$25,800
Technical and scientific assistance to update Victoria's Air Pollution Inventory for the estimation of 2016 wood heater pollution emissions in Victoria.
Environment Protection Authority Victoria ($25,800)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Johnston F; Williamson G
Statistical identification of the direction, rate and magnitude of tree cover change in the Ranger lease area within Kakadu National Park, NT (2018)$40,000
We will use geospatial statistics to understand the drivers of tree cover change in the savannas surrounding the Ranger Uranium Lease within Kakadu national park, NT
Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth) ($40,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior LD; Williamson G
Determining moisture thresholds for combustion of organic soils for key vegetation types in western Tasmania (2018)$54,132
This project will define the moisture thresholds at which organic soils in western Tasmania become combustible, information critical for effective fire management.
Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management [TAS] ($54,132)
Grant - Tasmanian Bushfire Mitigation Program
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G; Storey K
Burning for a healthy future: people and their environments - Enhanced Bushfire Research Hub (2018 - 2022)$4,562,455
Effective fire management must resolve the problem of mitigating risk to human life and property whilst concurrently mitigating risk to environmental values such as biodiversity GHG emissions, air quality carbon stocks and cultural heritage. This Hub will provide the knowledge and capacity to resolve the complex trade-offs required to meet this grand challenge. Specifically, the Hub will provide the basis for targeting the use of planned fire to optimally to resolve these competing objectives in the most cost-effective manner.
NSW Office of Environment & Heritage ($4,562,455)
Administered By
University of Wollongong
Research Team
Bradstock RA; Bowman DMJS; Boer M; Keith DA
2018 - 2022
Diet of macropods and feral cattle in Australian tropical savannas (2018)$702
This project is part of a larger multi-scale approach to encompass both large- and small-scale variation in the complex relationships between forage, fire and large herbivores. Diet selection is an important part of this complex web and may vary by species, location and temporally. Faecal samples from feral cattle and large macropods collected in the North Kimberley Region of Western Australia will be used to explore the potential interactions between species, locations and sampling periods. Stable carbon isotope analysis will be utilized to determine the relative proportion of browse and grasses being consumed throughout the dry season and potentially provide evidence for interspecific competition. Similar studies have been conducted in other regions of Australia's tropical savannas but expanding this research to the Kimberley will allow for large scale comparison of trends and illuminate current relationships between native and introduced large herbivores.
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation ($702)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Reid A; Barry L; Murphy B
An assessment of the viability of prescribed burning as a management tool under a changing climate - Stage 2 (2018 - 2019)$136,533
Recent research by the ACE CRC suggests there may be fewer opportunities for prescribed burning in the future as autumn and spring become warmer and drier. Changes to vegetation may also need to be considered when planning fuel management. In workshops associated with the research, Tasmanian fire managers identified several aspects that would enhance the research to help them make decisions about the timing of prescribed burning in the future. These are to:i)assess changes in plant productivity throughout the year, to indicate potential changes to fuel growth in the future;ii)further refine the vegetation model to incorporate fire intensity and improve the representation of fuel treatments;iii)model the future distributions of target species and vegetation communities (eg. Athrotaxis, alpine/subalpine communities) that may not persist under climate change;iv)assess combinations of extreme events that may occur simultaneously or successively to influence bushfire behaviour or amplify its severity in the autumn/spring periods.
Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management [TAS] ($136,533)
Grant - Tasmanian Bushfire Mitigation Program
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Harris R; Remenyi TA; Love PT; Bindoff NL; White CJ; Williamson G; Bowman DMJS; Fox-Hughes P
2018 - 2019
Burning Emissions Test Facility (2018)$320,000
The Pyrotron is a new joint facility between Menzies and Biological Sciences, for particlegeneration for toxicological research, and for conducting experimental burns to assess emissionsfrom bushfires and domestic biomass combustion heaters.
University of Tasmania ($320,000)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Johnston F
Using geographic information systems to apply fire break guidelines in the Hobart City Council area (2017)$15,012
Hobart City Council ($15,012)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
We will use a multi-scale (landscape, micro-catchment and plot scales) approach to address the core objectives of the tender: (a) promoting recovery, rehabilitation and/or maintenance of pencil pine and sphagnum community values, where these have been damaged by fire, (b) mitigation of long term erosion risks in high elevation, fire-damaged soils, and (c) development of a decision tool to guide effective rehabilitation methods. This multi-scale approach leverages off recent field research in the area as well as current student projects.
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania ($482,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Turner DJ; French BJ
2017 - 2022
Age of peats in exposed swales on the eroding coastal dune-fields of western Tasmania (2017)$0
Sandy beaches in western Tasmania are subjected to high-energy storm events. Historical aerial photographic evidence shows accelerating shoreline erosion since 1980 at Ocean Beach preceded by > 35 years of stability. Monitoring of Ocean Beach over the last 5 years shows continued retreat of the shoreline. This erosion has exposed peats in the swale behind the foredune destroyed by erosion. The purpose of this grant is to date the organic material to provide a longer time perspective on dune building. The key question we seek to address is: whether the current scale of erosion of the dune historically unprecedented?
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation ($0)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Hua Q; Sharples C
Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC Scholarship for Dario Cubillo (2017 - 2020)$35,000
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($35,000)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
2017 - 2020
Assessment of Post-fire recovery of Pencil Pine forest after the 2016 World Heritage Area Fires (2017)$2,500
Assessment of the impact of the 2016 wilderness fires on Athrotxis forests
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($2,500)
Grant-Quick Response Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Rodriguez-Cubillo D; Bliss A; Prior LD
Protecting the Tasmanian wilderness from an expanding deer population (2017 - 2019)$521,629
This projects aims to address the threats posed by deer to unique environments in Tasmania, especially in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. We will analyse the current and potential distribution of deer in Tasmania, describe their impacts on vegetation, and test how those impacts on vegetation interact with fire. We will use our data to develop options for management of deer to limit their environmental impacts, and especially to prevent future damage to sensitive environments. This will provide environmental and economic benefits by safeguarding ecosystems of high value. The project will also generate fundamental knowledge that will be ofbenefit to management of growing populations of deer in other parts of Australia.
Australian Research Council ($401,629)
Grant-Linkage Projects
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Johnson CN; Bowman DMJS; Driessen MM; Forsyth D; Perry G
2017 - 2019
Grant Reference
Distribution and Health of Wulo (Monsoon Vine Thicket or Rainforest) (2016)$85,000
The Wunambal Gaambera Healthy Country Plan identifies Wulo (Monsoon Vine Thicket or Rainforest) as a major target for management. They were recently included in the West Kimberley National Heritage listing as important refugia for biodiversity. This project aims to answer key questions around the factors affecting the distribution and health of these ecological communities in the Project Area including:-Mapping the distribution of rainforest patches;-Examining changes in the boundaries of rainforest patches through comparison of historic and contemporary air photos;-Exploring factors that affect the health, distribution and boundary changes of rainforest patches;-Vertebrate fauna in monsoon forests and surrounding areas-Review ethnoecological components of rainforests and their importance to indigenous Traditional Owners; and-Outline management and monitoring solutions in a plain English report including an illustrated version suitable community distribution.
Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation ($85,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Ondei S
Aging Callitris glaucophylla trees from the driest landscape in Australia (2016)$12,450
Callitris glaucophylla is an iconic conifer of outback Australia, but there has been little recruitment sinceEuropean settlement in much of the drier part of its range. Here, seedlings can only establish in unusually wetperiods, and they are vulnerable to introduced herbivores. The lifespan and growth rates of C. glaucophylla aretwo critical but unknown aspects of its demography in the arid regions. We will use 14C dating to determine theage and growth rate of trees growing at the driest extreme of its range to assess the sustainability of thesepopulations.
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($12,450)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior LD
A TFS app to empower landowners to prepare, act and survive bushfires (2016)$38,000
Develop a smart phone app that is geographically enabled to deliver real time and location specific bushfire information andwarning across Tasmania.
Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management [TAS] ($38,000)
Grant - Tasmanian Bushfire Mitigation Program
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
Immediate post-fire vegetation re-measurement of TERN plots burnt during 2015-16 fire season (2016)$2,500
In the 2015-16 fire season, four of the TERN Ausplot tall wet forest plots burnt in bushfires. Two burned in northern Queensland, one in southwest Western Australia, and one in Northern Tasmania. That these plots were measured at a high level of detail less than a year before they burned presents an opportunity to rigorously measure the severity of the fires and the immediate post-fire vegetation response.
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($2,500)
Grant-Quick Response Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Furlaud J
Transformation of vegetation by big herbivores, from the Pleistocene to now (2016 - 2018)$387,527
The structure and distribution of vegetation types is determined not only by climate and soils, but also by theimpacts of herbivory and fire as consumers of plant biomass. Recent research has shown how fire shapes thelarge-scale distribution of vegetation types, but we do not have an equivalent understanding of the effects of largeground-dwelling herbivores. We will test the effects of such animals on vegetation structure in the Pleistocene,when mega-herbivores were common, and today, and we will compare the impacts of fire and herbivory on thedistribution of vegetation types. The project will provide a coherent understanding of the effects of extinct andextant large herbivores on ecosystems over large scales of space and time.
Australian Research Council ($379,400)
Grant-Discovery Projects
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Johnson CN; Bowman DMJS; Higgins S
2016 - 2018
Grant Reference
Alpine Peatlands Fire Risk Mitigation Planning (2015)$56,296
This is a large program focussing on the health and resilience of the Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and associated fens, aiming to conserve and protect this important and sensitive vegetation community. The objectives are to determine the elements and influences that affect the impact of fire on Peatlands and their condition It will develop objectives for alpine Peatland condition and prioritise spatially alpine Peatlands for conservation and protection.
Parks Victoria ($56,296)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Magierowski RH; Lefroy EC; Bowman DMJS; Williamson G; Wild AS
Sense-T Stage 2: AirRater (2015 - 2016)$842,956
A $1 million partnership between the University of Tasmania, the Tasmanian Environment Protection Agency, CSIRO, the Australian National University, and the Tasmanian Government's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The AirRater project will build a Tasmania-wide sensor network to measure real-time air quality, and develop a smartphone app to provide individualised alerts to people whose health is at risk from smoke, pollen, heat or pollution. The sensor network will also be used to support community-wide air pollution health advisories, heatwave forecasting and alerts, and fire weather mapping to assist firefighters, landowners and government.
University of Tasmania ($842,956)
Grant - Institutional
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Johnston F; Bowman DMJS; Williamson G; Cooling NB; Wheeler A
2015 - 2016
Aboriginal patch burning and the quest for sustainable fire management (2015 - 2017)$276,363
This project will document historical changes in the spatial grain of the patch burning mosaic in (1) anArnhem Land savanna with an unbroken history of management by Aboriginal people, and (2) adjacentareas where traditional management has ceased. The mosaic's spatial grain will be inferred by mapping theindividual ages of the long-lived conifer Callitris intratropica. Prior research has shown that Calltirisindividuals can be reliably aged, and population structures are very sensitive to fire regimes: saplings onlyestablish if unburnt for 10 years. This research provides the first direct test of the hypothesis that Aboriginalpeople maintained fine-grained fire mosaics in savannas, and will inform bushfire policy debates.
Australian Research Council ($276,363)
Grant-Discovery Projects
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Murphy B
2015 - 2017
Grant Reference
Pyroherbivory and the nexus between Aboriginal fire mosaics and kangaroos (2015 - 2019)$409,853
There is concern that the cessation of Aboriginal patch burning is causing savanna kangaroo populations todecline across northern Australia. Surveys will determine if fire regime (frequency, extent, season) affectskangaroo distribution and abundance, and use experiments to discover how the season of burning influencesforage quality and quantity, and the degree non-native large herbivores compete with kangaroos for forage. Thisresearch will enable contrasting of the effects of traditional Aboriginal and contemporary fire management onkangaroo abundance, lead to improvements in tropical savanna fire management and determine if patch burningcan be used for ecological restoration in areas where this type of fire management has ceased.
Australian Research Council ($394,853)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 1
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Murphy B; Appleby M; Ritchie E; Vigilante T
2015 - 2019
Grant Reference
Age determination of a pollen-rich sediment core on Clarke Island (lungtalanana), in Bass Strait (2015)$1,275
14C dating of a sedimentary core
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($1,275)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Hua Q
Visit to Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies (2015)$10,000
International Visiting Research Scholars will undertake outstanding and innovative research in the sciences, socialsciences and/or humanities in interdisciplinary collaboration with UBC scholars.Visiting Research Scholars will be designated Associates of the Peter Wall Institute during their stay, and areexpected to spend some of their time in residence at the Institute's offices.
University of British Columbia ($10,000)
Grant-International Visiting Research Scholar
Administered By
University of British Columbia
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC Scholarship for Mercy Nelima Ndalila (2015 - 2019)$34,955
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($34,955)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
2015 - 2019
Characterizing fire behaviour in Tasmanias wet forest types through improved models (2015 - 2018)$98,000
Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC ($98,000)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
2015 - 2018
Assessment of fuel treatments for bushfire risk reduction in Tasmania (2014)$50,000
The target outcomes of this research are: 1) produce a statistical summary of wildfire risk to assets; 2) present summary to meeting of State Fire Management Council; 3) produce research paper detailing the methodology and results of this work.
State Fire Commission ($50,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
The age and growth rate of Callitris sulcata, an endangered extra-Australian conifer (2014)$5,320
This project will use bomb spike C14 to age an endangered conifer in New Caledonia.
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($5,320)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
College of Experts (2013 - 2015)$20,194
Australian Research Council ($20,194)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
2013 - 2015
How has Bushfire Activity Varied around the Southern Hemisphere over the last 10,000 years? Anthrotaxis mapping (2013)$9,000
This project is a landscape ecology project involving the mapping of burnt and unburnt forests of endemic Tasmanian confiders in the genus Anthrotaxis. The Anthrotaxis data will be analysed to develop some landscape ecology models.
Mokpo National University ($9,000)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Wood SW
Why can't Far North Queensland's iconic Rose Gums (Eucalyptus grandis) regenerate in rain forest? - examining the regeneration niche of a tropical giant eucalypt (2013)$3,780
Wet Tropics Management Authority ($3,780)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Jordan GJ
Human artefact or the imprint of climate? Using d13C and 14C dating to trace the late Holocene dynamics of a grassland-savanna-forest mosaic in southern Queensland (2013)$8,680
This study aims to investigate the importance of Aboriginal fire management in the maintenance of the rainforest-savanna-grassland vegetation mosaic of the Bunya Mountains, Queensland.
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($8,680)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Bushfires, smoke, and people - assessing the risks and benefits from planned burning on the urban rural interface (2013 - 2015)$804,330
Protecting communities from severe bushfires demands the balancing of competing interests and risks. Planned burns of forest fuels is a major factor in reducing the hazard of severe bushfires, but a common side-effect is the short-term exposure of communities to air pollution. The project combines expertise in ecology, environment, land management, and health to provide a scientific basis for quantifying the trade-offs between the health risks from inhaling smoke from planned burns and the effects of uncontrolled bushfires. This will involve the use of remote sensing, atmospheric modelling, and epidemiology, and will produce a robust suite of evidence for policy and practice managing smoke from both planned burns and bushfires.
Australian Research Council ($559,330)
British Columbia Government ($90,000); Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions ($130,000); New South Wales Environment Protection Agency ($10,000); Tasmania Fire Service ($15,000)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 1
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Johnston F; Bowman DMJS; Abramson M; Price O; Morgan GG; Dennekamp M
2013 - 2015
Grant Reference
Assessment of fire refugia of possible high conservation Tasmania eucalypt forest and literature review of ecology of gigantic eucalypt forests (2012)$29,205
Professor Jonathan West ($29,205)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
Rainforests and Vine Thickets of Australia (2012)$14,239
Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth) ($14,239)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Jordan GJ; Tng YP
Eucalypt rainforest carbon (2012)$3,978
CO2 Australia Limited ($3,978)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Are Giant Eucalypts Rainforest Trees? A Functional Approach to a Management Conundrum (2012)$2,500
Wet Tropics Management Authority ($2,500)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Tng YP
How has Bushfire Activity Varied around the Southern Hemisphere over the last 10,000 years? (2011 - 2015)$560,000
This project investigates how fire activity has varied over the last 10,000 years around the Southern Hemisphere. It focuses on historical studies in western Tasmania where there is a widespread occurrence of fire-sensitive trees that live for over 1000 years and numerous small lakes that have captured macroscopic charcoal and nutrients released from fires. By comparing these findings with similar studies conducted in New Zealand and South America, the project will assess how fire activity is influenced by climate variability, human settlement patterns, and different floras. It aims to determine if fire activity is synchronistic around the Southern Hemisphere and evaluate claims that climate change is causing increased bushfire activity.
Australian Research Council ($560,000)
Grant-Discovery Projects
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Veblen T; Whitlock C
2011 - 2015
Grant Reference
Is a grass-fire cycle reducing biodiversity in the stone country of Kakadu National Park? (2011 - 2013)$75,254
A self-reinforcing increase in fire frequency and intensity and grass fuel loads (a grass-fire cycle) is thought to be killing fire-sensitive vegetation on the Arnhem Plateau, a biodiversity hotspot including areas in Kakadu National Park. Aerial and ground surveys will determine relationships between fuel load and plant diversity and population health of the fire-sensitive tree Callitris intratropica in areas under Aboriginal management and surrounding unmanaged areas. Experiments will determine the intensity of fire required to kill Callitris trees to calibrate relationships with fire intensity and plant diversity. Findings will provide managers with simple ways of measuring the effect of fire intensity on plant biodiversity.
Australian Research Council ($60,094)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 2
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Murphy B
2011 - 2013
Grant Reference
ANSTO - AINSE Awards (2011)$4,308
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($4,308)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Delivering a Sustainable Long Term Ecosystem Research Network for Australia (2011 - 2015)$33,947,160
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources ($33,947,160)
Agreement-Nat.Collab.Rsch.Infrastructure Stg NCRIS
Administered By
University of Adelaide
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior LD; Wood SW; White A
2011 - 2015
Landscapes and Policy (LaP) (2011 - 2015)$6,780,000
Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth) ($6,780,000)
Grant-National Environmental Research Pgm (NERP)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Lefroy EC; Bowman DMJS; Lockwood M; Johnson CN; Tisdell JG; Bindoff NL; Hardy A; Davies PE
2011 - 2015
Applying Dendrochronology Techniques to Understand Fire Regimes in Tasmania's Southern Forests (2011)$3,000
Institute of Foresters of Australia ($3,000)
Grant-Maxwell Ralph Jacobs Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Wood SW; Bowman DMJS
Shifting Fire Regimes of the USA, Aust and Brazilian Amazonia. The Role of Climate Change, Land Use and Mitigation Efforts (2010 - 2013)$241,984
South Dakota State Univsersity ($241,984)
Contract Research
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Neyland D
2010 - 2013
High Resolution ITRAX XRF Core Scanning Facility for Global Change Research (2010)$420,000
Australian Research Council ($420,000)
Grant-Linkage Infrastructure
Administered By
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering
Research Team
Mather D; Dodson J; Haberle SG; Gagan M; De Deckker P; Bowman DMJS; Gell P; Warne M; Hesse P; Goodwin I; Fryirs K; Woodhead J; Baker P; Drysdale R; Mooney S; Gasparon M; Pandolfi J; Zhao J; Penny D; Skilbeck C; Skrzypek G; Chivas A; McGregor H; Szabo K; Thoms M
Grant Reference
A High-Resolution Isotope Facility for Low Cost Analysis of Water, Plant, and Soil/sediment Samples to Understand Environmental Change (2010)$100,000
Australian Research Council ($100,000)
Grant-Linkage Infrastructure
Administered By
University of Western Australia
Research Team
Grierson P; Kendrick G; Skrzypek G; Fellman J; Bowman DMJS
Grant Reference
Using Permanent Forestry Plots to Understand the Possible Effects of Climate Change on Australia's Production Forest Estate (2010)$398,054
Department of Agriculture ($398,054)
Grant-Forest Industries Climate Change Rsrch Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior LD
Callitris Intratropica as an Indicator of Ecological Integrity on the Arnhem Plateau (2010)$2,000
Australian Geographic Society ($2,000)
Grant-Project Sponsorship
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Trauernicht P
Combining Landscape Ecology, Palaeoecology and Plant Functional Analyses to Determine if Rainforest Boundary Dynamics Have Responded to Changed Fire Regimes and/or Changing Climate (2010)$40,000
Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth) ($40,000)
Grant-Marine & Tropical Research Facility MTSRF
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Visiting Scholarship for Sarah Henderson, UBC (2010)$5,065
University of Tasmania ($5,065)
Grant-Visiting Fellowships & Visiting Scholarships
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Johnston F; Bowman DMJS; Williamson G
Callitris Intratropica as an Indicator of Ecological Integrity on the Arnhem Plateau (2010)$6,000
Ecological Society of Australia Limited ($6,000)
Grant-Jill Landsberg Student Grant
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Trauernicht P
Wildfire PIRE: Feedbacks and Consequences of Altered Fire Regimes in the Face of Climate and Land-Use Change in Tasmania, New Zealand and the Western U.S. (2010)$551,804
National Science Foundation ($551,804)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Whitlock C; Aig D; Bowman DMJS
Atmospheric Pollen Concentration Hobart 2009 (2009)$7,800
XYZ Networks ($7,800)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Nichols SC
Using Dendrochronological Techniques and 14C Wiggle-matching to Determine the Age of an Old-growth Eucalyptus Regnans Stand in the Southern Forests of Tasmania (2009)$17,775
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($17,775)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Allen KJ
Devising Ecologically Sustainable Restoration Programs for Degraded Rural Landscapes by Integrating Landscape Ecology, Conservation Genetics and Ecophysiology (2009 - 2012)$730,000
Restoring the ecological function of degraded rural landscapes is a national priority, yet achieving this goal remains a major challenge. Combining approaches from different ecological disciplines the project will: (a) identify priority areas for tree plantings; (b) determine which tree species can establish in degraded landscapes, and have the capacity to grow in the predicted hotter and drier climates in the late 21st century; (c) evaluate whether local species or races are necessarily better than non-local types; and (d) understand the trade-off between tree growth, carbon storage and water use. This research will provide an urgently needed scientific framework for proposed large-scale restoration of degraded Tasmanian rural landscapes.
Australian Research Council ($530,000)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 2
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Potts BM; Hovenden MJ; O'Grady AP; Close DC
2009 - 2012
Grant Reference
Shifting Perspectives on Callitris Intratropica: can an indicator of the ecological history of Australian Savannas Provide a Look Forwards (2009 - 2010)$14,000
Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment ($14,000)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Trauernicht P
2009 - 2010
Atmospheric Pollen Concentrations in Hobart (2008)$17,052
XYZ Networks ($17,052)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Tng YP
Understanding the Impact of Global Environmental Change on Australian Forests and Woodlands Using Rainforest Boundaries and Callitris Growth as Bio-Indicators (2008 - 2010)$570,000
Over the last 50 years, rainforests have expanded while populations of a fire sensitive conifer (Callitris) have collapsed throughout the Australian monsoon tropics. This contradictory pattern may be an ecological symptom of global environmental change. To address this, the project studies sites from north Queensland to Tasmania determining (a) variation in the rate and magnitude of rainforest expansion and (b) changes in Callitris populations analysing tree growth. These findings will: (i) quantify the dynamics of landscape change; (ii) evaluate the importance of lire and climate in controlling tree growth; (iii) resolve uncertainty about past impact of Aboriginal burning; and (iv) improve understanding CO2 enrichment on the global carbon cycle.
Australian Research Council ($570,000)
Grant-Discovery Projects
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Murphy B; Fensham RJ; Lloyd J
2008 - 2010
Grant Reference
Using Tree Rings of an Australian Conifer as a Bio-indicator of Decadal-scale Environmental Change (2008 - 2010)$726,669
Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth) ($726,669)
Grant-CERF Significant Project
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
2008 - 2010
Understanding the Health Effects of Landscape Burning and Biomass Smoke in Australian Towns and Cities (2008 - 2011)$558,000
Australian Research Council ($440,000)
Department of Health Western Australia ($10,000); Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania ($18,000); Department of Parks and Wildlife (Western Australia) ($30,000); Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment ($15,000); NSW Department of Health ($30,000); Tasmania Fire Service ($15,000)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 1
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Johnston F; Morgan GG; Price O
2008 - 2011
Grant Reference
The Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas (2008)$120,000
Australian Research Council ($120,000)
Grant-Linkage Infrastructure
Administered By
Australian National University
Research Team
Haberle SG; Evans B; Hungerford SC; Hope G; Kjakovic M; Kershaw AP; Bowman DMJS
Grant Reference
Pyrogeography - Fire's place in Earth system science (2008 - 2009)$64,300
National Science Foundation ($64,300)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Balch J
2008 - 2009
Using 14C and Delta 13C to investigate the age and dynamics of sedge moorland - forest mosaic landscapes in SW Tasmania (2008)$13,952
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($13,952)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Current theory and practice for the measurement of smoke pollution in order to develop options for monitoring in Tasmanian air-sheds (2008)$25,468
Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts ($25,468)
Grant-Tasmanian Environment Protection Fund
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
Using Repeat Aerial Photography to Investigate the Decadal Scale Boundary Dynamics of a Forest-Scrub-Moorland Vegetation Mosaic in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (2008)$4,000
Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment ($4,000)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Wood SW
Alternatives to 1080 Program - Home Range Shifts in Response to Lethal Control (2008 - 2010)$300,000
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania ($300,000)
Grant-Alternatives to 1080 Program
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Wiggins NL; McNeil DL
2008 - 2010
Investigating a Sustainable Wildlife Management Plan as an Alternative to 1080 Poison (2008)$7,500
Winifred Violet Scott Charitable Trust ($7,500)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Wiggins NL; Bowman DMJS
Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Data Processing Facilities at Charles Darwin University (2007)$101,967
Australian Research Council ($101,967)
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Ahmad W; Bowman DMJS; Boggs G ; Pearson DM; Garnett ST
Using Radiocarbon Bomb Pulse to perfect the Dating Tree Rings in Callitris in Outback Australia (2007)$17,162
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($17,162)
Administered By
University of Tasmania
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
A new-generation gas-source radiocarbon system for integrated environmental and archaeological research (2006)$854,354
Australian Research Council ($854,354)
Administered By
Australian National University
Research Team
Fifield LK; Chappell JM; De Deckker P; Cartwright I; Weaver TR; Bowman DMJS; Kershaw AP; Bush RT et al
Modelling and Control of Mosquite-borne Diseases in Darwin Using Long-term Monitoring (2006 - 2008)$638,251
Australian Research Council ($638,251)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 1
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Boggs G; Brook BW; Bowman DMJS; Bradshaw CJA; Morgan GG
2006 - 2008
Grant Reference
Ecological-epidemiological Models of Feral Swamp Buffalo Control in Northern Australia (2006 - 2009)$265,000
Australian Research Council ($265,000)
Grant-Linkage Projects Round 2
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Bradshaw CJA; McMahon CR; Bowman DMJS; Brook BW
2006 - 2009
Grant Reference
Discovering the Past and Present to Shape the Future: Networking Environmental Science and Managing Australian Biodiversity (2005 - 2009)$1,500,000
Australian Research Council ($1,500,000)
Grant-Research Networks Program
Administered By
University of Adelaide
Research Team
Hill RS; Bowman DMJS; Potts BM
2005 - 2009
Grant Reference
The Use of Carbon Isotopes (13C, 14C) to Determine the Dynamics of Spinifex and Mulga Boundaries (2004 - 2005)$25,000
Australian Institute Of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($25,000)
Project Grant
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Boggs G
2004 - 2005
Sustainable Northern Landscapes and the Nexus with Indigenous Health (2004 - 2006)$335,000
Land and Water Australia ($335,000)
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Burgess P; Johnston F
2004 - 2006
Kangaroo Hunting in Central Arnhem Land (2004)$7,500
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ($7,500)
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Murphy B
Applying macroecology to assist in the management of Kakadu National Park (2003 - 2005)$294,000
Australian Research Council ($294,000)
Linkage Grant
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Brook BW; Whitehead PJ; Kennett R; Haynes C
2003 - 2005
Bushfire smoke and the relationship between human and landscape health (2003 - 2006)$395,000
Australian Research Council ($395,000)
Linkage Grant
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Price OF; Gras JL; Foley M; Johnston FH; Bailie RS ; Parry DL; Pilotto L
2003 - 2006
Managing endangered Banteng in a jointly-managed national park: contested values, Indigenous aspirations and resource use (2003 - 2006)$144,000
Australian Research Council ($144,000)
Linkage Grant
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
Whitehead PJ; Bowman DMJS; Altman JC; Brook BW; Choquenot D
2003 - 2006
Stable isotopes in marsupials: reconstruction of environmental change in Australia (2003 - 2005)$210,000
Australian Research Council ($210,000)
Discovery Grant
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
GrĂ¼n R; Bowman DM; Gagan MK; Wells RT
2003 - 2005
Landscape-scale population dynamics of open forests in the Australian monsoon tropics (2003 - 2005)$275,000
Australian Research Council ($275,000)
Discovery Grant
Administered By
Northen Territory University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Brook BW; Werner PA; Williams RJ
2003 - 2005
Australian Livistona Palm Phytogeography using Molecular Ecology (2002 - 2004)$450,000
Ministry of Education, Japan ($450,000)
Grant in Aid
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Isagi Y
2002 - 2004
Evolution of Fire Resistance in the Myrtaceae of Northern Australia (2002)$8,000
Northern Territory University ($8,000)
Internal Scheme - Project Grant
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS; Prior L; Bellairs S
Internal Scheme - Principal Fellowship (2002 - 2004)$300,000
Northern Territory University ($300,000)
Research Fellowship
Administered By
Northern Territory University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS
2002 - 2004
The Use of Carbon Isotopes (13C, 14C) in Soil to Evaluate Savanna Dynamics in the Australian Monsoon Tropics (2001)$5,000
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering ($5,000)
Administered By
Charles Darwin University
Research Team
Bowman DMJS

Research Supervision

Professor Bowman has supervised more than 20 PhD, Masters and Honours students, and co-authored papers with nearly all of them. Many of his students have gone on to lead prominent careers in academia and land management. Bowman's philosophy is that a PhD project should involve a range of techniques and a mix of laboratory and field based research, and a balance of theoretical and applied research so that students have the maximum number of options for pursuing their careers. Bowman strongly encourages his students to win competitive funding and to travel to present their research at meetings and build network with land managers.






PhDAdvancing Ecological Restoration in Flammable Systems: Insights from a simulation and two field studies2019
PhDDynamic Mapping and Analysis of NSW Fire Regimes: Past, present and future2019
PhDDrivers of plant flammability2024


PhDAssessing the Health Burden of Bushfire Smoke in Australia
Candidate: Nicolas Borchers Arriagada
PhDA Study of Fire Severity across Three Spatiotemporal Scales using Remote Sensing, Environmental Factors and Plant Ecology
Candidate: Dario Rodriguez Cubillo
PhDThe 2013 ForcettDunalley Fire: A geospatial analysis of fire severity, pyrocumulonimbus dynamics, and smoke emissions
Candidate: Mercy Nelima Ndalila
PhDHow Do Wet Forests Burn? Fuels and fire danger in the world's tallest flowering forest
Candidate: James Mortimer Furlaud
PhDGrass, Fire, Kangaroos and Cattle: The nexus between fire and herbivory in northern Australia
Candidate: Angela Marie Reid
PhDReconstructing 600 Years of Landscape Change in the Grassy Woodlands of the Tasmanian Midlands
Candidate: Louise Marie Romanin
PhDTall Eucalypt Forests of Australia: Structure, pattern and process
Candidate: Jessie Carrington Buettel
PhDBattling the Elements: Environmental determinants of North Kimberley rainforests
Candidate: Stefania Ondei
PhDAre Giant Eucalypt Forests Rain Forests?
Candidate: David Yue Phin Tng
PhDThe Fire Ecology of Callitris intratropica: Tracing the Legacy of Aboriginal Fire Management to Inform Contemporary Responses to a Conservation Crisis on the Arnhem Plateau, Northern Australia
Candidate: Parker Trauernicht
PhDEcology and Habitat of a Threatened Nocturnal Bird, the Tasmanian Masked Owl
Candidate: Michael Kenneth Todd
PhDFire-Mediated Alternative Stable States in the Vegetation Communities of Southwest Tasmania
Candidate: Samuel Walter Wood