Courses & Units

Scientific Methods in Biology KPZ312


Biologists collect and reason with a wide range of data and information. This unit introduces the key processes needed to design, collect and analyse biological data, and develops the different ways in which data is converted to information and how this articulates with the decisions that biologists make in order to progress their science. As such, this unit complements traditional quantitative skills units by workshopping the different modes of scientific reasoning used in biology ranging from tightly controlled laboratory experiments to unreplicated field surveys. You will get the opportunity to consolidate and develop your basic data handling and analysis skills and integrate these into scientific reasoning about biological problems. This will be achieved by using a suite of real-life projects in the biological sciences in which you will be encouraged to develop your skills of critique, evaluation and synthesis. This unit is required in the Zoology and Ecology majors and is an option in the Plant Science major.


Unit name Scientific Methods in Biology
Unit code KPZ312
Credit points 12.5
College/School College of Sciences and Engineering
School of Natural Sciences
Discipline Biological Sciences
Coordinator Associate Professor Leon Barmuta
Available as an elective? Yes
Delivered By University of Tasmania
Level Advanced


Location Study period Attendance options Available to
Hobart Semester 1 On-Campus International Domestic


International students
Domestic students

Please check that your computer meets the minimum System Requirements if you are attending via Distance/Off-Campus.

Units are offered in attending mode unless otherwise indicated (that is attendance is required at the campus identified). A unit identified as offered by distance, that is there is no requirement for attendance, is identified with a nominal enrolment campus. A unit offered to both attending students and by distance from the same campus is identified as having both modes of study.

Key Dates

Study Period Start date Census date WW date End date
Semester 1 24/2/2025 25/3/2025 14/4/2025 1/6/2025

* The Final WW Date is the final date from which you can withdraw from the unit without academic penalty, however you will still incur a financial liability (refer to How do I withdraw from a unit? for more information).

Unit census dates currently displaying for 2025 are indicative and subject to change. Finalised census dates for 2025 will be available from the 1st October 2024. Note census date cutoff is 11.59pm AEST (AEDT during October to March).

About Census Dates

Learning Outcomes

  • articulate the scientific methods used in biological sciences.
  • explain why current scientific knowledge is both contestable and testable by further inquiry.
  • conduct scientific enquiries and solve problems by designing and planning an investigation in biological science.
  • select and apply practical and/or theoretical techniques or tools in order to conduct an investigation.
  • collect, accurately record, interpret and draw conclusions from raw quantitative data.

Fee Information

2025 fee information will be available in September.



One of KPA214, KPZ215, KPZ211, KZA212


Teaching Pattern

2 x 2 hour face to face computer workshops weekly for Weeks 1 - 8

2 x 50 minute face to face (also recorded) lectorials for weekly Weeks 1 - 8

2 x 1 hour face to face consultation workshops with teaching staff for weekly Weeks 9 -13

AssessmentData Management Report (15%)|Mid-semester test (15%)|Sampling and Design Report (15%)|End of semester test (20%)|Research Project (35%)
TimetableView the lecture timetable | View the full unit timetable



Required readings will be listed in the unit outline prior to the start of classes.

The University reserves the right to amend or remove courses and unit availabilities, as appropriate.