Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES)

Vulnerability, Resilience and Policing Research Consortium (VRPRC)


The Vulnerability, Resilience and Policing Research Consortium (VRPRC) is a network of researchers specialising in the topic of vulnerable people in the criminal justice system, how community and systems resilience in criminal justice contexts can be built and strengthened, and innovative policy and practice approaches in this field. The consortium also falls under the banner of the Policing Vulnerability.

The Consortium is coordinated across two key organisations: the University of Tasmania, via the Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES), and Western Sydney University.


This Consortium aims to consolidate research efforts and resources on the topic of vulnerability in policing and the justice system in general through sharing news and opportunities about research projects and publications.

The Consortium convenes occasional workshops, which gather academics, practitioners, policy makers and community members to showcase conceptual and practice-based innovations in the field.



Current Membership


Upcoming and Past Events


Journals, Reports, Books