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Phase 4: Delivery

The next phase of the contractor management lifecycle is "delivery", or “managing contractor performance”. The purpose of this phase is to facilitate the effective administration, management and monitoring of contractor WHS performance as set out in Engagement documentation.

Key steps to this phase that must be undertaken in relation to WHS include:

  • considering any variations in the scope of the contractor’s activities
  • monitoring and reviewing the contractor’s performance including documentation requirements
  • non-conformance
  • incident reporting and investigation

Variations to Scope of Contractor’s Activities

Any variation in either the nature or scope of the Contractor’s activities must be accompanied by a review of the contract risk assessment to ensure that any new or emerging risks are identified. The Contractor and the Contract Manager must also step through the engagement and evaluation requirements for system and site-specific documentation for the new risks identified.

Audits and Inspections

The objective of an audit is to verify formally that the documented safety procedures are being followed and control measures are implemented. The audit process should focus on checking whether the Contractor, and any sub-contractors are implementing the required safety procedures.

Audits should be undertaken in accordance with the audit schedule set in Assurance Requirements in the Selection and Engagement phase and adjusted during the contract based upon WHS performance.

Performance Reporting

The Contract Manager must review WHS performance reports provided by contractors. The information captured in the contractor’s performance reports will be used to identify trends both for the contractor’s activities and the broader scope of works and to assist in developing ongoing risk-based audit and inspection programs. Results will also provide the basis for continuous improvement. Performance will be discussed at the regular Progress Meetings established in the Consultation, Co-operations and Co-ordination section in the Selection and Engagement phase.

If a report from a contractor identifies a non-conformance this must be recorded and a corrective action raised and assigned to the Contract Manager who is responsible for ensuring the improvement takes place or the non-conformance is corrected.

Incident Reporting and Management

All near misses and incidents must be reported and managed as per the University of Tasmania Incident Response and Investigation Procedure and lodged in MySAFETY system as soon as practicable.

The Contract Manager is responsible for liaising with the WHS Manager for any notifiable incidents as per the University of Tasmania MySAFETY system and procedures. Contractors are also responsible for reporting notifiable incidents to the relevant authority in their capacity as a PCBU.

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