Data Classification Framework

A risk and consequence scale, informing data governance decision making.

The University of Tasmania Data Classification Framework facilitates the classification of data on a risk and consequence scale, informing data governance decision making.

Additional guidance relation to data handling, storage and sharing can be found in the Information Management Procedure [PDF 279.8 KB] and the Research Data Management Procedure [PDF 316.8 KB].

Data Classification Framework


Data misuse would have little to no impact.


Data misuse unlikely to cause harm or have a negligible adverse impact.


Data breach or misuse may have a major adverse impact on the university or an external party. Release could be a regulatory offence.


Data breach or misuse expected to cause severe harm to the university or an external party. Release could be a regulatory or criminal offence.

Information that is made publicly available and where unauthorised access, alteration, loss, misuse, or disclosure would have little to no impact.

The information is authorised for public access and may be openly available to students and the general public, however may not necessarily be released into the public domain.

Examples of Green Data

  • Course guides
  • Public facing website
  • Course catalogues and syllabi
  • University event schedules and announcements
  • Publicly available university policies and procedures
  • Staff directories with publicly available contact information
  • Published annual reports
  • Published research data

The University’s Data Classification Framework was informed by the current regulatory landscape and developed in partnership with the ARDCs Research Data Management Framework for Institutions.