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Exercise Science Supervisor Assessment

Download Exercise Science Supervisor Assessment Guide (PDF 190.5 KB)

(If different to principal supervisor)
Which populations has the student worked with at your worksite?
Competency Criteria WT = working towards, not yet meeting minimum safe standards; PASS = Meets minimum safe standards; HC = Highly Competent (exceeds min standards); O = Outstanding (greatly exceeds min standards)
NA(A) = Activity not available at work site; NA(B) = Activity not observed sufficiently to assess

Specific feedback is required and must be less than 500 words.

CriteriaWTPASSHCONA(A)NA(B)Specific Feedback*
1. Demonstrates Professional Behaviour
2. Demonstrates Appropriate Client Interaction and Rapport Building
3. Demonstrates Self-Management Skills
4. Demonstrates Collaborative Practice
5. Demonstrates Appropriate Communication Skills
6. Demonstrates Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills
7. Demonstrates Awareness of own Limitations and Displays Commitment to Ongoing Learning
8. Demonstrates Appropriate Screening Skills
9. Demonstrates Appropriate and Safe Assessment Skills
10. Demonstrates Appropriate and Safe Exercise Prescription
11. Demonstrates Appropriate and Safe Exercise Delivery
12. Demonstrates Appropriate Knowledge Base
Declaration *