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Cartons of Calm

Learning Level: Gr 3-4

Theme Area:

Description: The carton of calm was designed to provide children with an opportunity to explore and document what activities they could do to help them feel more calm. They decorated their egg cartons with an image that meant something to them personally. Then using the 12 spaces in their egg carton they wrote out 12 scenarios or ideas on how they might keep calm (eg. I would lie on my bed and read a book). These were recorded on a piece of paper and rolled up to fit inside each space in the egg carton.

Measures of Success: Children had developed 12 thought out and documented strategies to help them to feel calm. The 'Carton of Calm' was decorated and filled with the 12 scrolls of paper. They may have discussed these strategies with friends, classmates, teacher and parents in the development stage and/or once the artefact was completed and on display. Students felt more calm or had new strategies on how to remain calm in times of need. Students were able to focus on school work and use these strategies during the day at school and also at home.