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Pick & Learn, Browsing Garden, RAW Eating

Learning Level: Gr 1-2 and Gr 6 (whole school)

Theme Area:

Description: Indoor and outdoor gardens were designed by students for picking and eating raw foods. A range of plants was selected that the children can graze on during class times and in recess and lunch. Children are taught how to pick small amounts and eat little bits now and then so that other children can do the same and plants can still grow. No cooking and no chemicals were involved. The activities provided opportunities for children to try new foods and easy access to living foods. Children also administered a survey to their Buddy Class (Gr 1 / 2 ) before and after the garden activities.

Measures of Success: Students learn how to grow and care for edible plants. Students increase their fresh food intake and thereby enjoy the balance of fresh and processed foods in their diets. By eating, living, fresh foods students can increase their understanding of nutrition, anti-oxidants and hydration in a regular and enjoyable way. They may display changes in willingness to try vegetables and a change in attitude towards eating vegetables.

Our class is starting to grow sunflower greens in trays. We are allowed to eat them all the time for a snack. They are very yummy and they are healthy


The children love eating food that they pick themselves. They will try different food when they have grown it themselves. They even pick on things like parsley and broccoli Parents would not believe what they will eat!

'Pick and Learn' Teacher